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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
I guess my mom is part of a quad city facebook group or something and i guess there is a young woman asking for food in Moline. My mom has to go to the doctor there anyway and she is gonna give her some food. we got plenty of extra food so no big deal but you can never be to careful so im gonna go with her. Seems kinda wierd a young woman cant get food and ive heard of crazier ways to get robbed. got no idea what she looks like just that she is from Chicago. Maybe if shes hot we can make a "mutual transaction" if you know what i mean! lol Kinda strange cause my mom has never been the charitable type but good for her. Hope this turns out fine. It probably will be but i dont trust anyone anymore.


In my empire of dirt
LMFAO! I legit lol Wtf did you find that!? I love it man! I'm gonna carry my pepperspay just in case.i can't carry it Legaly so I'll just say it's my mom's!
the plastic bottle is from this yogurt drink chinese people like to drink, next time i go to my moms house im going to look and see if she has any!


In my empire of dirt
I guess my mom is part of a quad city facebook group or something and i guess there is a young woman asking for food in Moline. My mom has to go to the doctor there anyway and she is gonna give her some food. we got plenty of extra food so no big deal but you can never be to careful so im gonna go with her. Seems kinda wierd a young woman cant get food and ive heard of crazier ways to get robbed. got no idea what she looks like just that she is from Chicago. Maybe if shes hot we can make a "mutual transaction" if you know what i mean! lol Kinda strange cause my mom has never been the charitable type but good for her. Hope this turns out fine. It probably will be but i dont trust anyone anymore.
thats good that you are going with her
my ex and my sister liked to go to estate sales and the mrs was into this buy nothing gorup on facebook
its actually coo and because she lives in a nice area its safe
but yeah man, you go up to strangers places and either get free shit or you paw over their belongings and offer them money

if the place looks sketchy just bail on it man, if your mom insists drop the dag off and txt the lady telling her where the stuff is
stay safe man but its going to be cool


Well-known member
i did not know there were several dialects spoken in ireland?
are you sure the other lads arent just drunk and slurring their words?
/jk my friend
but the all use the same alphabet?
i can dog how people would like to speak mandarin, that is going to be the new language of business
plus did you know if you can speak english and mandarin you can communicate with like half the worlds population
i can actually understand mandarin (cant read) because my mom is chinese
when i was a kid i could speak it but im old and lazy now
i also know some spanish, growing up in socal
i dont see what an irish kid would be doing speaking spanish, but its an easy language and there are lots of spanish speaking people too
so how did you learn to talk these dialects? was it widely spoken when you were growing up
Hey pops there is lots of slurring of words when the Guinness kicks in 🤣 I don't speak the different dialects, as an example when my girls are back in the west (connemara) or down in Cork which is at the bottom of Ireland, they will over hear a conversation between the locals in Irish, a good portion of that conversation they will be able to pick up on and there will be parts of it that they won't (this is down to different dialects ) it depends what region you are in. I recall many years ago when my aunt was visiting and my girls exams were coming up in Irish, my aunt found it difficult and hard to understand there exams (even though she is fluent in irish) what your taught in school now adays would be slightly different to that of many years ago. I would love to be able to speak mandarin. At school level I was taught French and Irish,
Nowadays kids get a choice usually french/Spanish/German ( my French is awful and remember very little of it) Hey pops I will pick up on this conversation later as I have to go to work, have a good day everyone. 👍
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Well-known member
for you hawk!

Another one bites the dust.

Where else can you see a flaming spear start a game, @pop_rocks . I guess that's why the water dump from the Lizard People.
That water does look amazingly clear for a Florida swamp, Buzz, and that gator was more cute than intimidating. Arent they more afraid of people than the other way around?
It's a spring head that flows into a river. There are a number of large magnitude springs in the northern part of Florida.
That was a medium sized gator and it would more than likely have dived off of the log making a big splash and freaking Jessica out of her tube. The larger the gator the blacker his skin color. The biggest gator encounter was in Fort Myers. My wife and I took our 16' aluminum v-hull boat to the Caloosahatchee River for a cruise. We crossed the river to the north shoreline and we were puttering along the mangroves when we spooked a huge black lizard laying up on the mangrove roots. It splashed down and swam under the boat as we rocked in the waves it created. Easily over 12' long...we were all scared of each other.
yeah @buzzmobile, you dont hear a lot of gator bites man stories
is that a common thing in fla? i imagine most people have the sense to avoid them and even if you surprise one in the swamp it probably just wants to get away
if anything they could tail whip you
/would it help if you carries a whompin stick around with you?
you guys have a lot of shark bites out there, but from what i remember it was more like small sharks so the wounds are rarely life threatening
Attacks on humans are uncommon, but dogs that wander close to the water's edge are frequent victims. My good friend lost his golden retriever to a gator like that.
all in fun brother, i dont really watch college sports
No more Gator Chomps. It is hard on my guts like shroomies.

