Well thanks for the click advice, I guess there are some with mal intent. Not me, but anyway, do a google search for Laminin, and I was only trying to show that you don't need faith in the scripture to know there is a God, maybe you don't see life as a gift... And that's sad to me, but to each his own - as free will would have it. You can try to ridicule each one of my posts if you like, I'm glad to know I have such influence on someone, I came to stir the pot, and you let me!!! Thank you. I'll never change my beliefs... I would like to explain that, tho I do believe every word, I believe every word to be written to a certain group of people for a certain reason... Not every word was directed toward every reader! Paul wrote over half the New Testament in letters to different churches... God had a different message tailored to each of his churches! Sure, I gather direction and wisdom from them all but I also know what is meant for ME, and that is mostly to love my fellow man, forgive as He did, give give give, spread the good news... So that's what I do. There will always be people who spout off Old Testament books of law written to the JEWS of ANCIENT ISRAEL, laws like not eating pork or working on Sabbath, sure I I serve the sabbath by not working, going to church, maybe watching football... My son goes to youth group.. We love Jesus and we welcome anyone and everyone to criticize us in doing so.