if humans have been around for so long why are we now coming to the conclusion that we evolved?all these hundreds of thousand years go by and all of a sudden oh dideedidee we is good i love it
Yeah I'm trying to get this thread closed. So fuck you. How about breaking that TOU. Maybe you should leave this thread if its not your cup of bullshit
whinning, hahah.
you guys are dumb as shit!
if humans have been around for so long why are we now coming to the conclusion that we evolved?
Sheesh, i don't know if i would call that a deuce, maybe a quattro?
Once we collectively expel enough 'deuce' and the all combine their powers maybe a portal into somewhere unimaginable will appear?
I want my mummy.
haha why not? we do it on earth with our plants.... the sun does it to the whole of earth.... maybe there's a light source powering our galaxy and then maybe a light source powering that system.... where does it end?!
If you don't like the thread, why are you reading it?
No one is forcing anything on you.
Confucious say:
"Better to be thought of as a fool with your foot in your mouth, than to take your foot out and remove all doubt".
You're coming off as a real dick, and doing so intentionally, by your own admission, which really does make you a dick. While I see these creationists and godders as fools, I'm not going to kill them for it. On the flip side, people who believe in "their one true" god won't hesitate to slaughter those who espouse a different "supreme" entity. Just turn on the news, and watch the slaughter. That might amuse you. People killing one another over fictional superstitions. It is funny in a perverse kind of way.
Maybe we could name the portal "the shitstorm"
but will it swirl clockwise or counter-clockwise?
Now if it had peanuts in it, who knows what could happen.