Comfortably numb!
Yassir! It is all a mind set. That being said... not all vaporizers are created equal. I will go out of my way to patronize a store that have demonstrated that they "listen" to their customers. One size does not fit all.I have to admit, now that I've transitioned entirely out of combustion, the quality of high that I consistently get is far nicer than when I smoked. I remember a lot of the time, when smoking, how that horrible ash taste towards the end of the bowl can really linger, acting a bit like a buzz kill. Or when your inhale a little ember? Prevents enjoying the high sometimes. But vaping tastes great all the way to the end. It gets a little toastier by that last puff, but it's never a buzz kill. Also, I get the euphoria regularly. The body tingles and stuff. Vaping brings that out to the fore front
Just want to encourage some of you who want to make vaping work for you. It's worth it. Keep trying.