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Noticed any adverse effects of cannabis use?


May your race always be in your favor
I have been smoking since 1968, hash in Germany got me started. My oldest bro he's 70, is currently under going treatment for AML leukemia, cause by radiation treatments for colon cancer. we have been keeping him high with the use of tinctures brought in to the hosp. with out them knowing. Anyway he has been a serious smoker for the last 25 years his cancer doc said theres nothing wrong with his organs lungs brain etc( we're getting ready to do a T cell transplant if all works out. So, back to the subject, both of us have been smoking for over 40 years daily and a lot. Neither of us suffers from any ill effects unless we run out then its jones time and that just don't happen.


Well-known member
PermaBuzz said:
Thought about switching to vaporizing but have doubts because it seems like it wont have the same punch that smoking gives ya.

first toke in 1968 and been vaporizing since 2000 -- definitely different from smoking -- more mental (high rather than stoned), no lung gunk, and no heavy odor in house -- i'll always vaporize.


Active member
What some people have said about middle ear problems make me think that might be part of problem. My balance just SUCKS.

It's been getting way worse. Every time I stand or even turn my head quickly I lose balance completely. I have fallen. I've been on a tolerance break for about 3 weeks though and only seems to be getting worse. I gave up on western medicine about a year ago after years of being poked and prodded, seeing multiple doctors, neurologists, MRIs, CAT scans, x-rays, blood tests, fuck it. I was becoming some money making thing for them to bill medicare. FUCKING QUACKS. But I don't think the problem comes from years of cannabis use. I quit for over 20 years for the job and family. It sure sucks though.

Combined with a bad back and fucked-up knee I'm screwed. Must be hiarious watching me stumble around like a drunken zombie, sure is embarrassing. I don't think it'd the fault of the weed. In fact, that's one of the few things that seems to help at all, ... or makes me not care at all. But if I found that was the problem I could quit entirely in a heartbeat. I'd still grow though. GREAT hobby. Although I can't share much as I'd like about it.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
I have been toking since 1976 and I don't feel any adverse effects. I have a fairly demanding physical job so it helps keep me active physically. I try to keep my self mentally sharp by doing mind games. I will say I do feel like i have some memory problems. But those have plagued me since I can remember. Peoples names are the worst for me. I can be introduced to someone and forget their name in minutes. It can be quite awkward at times.

I try to grow sativas as much as possible. I can tell you there are some sativas out there that have a very lethargic comedown. Others are very motivating and lack that lethargic feeling. Over-medicating seems to bring on the blahs more. for me all weed indica,sativa, poly-hybrid get me going. I can not smoke before going to bed or else I lay awake for an hour.


I agree, it's called "self-medicating". These kids are in pain and are trying whatever they can do lessen their pain.

Cannabis doesn't cause any of these problems, it sounds like alot of people here are confusing the medication with the problem. Do you blame the aspirin you took for your headache? Or the antibiotic you took when you got an infection?

So why blame the cannabis someone took because they were trying to lessen the pain of their oncoming schizophrenia?

I've thought about this a lot, with good reason.
We know schizophrenia develops in the late teens early twenties most peoples contact with pot starts in the late teens and early twenties, kids who are having mental health problems are more likely to use/abuse drugs so maybe its not the pot; Maybe the pot use is just a by product of underlying mental health issues.


Active member
Definitely fucks up my stomach, but cures my arthritis. So when I can't stand the arthritis anymore, I vape 'till it's gone, but then my stomach is fucked.


I'd question exactly what your friend meant because every study i've read has come to the conclusion that no, it's not going to do you much harm. Much less than drinking and probably drinking coffee too.

Make sure she's talking about cannabis's effect as a drug as opposed to the effect of burning organic matter and breathing it in, which could be a bit dangerous and is still an area of debate. Every old person I know who has smoked all their lives are a bit hippyish, but healthy and sane.

I can't resist! You think hippies are healthy and sane? Obviously, you have never lived in Austin nor Eugene...lol..go downtown Eugene and look up frog and ask him....


Some of the "racey" strains of pot can cause heart rhythm problems. At least one of my friends cannot smoke because some breeds - like big bud - cause his rhythm problem to act up and his defibrillator has to shock the hell out of him to get his heart to beat right again. This is a deadly problem for him so he doesn't smoke anymore. There's a tv show out now that shows research done in the UK on cannabis. I would say that because it is a drug, it should be used with caution. Maybe Obunny will allow research in the US so we can have access to the truth about cannabis use and strains. But RP is the only one pro cannabis and hemp. They other ones could give a hit less...


