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NFT Bogbubble and Golden Skush


Active member
Update!35 days flowering

Update!35 days flowering

These ladies are really packing on the weight. The BogBubbles tower over the other plants.....the goldenskush are packing on the tric's.
ChuckyouFarley's PK19xNL turned out to be a real winner....I got 3 ladies of the ChuckyouFarley Peak19xNL....but one stands out way above the others....here is a small bud site of hers....yummmmy.
Thanks again Chuck.........you rock!

Dang JohnBudd. Those trees are lookin so friggin tasty. I just germed some Golden Skush myself and can't wait to see what your ladies turn out like. I'll be stuck to this tread for future updates. :smile:


Well-known member
damn dude doing them babies justice . very nice ,glad to see i had good offspring i just got a couple cuts of the northern peaks last night from a friend i gave beans to also so when they root ill be flowering then killing then smoking some of my babies
cool huh ewwwwwwwwww haha
peace chucky


Cannabis Helper
Nice set up mate...

Nice set up mate...

I have lost my father also (3yrs back) and there is nothing that can be said...


Active member
Thanks all for your positive vibes, I miss my dad, but 86 full years and never spending a night in a hospital, he had a great life!
Here is the finished product. The Bogbubble's are very red, and sparkly. The kush are hard as a rock and so, so crystally.ChuckyouFarley's Peak 19xNL turned out great, very hashy herb, serious stone. But the real favorite of this grow was the Petrol(Rez seeds).
Learned alot first time through with NFT.....real nice grow....easy weazy.....but had mishaps(lessons).....just because you don't see any roots at the top of the drain does not mean it is not obstructed(major floods)...........the brown funk in your channels is from light leaks.....(and smells gross)
On to the next project............