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NorthernKronic's 400 watt closet grow!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey everyone, mainly sir since hes the only one watching haha..

just a little update, waterd the T's today, they are starting to thicken up a bit, i still dont know how much i like the look of them yet, not much branching going on, much more verticle, not really my thing. I topped the confirmed female H2 today, it was growing so much faster than all the rest i hope that maybe the topping will let the others catch up to its height. Its easily about 3-4 in taller than all of the others. The Burmese Delight is a straight up bush Im praying right now that it shows female preflowers so i can take some clones and pop em into rapid rooters. If I have my way i want to have 9 well rooted and vegged clones of Burmese Delight to put into flower when my current grow is done. I might try and do a Scrog, but we will see. Also for the next grow i will have more watts. maybe another 400 or another 600 preferably. but who ever knows right. for now im happy with what i have and thats whats important right. Well its time for me to hit the sack and for once i dont mean smoke haha. Hope everyone is well. Good talkin to ya Sir.


Grower of fine herbs...
Haha never to old to skate SSA!! while were on the subject just built a mini ramp in my friends garage. just gotta put down some masonite and were in business. hope ur doin well man.
Hey dude i suspect that Sirsmokalot and I are a little older than you! We have been homies for EVER and we skated and skated and skated. I know he feels the same way as I do but !!! You do get to old to skate! It sucks, im not old but I cant afford to get hurt and that means all I get to do is roll up and down my driveway doing manuels and kickflips. It sucks I wish I skated everyday again, but i would roll or break a ankle and bam no work ! that means no $$$$ Its a major bummer. I broke my ankle doing a nollie shuvit on a curb showin little kids how to shuvit a few years ago. I gave up after that. I wish i wouldnt have!! dont stop skating!!!! or growing lol I go on rants all blazed up lol. Your plants are looking great I cant wait to see those ladies fat buds I bet they will be bomb!!!!!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
hey INVB, yea man Im definitly a young buck, I love skating dude its so much fun, i longboarded a lot more last summer than shortboarding and that is the shit, Just like snowboarding but you cant stop and there are cars driving on the hill haha. Im not gonna stop skating anytime soon, and growing isnt going out of style for me for a long time. I just like to go and roll around on the board all blazed it makes me smile and thats whats important to me, as long as i can pay my rent its all good. Did have to quit my job washing dishs because of a broken arm, but who misses dishs right?? haha hope everyone is well.


Nice little grow you have going. I too was a skater, you definately get too old. I still have some of my old decks. I have a Salma, Hosoi and a Lance Mountain, very old school. Broke my ankle on a mini half, that pretty much ended it for me.


Grower of fine herbs...
Mini Update 4/26/07

Mini Update 4/26/07

Hey Rule, Sir, INVB and Qwerty!

Hows it goin dudes? wow lance mountain, you must have been skating while i was still in the womb hahaha. Well last night i chopped down H#4 the confirmed male, made it into some cannabutter chocolate no bakes with my lady.. turned out pretty good, should have made about half the size batch we did so that it was more potent haha i ate about 5 last night to get blazed haha, but for only putting one male in there it was great. as of right now i have 5 confimed females out of 10 remaining plants. Burmese Delight showed me female preflowers the other day when i was watering and its really got me hyped, shes gonna be perfect to take clones from. a buddy called me over to his house last night and he showed me some burmese delight he got in Iowa... damn its very distinct smell, most easily described as straigt up heady... damn i wish i had some now. down to just a gram of hash... but atleast i have that..

Im having issues with all of the T plants, they now have about 5in between nodes, i pinched off all of the growth chutes last night so hopfully that will help them bush up a bit. They just look welll uninteresting and super strechy, im very scared to see what they will do when i put them into flower, still considering just taking them out to the wilderness and letting em do their own thing.. all natural. hmm might make for a fun experiment.

After i chopped H4 i took a look at the root system, i will give the ladies another week in 1 gallons before i transplant to two or three gallons next week when i put em in flower.

Sorry about the serious lack of updates this last week, School has got me goin nutzzz right now, im actually sitting in my last statistics class as im typing and this final is gonna be fuckin hard.

As soon as i get my buddies camera charged i will get you all some photos, They are almost double the size they were in the last pics. You will see haha. Im starting to get excited, get to put em into flower next thursday, i guess its like a end of the school year present for me hehehe.. Hope everyone is well. Should have pics up by noon tommorrow. Thanks for keeping on!!!!