i think there is a element of denial on this thread , of course they are negatives to regular weed smoking, and like anything in life to much of it, is a bad thing , you have the mental effects , it can make you less adventurous , less willing to try new things , and go new places , meet new people , can even make you paranoid , it slows you down, it dims you in a way, it makes you less than the sum of your parts , it takes that certain percent from you , think of any heavy smoker there always slower , there not sharp , and im not taking i.q , im talking there mental process's , you can tell by just looking at them there dope heads/high, there demeanour , there mannerisms, but the same can be said about alcohol or any other drug to much takes it toll even if the person them selfs cant see it , and on the physical side there is the lung damage the bad skin , the doped out look , the dull heavy eyes , you look at any heavy dope head there eyes arnt bright, there not virile, there not energetic , they dont have that glow a healthy livin t total person has if you know what i mean ...................................................................... but all that said id never give it up lol i do know it is damaging me , it is effecting me but lifes to short, so for the same reason people drink and people smoke cigs, i do it because i enjoy it


Active member
i think there is a element of denial on this thread , of course they are negatives to regular weed smoking, and like anything in life to much of it, is a bad thing , you have the mental effects , it can make you less adventurous , less willing to try new things , and go new places , meet new people , can even make you paranoid , it slows you down, it dims you in a way, it makes you less than the sum of your parts , it takes that certain percent from you , think of any heavy smoker there always slower , there not sharp , and im not taking i.q , im talking there mental process's , you can tell by just looking at them there dope heads/high, there demeanour , there mannerisms, but the same can be said about alcohol or any other drug to much takes it toll even if the person them selfs cant see it , and on the physical side there is the lung damage the bad skin , the doped out look , the dull heavy eyes , you look at any heavy dope head there eyes arnt bright, there not virile, there not energetic , they dont have that glow a healthy livin t total person has if you know what i mean ...................................................................... but all that said id never give it up lol i do know it is damaging me , it is effecting me but lifes to short, so for the same reason people drink and people smoke cigs, i do it because i enjoy it

Hell no.


I can vouch for the head rushes, and I honestly feel sorry for anyone who gets a violent sickening reaction to marijuana, because they are a tiny minority of people, who frankly, at this point in time, don't really need to be heard as if they are trying to help the 99.999% of us who receive only relief and comfort from marijuana and have to deal with persecution and prosecution as 100% possible every day of their lives.

The fact is their is bullshit study after bullshit study funded by drug company shitbags and God knows who else, there are adverse effects, but marijuana is one of the least toxic plants on the planet, and violent illness just isn't one of the side effects. There were likely other factors involved, if in fact you aren't just the unluckiest person in the world, Dump Don.


Active member
Some of the "racey" strains of pot can cause heart rhythm problems. At least one of my friends cannot smoke because some breeds - like big bud - cause his rhythm problem to act up and his defibrillator has to shock the hell out of him to get his heart to beat right again. This is a deadly problem for him so he doesn't smoke anymore.

Tell him to try vaping. Lots of reports of folks being able to vape or eat edibles.... that can't smoke anything without it causing issues for them. Vaping works for some reason.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
Smoking for 35 years on and off, daily for around twenty-five years.
Occasionally have experienced head rush/nausea/dizziness that makes me wonder if in the end the side effects will be neurological or inner-ear based -- palsy, small or large strokes, tinnitis, spins that don't quit --

Lungs I no longer worry about due to vaping.


ICMag Donor
after 45 years of use ya'd think there might be but there aren't.

Lots more downside to asprin

that smell

weed is like anything else,the potential for excess is there. If you allow anything to rule your life you are in trouble. I have loved weed for the past 30+ years, but I know how it reacts on me and I plan accordingly. I work in healthcare and my coworkers would be shocked to know I smoke.Lets dont confuse responsible use with abuse.


Active member
Ok... couple of things people have been complaining about cannabis that have nothing to do with cannabis. Just to let ya know.

#1 The head rushes are from over nuted meds. Might also possibly be chems, but I know for sure I got the same thing with my own cannabis... ONLY when it's over nuted and hasn't been flushed out. Used to get that all the time with Nevada meds and occasionally with Cali meds. Now I know where it comes from.

#2 Stomach pain. That's azadactrin products or some other miticide/pesticide. Cannabis does NOT cause stomach pain... quite the opposite.

OGmolton said:
I honestly feel sorry for anyone who gets a violent sickening reaction to marijuana, because they are a tiny minority of people, who frankly, at this point in time, don't really need to be heard as if they are trying to help the 99.999% of us who receive only relief and comfort from marijuana and have to deal with persecution and prosecution as 100% possible every day of their lives.
My stomach is currently F'd because I've had to deal with local cannabis again. I'm well aware of this and yeah... 99% of the population really doesn't understand until they have the information and then are exposed to massive doses of cannabis with azadactrin products on them (azamax, azatrol aza-sol, etc...). THEN they feel the muscle tension, stomach pain and other issues begin for them. Sometimes I wish I wasn't sensitive enough to have pain/issues from this.

Just an FYI. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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