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NOT AGAIN, you won't steal reggaeton

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
hey, chips and salsa at least is pleasing....to your hunger.
reggaeton is horrible.
just as bad, if not worse than "krumping"
but at least those clowns dress like clowns, so its semi funny.
the only thing i'd do w/ a reggaeton record is wipe my ass with it.

i'm just stating what cocktail frank thinks and nobody else.
but take into consideration that i am an asshole :p
that's cause you haven't listened to reggaeton :p

listening to a station and thikning that is reggaeton is like listening to you and thinking you're intelligent..

L8 Bloomer

New member
In general I dont think anyone is taking credit for reggeaton. you do need to relax a bit , take a puff or something. reggaeton is way too ghetto for me.
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well, i've been denied approval to release even a single of this guys songs. even the drum loops he won't let me. three people have already tried to physically steal his sound library, that's how fucking different his sound is...

imma keep eating at him, you guy's have GOT to hear... he's just a bit dubious since it's a weed site.


how are puerto ricans not latin? i could kind of take it or leave it as far as the music goes but i am a way big of fan of the chicas that are into it...holy christ those rican girls hear it and they go nuts...is pitbull raggaeton? bitches love that shit...
NserUame said:
Actually started in Panama....don't know the origins of salsa though, if that was in dispute.

no..... REAGGAETON started in puerto rico, panama started panamanian dancehall, two VERY differente styles...

corridos? hahahahahahhaahahaha

es que esos hombres en guadalajara
son hombres bien inteligentes
personaas bastante decentes
pero si no pagas te cortan con machete

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oh, and pit bull has some reggaeton songs.

seriously, if all you naysaywers would simply download either chyno nynos or tego calderon's work you'd knwo what i mean about commercial reggaeton being crap, starting by the idiot daddy yankee.

Daddy actually doesn't write his own stuff... He's just a fucking fraud. I still can't believe the little bitch actually made it. i've seen him get slapped around quite a bit, hahahaha. seriously... you ugys are getting the short end of the stick...

don't even get me started on don omar... i'm a friend of the guy that beat the shit out of him in llorens, hahaha. my only wish is that i'd done it myself :p


Revegged_Clone said:
no..... REAGGAETON started in puerto rico, panama started panamanian dancehall, two VERY differente styles...

corridos? hahahahahahhaahahaha

es que esos hombres en guadalajara
son hombres bien inteligentes
personaas bastante decentes
pero si no pagas te cortan con machete


No. Puerto rico made the music popular sadly, but the first recorded reggaeton cd was in Panama. So I'm tipping the scales in their favor for that one.

Either way it doesn't really matter reggaeton is about as entertaining as a drill bit in the ear.
our sound is IMMENSELY different from panamanian sound. i know the first 3+2 album was recorded there. fuck, i grew up listening to el general, BUT... the modern sound of reggaeton is purely a puertorican creation. the main beat is taken from panamanian reggaeton, yes, but it's like saying calypso is the same as samba...


mexicanmafia said:
dude......... all the songs have the same beat!

nough said!


Zactly. I'm pretty much arguing at this point merely over the fine print, but damnit it's the fine print that winds up locking you in at a 99% interest rate...err.

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