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~NGB Micro Cab 175/150w MH/HPS - Durban Poison, Skunk #1, Fat Skunk, Secret~

Oh I forgot to address your comment about 12/12. The only reason I haven't flipped them yet I think is because I dont know the sex. These are all seeds and I dont want to lose them so I am going to take cuttings as soon as I have something to work with but right now all I got is a bunch of oversized monster fan leaves that are going to take over the house.

I also wanted to show you this Liquid Karma It's part of the botanicare line-up. The karma in my opinion is like a vitamin. The food is the bloom/cal mag. I don't think I'll need anything else for now, but I may need to switch to a different nute when it's time to bloom. Mr. Wags recommended adding hydroplex so I'll have to do some reading on it. Hydroplex Looks good to me
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Active member
ohhhhhhhhhh yeah man there looking good looks like we got us a afagin pheno going on
looks like you got a lot of bubbles going on in the rez what size air pump are you using and what about the air stones?
Air stones are both 10" long wands. Typical aquarium type. The pump is for a 20gal aquarium tank. I figured I wanted mad bubbles seeing as how we rock a 7gal tub and all. The plants love it. =) I think I only fill my res with about 5 gallons of water though + nutes and then they plants sit in a good amount. I think I may need to pull that infected plant though if the pH change this morning doesn't help her. (Notice I keep saying her - hoping for females.) I took a cut from the other 2 big plants a couple days ago and put the cuts right into flower to see if I can find the sexes out sooner. Today is day 28 from seed and it seems like they should be showing some pre-flowers pretty soon. I'm getting a bit antcy with this whole waiting game of sexing...

Once my new pure haze beans arrive (fucking super :wahoo: ) I think I'll plant all of them at the same time. I'll still do them hydro I think but I want to get that purple phenotype!! I have this old kitchen lighting thats four 40w tube floros that are about 5' long and I figure I can fit them all under it. Not sure how the hydro will work with them but we'll see.


Active member
i was thiking of growing all mine at once find the femae and clone them pick the best males and breed them for seeds and after that grow 2 diffrent plants at once be nice to have some of my ak 47 and the chem c-99s and all so i been doing a lot of eye balling my bed room closet its dam shure pleny big to do anouter grow inthere got 12 to 8 foot celing plenty for a 400 to 1000 watter and 8 water farms or go with a c 24 or some kind of home made cab.
That's kina what i'm doing. I'm going to do an ebb&flow table for the plants and grow all them out at the same time. Then during the process I will take cuts from all of them and then put them into flower. Once they flower I am going to pick out the purple phenotype (which hopefully i'll get) and then I will know which cut to make a mom from. Then I will have 10 plants as a harvest too. :D
Well I decided to bag the ebb&flow idea. I'm just going to go with soil. Fox Farm Ocean Forest with 10% perlite added to it. I don't think I have enough light, but I am going to make this work lol. MAKE it. Hey- they're just weeds aren't they? Regardless - I want them to be very small so I can contain 10 damn plants. I'm used to like... 3 small shrubs at most?
Well I pushed to flower now. We'll see how they turn out. I took 4 cuts that were all very good sized ones to use at the mothers as the plants all began to pre-flower. So thats 3 female out of 4 guessed seeds. I didn't get to find out with the 4th is yet because I pulled it out since it was defective and burning or something when the rest of the plants were fine. I'll post a pic showing the SUPER loaded up screen.
Updated Pic

Updated Pic

Yeah I know I know I can't stop myself from cutting off all the fans, I promise i'll stop now. They're just so annoying and blocking light to everything. 3 Monsters you know? So far only 1 confirmed female.

tom: I top of with the same recipe whenever the water gets low. So far I have changed my nutes out twice which has been every two weeks. The first time I just filled right back up after drain, this second time I used clearex for a half an hour with tap water and then drained and refilled with distilled water/nutes. It was getting pretty dirty.

alkali thing? I'm confused. Sorry mate - what do you mean?

stevr: How long to train? Lol. until they get MORE out of hand i guess. lol. I had been training them all along but then I got pissed off by all the monster sized fans and filled up a small grocery bag full between the 3 plants. Then I took off the screen and let the plants relax and then I put it back on and arranged it a little better this time. Hopefully I wont have to train for much longer than 1 more week. These strains didn't seem to stretch too much last time during flower so I guess we'll have to wait and find out.

Thanks for your posts guys and keepin in touch. Peace

FUCK!.... A male.. Out of the 3 plants I have in the SWC, I have 1 female and 1 male so far, and likely 1 more male, but he/she isn't showing sex yet.. Hopefully female because my last crop was a joke and I'm certain I'll have an annurisum should this crop be a joke as well. They're all training thru the screen nicely. Perhaps it was destiny that the durban poison strain I had two f2's and then I am supposed to make babies of them too. We shall see. Not real excited to do a seed run so I might just take the male and hack most of the roots and just put him up in the window sill of the next room in some dirt.
And ANOTHER male... So I'm left with 3 plants, only 1 female. :( This blows. At least next run should be by cuttings so I wont be wasting time/money/space on males.


Active member
lol what i tell ya a few post back 2 males one female but hell you got one female now clone the shit out of her my fist run with seeds out of 5 seeds one died 3 females one male as far as the male keep him clone him he can come in hady later down the road when you do want to do a seeds run but me what i do is just pollenate one bud so i get a few seeds with out f-ing my hole harvest up but hey dont feel bad i am going to have to start my next crop from seeds as well so it wil be a wile before i get a good crop of buds unless i just get lucky
Man you pinned it. Luckily I already took cuttings and they're doing ok. Good luck with your next crop. I wish you 90% female. lol. I think I might just pollinate a couple of buds this run. I took 1 male out of the unknown genetic and left my f2's of Durban Poison. So I think it then becomes an F3? I don't know much about breeding yet. But these plants are seeds of seeds that I bought and then they'll be making seeds. F3 sounds right to me but what do i know. I'll take an updated pic once lights turn on.


Active member
i am shutting all my hyrdo grows down no point in going any further all of them are doing badly i cant belive gh flornova or the 3 part will not go a dam tomato or lettce i will waite till i get some new nutes before i start up again all i can say is my nutes are shot shame when i got a plant i been growing in hydron for 2 years with only water and it grow like hell and got 5 pinl flower on it right now i might give pbp a shot and see how it works but then i may just go with the powders lset i dont have to worrie about it going bad before i can use it. ohhhhhhhh just lost my out door tomato grow last nite dam cold weather kiled it got like 26 last nite not bad for florida i hate f-ing cold weather
I say fuck cold weather. It's been super cold like that for the past 2-3 weeks here. Shitty to see nutes go to waste though for sure.. Good luck in your getting new ones. I'm not sure why but after all this organic talk, I don't think I'll ever try chem salts. I'm not sure why, but for some reason the chems offend me lol.

I'm surprised you couldn't get that tomato going. I wonder if they even bother testing the nutes on other plants after they find out it works well on MJ? I'm kinda looking forward to this global warming they're always talking about. Hopefully that means warmer winters. =)
2 Weeks Flower Shots

2 Weeks Flower Shots

Looks like I'm still getting a little stretch out of them. Probably because I keep realigning them and moving them to new spots. I think I'm done training now. It's getting out of hand lol.

Also here's a pic of my temporary grow. This is strictly just for the process of selection. I'm going to try and pick a healthy male and then my favorite female. We'll see what happens. (Crossing fingers on that purple pheno'd 'Pure Haze: Tom Hill') I got impatient and dug them all up just a tiny bit without disturbing the beans and 9/10 have germed so far so that's good.
