100 deg ouch thats harsh! Looks like you gotta invest in a A/C. What did you do with the hermies??? Make cookies or something, that sux they hermied!!~! Ive had that happen and it sux. My first run I knew literally nothing about growing and no computer to read up on info with, so when they hermied I just left them in the box and had a batch full of seeds. Thats good you knew to spot them (Props to you!) The rest are looking great, but if I were you i wouldnt count your buds weights before there done. Some strains pack on weight late and fill in way quick, be patient!!!! Your shits gonna be FAT in another month! Anyways Ive been away for awile and now im back. I wish you the best of luck and cant wait to hear that fourth of July smoke report lol! Grow on brotha
Yea 100 deg was rough it was only for one day though, im leaving them with 24 hours of darkness today so that i can make the light run at night, that will fix my temp problems most likely since its only about 50 deg here at night, just those 90 deg sunny days that were killin me since i dont have any ac. But an ac is in the works, no $$$ now but one day . I will update on the temps tonight after i let it run for an hour. Thanks for checkin in guys i really appreciate it. Hope all is well with everyone.
I know how your feeling with that temp problem man. I've kept my windows open to help with smell and It's damn hot in my room lately. Southern Ontario has been experiencing some hot weather and needless to say the ice doesn't last long in my bong. My only suggestion is grab a few cold beers :friends:
Hey dude it hott here were I live too, and I know its hott were Sir lives. Thats the best way to keep it cool is run the lights at night and veg with fluoros. Even with my A/C my box will still hit 80-82 during the hottest part of the day. The nights the shit lol!
Im really loving running the light at night keepin my temps in the high 70's low 80's which is just where i want it right now. The plants are looking really nice right now. some of the plants are going through another fattening stage, especially H3 the main cola is starting to fill in and its got me excited. dont really like watering at night though, kind of annoying but it keeps me from spending my whole day with my head in the closet hahaha. Now for some pics.
Here are all three of the remaining H's, starting from the left its H5, H3 and on the right is the semi seeded H2. fed em all tonight with a pretty heavy dose of nutes. Hit em with 1 tbls ejgrow, 3 tbls ejbloom and 2tbls ej catlyst. They seem to be liking the heavy feedings so take a look.
Next up here is H5 the smallest of all of the H's buds are starting to pack on some weight take a peek at em.
Heres a closup of the bud, good trich production but not even close to the best.
Now this is H3, She is packing on weight more than all of the others, the main cola on this chica is starting to really thicken up, im excited to see whats to come over this last month of flower!!!
Heres a little closup of the main top on H3
Now here is the crazy plant, H2. It only threw some nanners on some of the buds and not all of them. I think it was related to heatstress and a little light leak that i found. but here take a look, i was really excited since the trich production is the better on this plant than any other, sad that some of the buds are gonna have seeds, but i have no doubts it will still be killer smoke.
Now this is a bud that didnt get any pollen on it at all
and here is a pregnant one
Im starting to get really excited, its kinda hard for me to look at all these buds everyday when i have absolutly ZERO and i repeat ZEROOO herb/hash/anytype of stash.. its sad but i think it will be good for me to take down my thc intake for a while so when i do finally harvest and cure, i will get sooooooo roortarded i wont know what to do so that will be fun. I have a lot to look forward to. Im starting to think about new genetics i want to try in my setup in a few months so if anyone has any suggestions they are welcome, i will consider any plant that will finish within the 70-75 day range, anything longer than that i dont want to deal with and generally dont have the patience for.
haha as an after thought if anyone has any crosses they want tested haha i woudlnt mind being a lab rat if ya know what i mean hahah. Hope all is well with everyone and that your grows are going as planned. Peace for now.
Looking good bro! I would let the bud(s) that were seeded go 6 weeks from when they were originally pollinated. Thats how long it takes for seeds to get finished. You might as well have some more beans of what youve got now thats its already pollinated. Just pick the buds that are ready when the time comes and let the seeded ones go a bit longer. Just my opinion! Your plants are looking great by the way, there gonna fill in way fat in the next month!!! Grow on bro!!!!
P.S how many day are you at ??? (into flower)
yea they are all at 31 days flower as of tonight, im hoping to see alot of growth over this last month of flower, to tell you the truth these buds are about the size of my finished buds from my first grow so im just hopin they are gonna swell nice... Im praying everynight for em.. i need to pray since my skills are soooo newbish... it never hurts to ask for help though huh??
so you say 6 weeks for the seeded buds huh? i think i will let em go as long as i can which is up to the 4th of july which would be 62 days flower, i think they will be done by then dont you?
Oh yea i almost forgot, picked up a gram of some amazing trainwreck full melt bubble hash today, just in the nic'of time to i was completly out, and its pretty rare to get stuff this good where i live.
well thats all for now, im gonna snap some shots of the M and the burmese delight, the buds on them are not as big as the H's but im not worried i think they will fill in nicely over the next month.
P.S.- Knifers anyone????? just come over the stoves already hot.
wow brother lookin way good over there! im stoked to see your progress. i been without internet for couple weeks but im swingin again. i have harvested fully and in limbo for the month. i got moms awaiting for many healthy cuts. you are doin hall of a job though i must say. congrats on scorin some hash up there. quality is hard to find in your region. keep the pics comin bro. oh and six weeks is plenty for the seed to finish man like INB said. INB wants to grow some crossed seed really bad. he would know. hasta luego homie and keep pimpin those girls.
