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NOT AGAIN, you won't steal reggaeton

when did i saypuerto ricans aren't altin1?!?!!?!?! i said reggaeton isn't latino music, it's puerto rican music... as in all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.....


Im glad someon likes reggageton in here,i dont but nuff respects to the man that does,i think it kills my meditation,would much rather myself listen to some reggae from the 70's or 80's or some 60's music or Grateful Dead,but still,nuff respec to de man for his appreciation and love for that Genre.And big up to chips and green salsa(homemade and garden fresh only)


Well-known member
Ok, i'm tired of people taking credit away from my people for salsa, when the most famous perfourmers are, surprise, puertorican/newyorican, and in fact, it was born in new york from PUERTORICAN immingrants, not cubans.

Cuban salsa and Puerto Rican salsa are very much different because of the result of mixing the original(puertorican) sala with guaguanco and other cuban rythms.

Now, reggaeton, ok, the 3+2 base was born from the mix of jamaican dancehall rythms and (surprise) salsa inpanama, but the actual sound of reggaeton, and the ORIGINAL productions, ie, not based on jamaican riddim releases(which is still how they do it in panama after more than 20 years :S) started in puerto rico with playero/nelson.

so all you spaniards, all you mexicans, all you argentinians, everyone... whilst we enjoy that you love our music, please, do give credit where credit is due. reggaeton is NOT a latino rythm.... reggaeton is a PUERTO RICAN rythm...

flame away, haha
Aquí se considera a el panameño "El General" como uno de los precursores (aunque de todas formas creo tenia mucha relación con músicos portoriqueños y/o neoyorkinos-portoriqueños). Quizá solo sea por que fué el primero en sonar en España, en 1990...
Pero solo lo escuchaban en los ambientes del Hip Hop y Reggae.
Desde luego, la explosión definitiva llegó varios años después desde Puerto Rico, y ya como música "de masas".
Actually started in Panama....don't know the origins of salsa though, if that was in dispute.
...Veo que otros creen igual...
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Well-known member
no..... REAGGAETON started in puerto rico, panama started panamanian dancehall, two VERY differente styles...
Claro... Pero aquí no se consideraba el estilo de, por ejemplo, El General como Dancehall (aunque en un principio en esos ambientes es donde solo se escuchaba inicialmente esa música), sino como un estilo nuevo derivado del Dancehall, pero con con otro rítmo. Dancehall panameño se consideraba, por ejemplo, a Kafu Bantun, por ejemplo...

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Well-known member
Y luego está  Morad, desde Barcelona, que suena ya a Reguetón con influencias del Trap :

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