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
congradulations on another semester NKRON. hope you got high marks bro. not going to high i hope! about the skating i only quit cause my riding buddy moved somewhere up north and i hate pushin alone. no one to help me up after commiting off head high drops and falling over and over and over. we did land alot right INB? i was always trying to keep up! grabbin a seat now NKRON :lurk: you be sure to keep current on those pics home skillet! quote of the week. "remember kids,...its the fastest who gets paid....and the fastest who gets laid!!"
peace bro
Grow safe
Lance mountain lol I got some of those old school movies and a bunch of old 411's I love those old days the new shit is so nuts its unbelievable!!! i remember my days of leaping off shit I thought was huge( at least as tall as us huh Sir 6 feet plus) easy!!! These days people go gigantic!!! I love skateing forever!!! still watch skating and snowboarding videos all the time!!! Im not to old to go ride a snowboard yet he he I got a good 40 days in this year, even got snowed in and had to stay the night and ride fresh 4 foot powder in the morning. It was awesome!!!!!!!!!! ("I wanna go fast")


Hows it going Northern Kron. I'll be following this grow for sure. That last Indica plant you grew looked fucking crazy! I've heard about the weed in Humbolt supposed to be some of the best around! Can't wait to see the new pics and best of luck to you


Grower of fine herbs...
Picture update Finally!!!!!

Picture update Finally!!!!!

Hey everyone sorry for such a long time between updates, school has been well... crazy hahaha, only got a few more finals to take then im clear for the summer and i can smother you with all of the updates you want but until then these will have to do. and again thanks to everyone for taking interest in my grow especially SIR , INVB you guys have been here since the begining and i think thats dope so thanks again.

Ok first off i have a few shots from just outside of the closet

Next up we have all of the T's, im kinda worried about how these 4 are gonna handle flowering in a few days, they realistically should have been flowered about 2 weeks ago because of my height requirments but with my housing sitch flip flopping they have to chill until thursday. Well we will start off with T#3

next is T#1, i really dont like how much space there is between nodes now, about 6"

T#2 same thing blah blah


T's all side by side

Now that were past the plants im not to thrilled about time, its time for my favorite. The Burmese Delight, Its for sure ladies and gentlemen , she is a lady :woohoo: , This one plant is gonna be my base strain for my next grow, hoping to take about 12 good cuts from her to flower out in 1 gal bags next run. haha i took a lot of pics so bear with me..

Here she is underneath the light.

Next a closup of her undergrowth, this is why shes got me so excited!!!!

Another shot with the undergrowth

From the top

and last but not least are two shots of the burmese Delgith out in regular light

Now Coming up right here is a plant that i was very skeptical of since it started life in my better halfs geranium pot, i call her M. Lets start with a top shot

Now next to a 20 oz soda for comparison

Next im hitting you with the closeup

The M really turned out to be a beautiful plants even though it started life under harsh conditions.

.... more to come, i had all of my posts in one but it was too many pics haha


Grower of fine herbs...
More Pics!!!

More Pics!!!

The next group of pics are of the remaining 4 H plants, as i said earlier this week, i chopped H4 the confirmed male and made cannabutter out of him, and that was a success, a bit weak but definitly worked.

To start things off here is H#1 from the top, along with one of my favorite toys.

Here is H1 again but this time she is next to the 20 oz soda bottle for comparison

H1 has not yet shown clear enough preflowers for me to tell of her (hopfully) sex.

Now we have H2 the tallest and first confirmed female, she was topped just about a week and a half ago, so her growth shoots are starting to grow up again, here take a peek.

Now heres a closup of H2, shes got me excited, cant wait to see what her bud structure will look like.

Heres a topshot of H2 shes a vertical grower, hopfully i will be able to keep her in line. ahha :pointlaug

This is a shot of H2 and what her undergrowth looks like.

Next up we got H#5 another confirmed female. shes a bit shorter, but still looking super healthy and happy under constant light.

Heres a closup of 5

Next up is H#3, this plant still hasnt put out any confirmable preflowers so im not sure what sex it is yet, i hope its female so i can run mostly just H's in flower, im thinking that i might take the T's to an outdoor hidaway where they can speard their more sativa wings???

