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Noob With a rubbermaid.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Hey IC!

So here is what I have. Rubbermaid covered in mylar. 6 x 42 watt CFL's and a small brush-less Ac fan. A carbon filter made from the wire pencil holders found at wall mart will be constructed asap, once I find the supplies.

The strain is jack's cleaner. They are in solo cups and are going to be transplanted into 2 liter pop bottles in a few days.

As far as nutes go I'm semi clueless. I'm in college and the town is out in bumfuck no where. The only gardening supplies I can get are from a Fredmyers.

2 of the five seem to be doing pretty well which leads me to believe they will be males. The other 3 just are not growing all to fast, or am I just being impatient?

I tried to upload some pics but it doesn't seem to let me at this point. There are some current pic of my grow in my gallery.

I would greatly appreciate any comment :)
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Just Call me Urkle!!
I suggest getting Shultz 10-15-10 and Superthrive use 4 dropper full of 10-15-10 per gall of water with 4 drops of Superthrive and your ladies will love it and it's should be at your local FredMyers...

Also since you're doing a rubbermaid grow I would check out the thread by Lifless called My Box Setup in Micro it's the best CFL grow I've seen besides Dr.Bud's method which I am using be sure to check out my grow it should get fun in the next few weeks...

Mr. Tony

Active member
Sweet, I'll have to grab that asap. Shultz 10-15-10 and super thrive...got it. I'll for sure check out Lifeless's thread.

Thanks for your help man.


Just Call me Urkle!!
No sweat bro thats what I'm here for I like to give back when I can since I learned all I know in the last 2 months and already have had a successful crop
sounds like a pretty good set up. i would suggest investing in a cheap ph meter. they have saved my life many times.. or either just buy distilled water. (ph neutral) and the schultz+superthrive combo is a win win. how ab some pics?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I would let those veg till they are 10 - 12 inches then flip it to 12/12 and I bet you get a nice harvest in that box... :rasta:
ask and ye shall receive. haha. looks like they are def. ready for some nitrogen. (yellowing) what type of soil are you using?

Mr. Tony

Active member
The cheapest shittiest soil I've come across at fredmyer. It's doing me more bad that good because it's full of bark. I'm kicking myself for going so cheap.
looking at your soil i dont see any perlite and it looks like they are underfed too.if you dont add perlite your going to keep running into probs.youll probably end up with some soaked weak ass thin roots.and your plants will barely grow ..when you transplant make sure to add perlite.. and your ph is probably off to..LIME IS YOUR FRIEND. buy some lime trust me its like a miracle ingredient for soil.if i would of known about lime when i first started it would of saved me alot of time.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Thanks for the heads up Dude06 I'll add lime and perlite to the shopping list.

I had my grow posted up another another canna forum but I couldn't get the info and responses I get here in an hour after having it for weeks.

Mr. Tony

Active member
These rubber maid grow are so damn nice. I can't even imagine how many people just read about how to do it, then do the damn thing, and never register or post. Just lurking, smoking and growing.


You will get much more help over here..hehe. check out Red Greenery's thread also. I just searched for rubbermaid in this forum and had more than enough info with a lil research, maybe dip into the organics section too and read the stickies. Also, before I first transplanted my plants were slow and looked similar, once going into a new mix with the PERLITE it made a huge difference, the roots need air. And if you get the lime, its recomended to get the powdered kind, I got the pellets and had to just grind em up...and hydrolyzed lime IS NOT dolomite lime so be sure u get the right one. good luck man!

Mr. Tony

Active member
So I can't tell what these little leave are. These aren't male pre-flowers are they?

I'm talking about the little single leaf looking things near where the stem of the leaf meets the main plant stem.


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