Hey SIR take a look at these closups These are of the unseeded buds on my H2 plant, its got the best trich production out of all of my ladies, sad to see that most of her buds will have a few seeds in them but i still think they will be potent and delicious but anyway here are some pics
Here are two shots of one of the buds that got seeded there are only gonna be a few seeds buds it doesnt do anything for their look
Next up is some closups of H5 its the shorty of the room buts its fillin out, and i just noticed that there is exactly 1 seed in the main cola, its dissapointing but you live and you learn.
and last for tonight is the big beauty H3 the shots arnt as close as the others, but maybe i will take more shots later tonight afters i smoke some hash out of the dub bub, maybe ill even take pics of that too haha.
and damnit does anyone know how to make the pics larger?? i would really like to know how these little pics just dont do them justice anymore.
Your nugs will still be bomb even though they have seeds in them, just pick em out and smoke away lol! Next round you will be able to spot the hermies sooner and (hopefully) keep them on a strick schedule lighting wise. I bet you will have no problems!!! Your shits looking great, I bet it fills in a bunch before chop chop!
back again tonight for an update on all my ladies at 34 days flower. I gave em all a feed today of my current flower mix (conists of 1 gal water, 1 tblspn ej grow, 3 tblspns ej bloom, and two tablespoons ej catalyst) they are seeming to be responding well to it. I have some long awaited pics of the M and the burmese delight, i want to get those out of the way first so here we go.
First up is the burmese delight, i think it suffered a lot with a serious nitrogen deficiency, the buds are starting to grow again so we will see how they look over the next week, here are the pics.
Next up is the M, its looking pretty ill. Its gonna have a lot of long spear like buds by the end of flower hopfully. THe pics speak better than me
Now we have the three that you all have seen shots of recently, the H's. They keep on stacking bigger and bigger everyday. Even the smaller buds that arnt getting that much light are getting big and frosty.
Here are the pics of H5 the short one, she is stacking quite nicly
Now here is the tall girl H3, She is starting to frost up nicely now and has a large top cola developing. Take a look.
This is H2 the plant that half ass seeded itself its so damn frosty and beautiful i just cant wait to see those buds swell up over the next month.
Now we have a group shot of the H ladies bathing together
Now here is a shot of what the closet looks like at 34 days or nights as it is now haha.
INVB - yea i think the buds that are seeded will still be really dank, they are so covered in crystals i couldnt imagine them being anything less than spectacular. Thanks for checkin in bro!!!
BR - Yea they are frosty as hell right now at 34 days, im super excited to see how frosty they end up being around day 60!!! ill be checkin in on you soon!
Thanks for stopping by the grow everyone. I think its going quite well now and im just excited to see what these ladies are gonna do over this last month. Hope all is well with everyone and their grows. Peace.
those are some good pics bro. that weed will be bomb for sure. we gotta get you some girl beans. you got the talent and passion to turn out great smoke time after time. you need stable conditions and strains to avoid the hermies. i can help with one area and it sounds like you got the other end covered now. great move on lighting at night. that is how we do it around my hood. pm me so i can get ya all good in your hood. shack attack up north if youd like . i bet you would love the shack man, everyone does! you MUST get a scrubber for them no doubt. they wreak to high hell and you will never forget or mistake the odor with any thing else on the planet i swear . just ask my friends who grow em out. well youll see soon enough anyways.
tell the little lady and your partner SIR sayz hey
Yea the hermies this run are definitly a bummer, but i mean i did start with some bagseed so i mean it was always a possibility that they might herm and with a little help from all that heat from running during the day they popped some sacs and reeked a little havok, i got like 5 good rooted clones of the M to drop in as soon as these ladies are done around the 4th of July so im hoping not to skip a beat. Thanks for the kind words brother, you will be recieving a PM from me probobly within the day hehehe. I cant wait to have some good strains to show you guys what N.Kron is really capable of. Thanks again for stoppin by Sir, Ill be by your show post haste. Peace Kneegrow,
What a tight nit community we got here! Score for ya bro! The SS are all females. At least all 40 or so have been. You'll be stoked I mean who dosent love a purple plant???
Just coming in to report on how things are going. as for the grow.... i dont know i got some brown spots showing up all over the fan leaves now, i thought my problems were over but obviously not. I think its mag def and i dont have any cal mag or any money to buy any so i think im shit out of luck, any way you guys know of to give the plants some mag cheaply and locally (i live in the middle of nowhere, ughhh). On an lighter note, i did a smoke test of a popcorn nug that i chopped off of H2 on day 34 i think. Here are some pics from today just before i smoked it.
So as for the smoke it was very good for being only 34 days into flower, got me and my girl quite lit for about an hour. The taste was still a bit green but with a very dank aftertaste. The flavor was sweet but not there just yet. Still better than beasters anyday haha. I will update on all of the ladies tommorrow night when they wake up and i feed em.
Hook it up with the Mag suggestions!! thanks all, Hope all your grows are going well.
Oh yea and INB I am more excited that i can say to be getting the honor to also grow the SS it should be awsome dude!!!! cant wait to those babies and find myself a mum!! peace dudes