Closup of H#3

Well thats all for the individual shots, the shortest plant is H#3 i believe, he/she is only about 14-15" tall with the tallest being the T's that are all about 18" now. Heres a shot of the 6 plants that i am particularily fond of, M, Burmese Delight, and all of the H's.

Heres a canopy shot of just those 6, i think there going into 2 gallon bags early this next week that or 3 gallon trash cans, i havent decided :chin:

Next is a level garden shot with the T's all put back.

And this is currently what my ghetto setup looks like from outside of the closet. I must say that in the next week my scrubber should be arriving and i will be modding up the stanley blower to run it with. then ill be able to line the walls and close the door.

Well all those are my pictures from today, i have a ton of work to do in these upcoming days so i dont know if ill take more pics until im done with my last final on wednesday. I will definitly be on here giving verbal updates until my next batch of pics, so let me know what you think, there first day of flower will be next wednesday or thursday so ill make sure to take good care of em. Thanks for looking in everyone and Im sorry for the excessivly long post, i just get so damn excited :pointlaug haha i hope everyone is happy and healthy. Good luck with all of your grows!! Peace,


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
lookin good buddy... looks like youll have alot of work at home after finals too! but they say if your doin what you love then you never truely work! lots of thinning to do come flower huh;) keep up the good work and keep us posted!!
SIR :joint:


Grower of fine herbs...
Yea i guess i will have a lot of work but working in the garden is my favorite hobby so you know it wont be work at all :asskick: haha. But yea i will have a lot ofo thinning to do on all of the H's and especially the burmese delight. Well off to have breakfast, hope everyone is well,


Good update! I'm enjoying all the pics your putting up. Looks like in about 2 months you'll have yourself one sick little field of dreams. Can't wait to see how some of your ladies look when they come out to town. Out of curiousity how much butter did you get out of your males. Or I guess how much would you have got if you made at as potent as you had hoped. I've only ever made it out of bud as I am a first time grower and did not know it could be done effectively with male plants.


Grower of fine herbs...
hey BOW hows it goin?

Yea dude until a few weeks ago i had never heard that male plants were good for anything but breeding, but then i read a thread on here that said you could make some decent cannabutter out of them, so i decided to try it. I used a stick of soy butter.... (im not vegan but my gf is).. and simmered the chopped up leaves from the plant in it for about 20 minutes. after that we used that butter to make choclate no bake cookies. I would say that no matter what you make, make only about half the suggested recipie with the full amount of butter. If i would have done this i can assure you i wouldnt have had to eat 4 huge chocolate nobakes, before they got me blazed. I will be making more cannabutter in the next week because i have to thin out all of my ladies before they go into flower, so this will be batch two. ill keep you guys posted on how it turns out. Hope all is well and if you have any questions just holla at me,


Grower of fine herbs...
A move, a trim and a new 3 gallon bag

A move, a trim and a new 3 gallon bag

Hey all,

Got quite an update for you all today. To start off with, last night me and my lady moved all of the babies from where they were to their final home. Everything went smoothly. Got em and and let em sleep for the first time becuase i didnt want to setup the light yet.

Today i setup the light in the new closet, its a lot bigger than both of the previous ones so it definitly gives me more room to play with. Before i got to setting up the light, i prunned all of the plants i took on average the bottom 6 nodes from each plant, they were really bushy so i dont think that i trimmed to much. if i did please let me know. I did take 10 cuttings from the Burmese Delight and put em into expandable peet pellets underneath a humidity dome. I also put the tray with the clones in it on top of an adujustable back heating pad and set it on warm. I think its just about the perfect temp.

Time to start with the pics :woohoo:
First off lets start off with some pics of the Burmese Delight before the trim this morning

And another

Now heres what she looks like after taking 10 cuttings

and another

Do you guys think that i should chop those bottom two fan leaves? They look weird to me but i left em because i know that i really didnt need to chop em.

Now we got some shots of some of the surviving H's after their prunning and a nice transplant, First off is H #5 shes a pretty gal that is looking happy after the prunning and the transplant

Heres H#2 the largest of all of the H's after prunning and transplant. She had a lot of bottom chutes that i had to chop, but i feel she looks better now.

Next is the M plant which i along with the others i prunned and transplanted today. This plant i trimmed less because it has a weird main node that i will have to photgraph for all of you. I will post on it tommorrow when lights come on. but for now here are some pics of her.

