Considering I've decided to go with raised beds I'm going to buy a kit from Dripworks. 1/4" drip enough for 4'x8'x16" beds? 4",6",9" or 12" spacing?
Are you using 1/4 inch hose with emitters ? I use the half inch with nine inch spacing Space hose about 9 inches apart.
I’m switching over to just half inch poly tubing with 1/4 inch tubing coming out of that. Advantage being it never gets clogged like the emitters. When my vegi garden drip tubing got clogged after second year I added the 1/4 to it like it was solid tubing. I think I can get 50 -60 1/4 inch tubes in a forty foot row of half inch poly tubing.
Looks like your off to a good start, how early can you plant where you are?
nice work! Looking forward to your garden!
My seeds are still below ground waiting to come up
It's not that simple as a smaller pot will just give you a smaller plant. They will be so much harder to keep healthy the whole year. That plant will grow and grow until it runs out of nutrients. Either it won't be healthy, or it will still get just as big as a bigger pot. Only the plant will just want to grow tall and skinny. because it has no lateral roots. Plants naturally only want to grow a little wider then their roots. It would suck to have a 16ft tall, 4ft wide, unhealthy plant that can't fight off disease come flower time. Larfy buds with rot from dying leaf can be likely. If i wanted smaller plants, id use a 100 but plant a teeny tiny clone like July 1st. You can plant a clone june 1st that will totally max out a 300 gal.
As far as coots mix goes, i think it's wayy expensive and won't do anything a cheaper mix wont do. That rock dust is going to take 100 years to break down to do anything for you. But i really like the texture of the coots being 1/3 compost, 1/3 drainage, 1/3 fluff.
I follow the same ratios with less expensive ingredients.
I do something like
1 part lava rock
1 part perlite
1 part coco
1 part fir bark or peat
1 part cow manure compost
1 part green waste compost
For amendments per yard
37.5 lb of shutzman chicken pellets
10 lb of fishbone
2 lb calphos
2 lb langbeinite
1 lb potash
10 lb alfalfa
Ph balance with lime if necessary. But that should be balanced without it.
No compost tea, no liquid feeding. A couple light top dressings if you are feeling frisky. That will give you more nutrients available the first year at 1/2 the price. Next year get a soil sample and balance minerals to Albright ratios.
That's just what has worked best for me over the years. Kind of part coots mix, part Tom hill mix, with a dash of my own style.
is there any reason you don't want to till and amend the native ground you're on?
in for the calco genetics fun, currently hold original MDB, humble pie X sour sherbert, quad x pre 98 bubba, bluedream x pre98 bubba, mendobreth x pre98 bubba, hammerhead x MDB cp x bb and popping through more as they come to me
That's awesome. Everything this year will be from Calco. I'd love to find a few keepers
that should not be a problem
I sprouted a few Gelato 33 x Blueberry Syrup so depending how they grow I might try and run one