Here we have some shots of H # 3 the only non confirmed plant that i transplanted. I have a suspicion that it is female, so i transplanted.

And another

Now here are the plants that are really crazy... the T's :pointlaug These damn things are getting so tall, there almost 30" im so damn scared to start them into flower tommorrow because i think they might strech to like 7 ft!! i hope they wont but who knows. Well here are the pics,

The one in the last pic on the right is H#1, its still in a 1 gal because i dont know its sex and because i think it might be a male, so why waste my time until it proves to me that its a lady right??? haha.

Well everyone, or for whoever is actually watching this thats all for tonight, tommorrow i will take pics of the clones and the heating back pad haha. also i will snap lights on pics of the new closet to show you all what im working with. Hope everyone is Happy and safe.
Hey dude great updates you got going here your plants are looking way good cant wait to see that closet full of fatty colas!!! Good luck and hook up that scrubber asap I know those ladies gotta be stinking lol !


Grower of fine herbs...
Day 1 flower

Day 1 flower

Well i just wanted to start this post off with a nice :woohoo: Today may 3, 2007 is the first day of flower for all of my ladies. Im super excited. As i stated in my last post i moved em into their final home two nights ago and finally got the lighting setup last night. They got a good 12 hours of dark last night and when i woke up at 8 am the light had turned itself on. Here are a few pics from lights on this morning.

Here are some pics of the the T's that cant really fit under the main light footprint, im gonna have to figure out somthing to do with them. I also staked them all up after i took these pics today. I also staked up the burmese Delgiht so that all of its chutes got as much light as possible. well here are the T's

Yesterday was my official first attempt at cloning..... and as it looks right now things are going very well. i just sprayed down the clones with a nice mist of some warm water. In the pictures i had them sitting on top of a back heating pad but it has auto shutoff, a feature that is great when your wearing it on your back, but not so great when your trying to root clones on top of it. :pointlaug so i went and got my snowboard bootwarmers out of a box and put the clones on top of those. That seems to be working great. But anyways here are the pictures of the clones on just the back pad

and heres one with showing the controller for the back pad

I will post a pic of the ghetto setup i have now with the boot warmers later today but that is all for now. I was thinking, How often should i spray these clones with water, i was thinking once a day since they dont seem to be drying out to badly yet. If anyone has any helpful info on cloning like im doing it, im all ears. Thanks for all the help and support everyone it really makes a difference!!! Peace for now,
Right on brotha! Congrats on the switch just wait till you see those bitches stretch, lol theyll double in size (at least) in a week or two. Cant wait to see it!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Day 3 flower update Last until day 12 flower

Day 3 flower update Last until day 12 flower

Hey all :wave: hope everyone is doing awsome.

Got a little update for anyone out there whos watching. Today is day 3 of flower and i have another confirmed female. T #2 is a female, so at least i will get to see what kind of buds the T's are brining to the table. Im leaving town for a couple of days and my best friend and growing sidkick is gonna watch over my children while me and the ladie are gone. Haha i made hime a 5 page check list of things to do over the 6 days hes watching the ladies. My buddy is an intelligent guy, actually he was my grow partner last summer, i left him all those instructions because like all of us here on this site, he likes to smoke a lot of marijuana. hahah. But anyways this will be the last update until i update on day 12 of flower. so there should be some very big changes between this and my next update. Well here let me show you some pics. First here are some pics of the Burmese Delight after i staked and tied her up.

heres another overhead shot

and then a nice side shot to show you what shes working with.

Next up we got the M which is doing very nicely so far in flower. She is definitly starting to strech her limbs.

Next up we got H2 the tallest and one of the best looking plants so far. It is streching the most so far in flower. I believe this is because it was the most mature out of all of my plants aside from the burmese which is older by about 4 days. well here she is, first one is here in regular light and the next is under the HPS

Now here we got H3 and H5, as anyone whos been watching knows. H5 is confirmed female and H3 has yet to show sex, but im putting my money on 3 being a fem. im crossin my fingers

and finally here is a view of the whole closet from the inside

Now one from the outside

Well thats all for now. Im leaving town in about 3 hours so maybe i will take some pics of what my clone station looks like right now and also some pics of all of the instructions i left my buddy, but maybe not haha we will see. Well to everyone i hope that things are good and healthy, and that everyone is safe. Peace.