It was all in fun until you said, "i dont really watch college sports."

go raibh maith agat Buzz

Go ndéana sé maith duit

Did you know I can speak any language but Greek?


Well-known member

Another one bites the dust.

Where else can you see a flaming spear start a game, @pop_rocks . I guess that's why the water dump from the Lizard People.

It's a spring head that flows into a river. There are a number of large magnitude springs in the northern part of Florida.
That was a medium sized gator and it would more than likely have dived off of the log making a big splash and freaking Jessica out of her tube. The larger the gator the blacker his skin color. The biggest gator encounter was in Fort Myers. My wife and I took our 16' aluminum v-hull boat to the Caloosahatchee River for a cruise. We crossed the river to the north shoreline and we were puttering along the mangroves when we spooked a huge black lizard laying up on the mangrove roots. It splashed down and swam under the boat as we rocked in the waves it created. Easily over 12' long...we were all scared of each other.

Attacks on humans are uncommon, but dogs that wander close to the water's edge are frequent victims. My good friend lost his golden retriever to a gator like that.

No more Gator Chomps. It is hard on my guts like shroomies.

It was all in fun until you said, "i dont really watch college sports."

Go ndéana sé maith duit

Did you know I can speak any language but Greek?


Another one bites the dust.

Where else can you see a flaming spear start a game, @pop_rocks . I guess that's why the water dump from the Lizard People.

It's a spring head that flows into a river. There are a number of large magnitude springs in the northern part of Florida.
That was a medium sized gator and it would more than likely have dived off of the log making a big splash and freaking Jessica out of her tube. The larger the gator the blacker his skin color. The biggest gator encounter was in Fort Myers. My wife and I took our 16' aluminum v-hull boat to the Caloosahatchee River for a cruise. We crossed the river to the north shoreline and we were puttering along the mangroves when we spooked a huge black lizard laying up on the mangrove roots. It splashed down and swam under the boat as we rocked in the waves it created. Easily over 12' long...we were all scared of each other.

Attacks on humans are uncommon, but dogs that wander close to the water's edge are frequent victims. My good friend lost his golden retriever to a gator like that.

No more Gator Chomps. It is hard on


Well-known member
Hey buzz your multilingual? For future reference I will refer to you as a polyglot.. How’s your Swahili ? lol .

Just taking a quick lunch break, temps are sitting at a nice steady 20c which is nice and warm for here. The lads are talking about finishing up early as they have better things to be doing on such a glorious day. 😃 suits me down to the ground as I might squeeze a lite work out in afterwards.

Hope your all safe and well, and we will catch up later sure.👌


Well-known member
How’s your Swahili ? lol .
That's Greek to me!!! HAW HAW! It's a fourth grade joke that has stuck with me.
For future reference I will refer to you as a polyglot.
I prefer 'cunninglinguist' if it's all the same to you, @superx.

You should be a little more discreet over there on that Emerald Isle. Just a suggestion don't ya know.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah I think gator attacks on humans are as rare as shark attacks on humans, the publicity they get make u think theyre more common than they actually are. But what Buzz said sounds right, gator attacks on dogs are far more common, and probably the majority of human attacks are related to an initial dog attack (owner tries to rescue their pooch, gets bit as well).

The most sought after players will get the highest payments from the colleges but i think there will be a healthy 'middle-class' of good players who will bounce around schools, looking for the best $$ and opportunities for playing time, so if a mid-tier school can spend their money wisely they can compete with the big boys for at least 1 year. Like if they can get the 2nd string def or off linemen from a bigger program, that would help close the talent gap with those schools that are basically nfl feeder programs. Even nick saban mentioned that during his retirement, he lost in the playoffs and first thing he had to do was consider all the transfer requests from players who felt they didnt get enough playing time.

I knew there was a Gaelic language, didnt know there were a few different dialects. That is interesting. That's sad that the young folks dont want to learn the traditional languages in favor of foreign ones because of economic reasons. Do u think the irish language(s) will survive going forward, in 50 years will there be anyone to speak it at all?

I had to look up poitin, so it's basically irish moonshine? That doesnt sound too bad, does it taste ok?
They also called it 'mountain dew'. There were moonshiners in the appalachian region of the US (think TN and KY) that would make a drink called mountain dew, they used it as a chaser for their moonshine. The soda called Mountain Dew came from one of their recipes, supposedly.
A mushroom preserved in honey isnt something ive heard of before but honey is a great preservative and ur right, would hide the taste very well.

I agree with the others, Hawk, that looks like a whole winter's worth of firewood, but the big trunks u have to chop up further somehow. You like sharp things maybe u can get an axe and chop up those logs a bit. As a bonus it would be good exercise. Just dont do it when ur too drunk/high cause u might bury that axe in ur leg/foot.

Im not sure about kratom, Hawk, but the 'legal weed' business is pretty big now, this delta thc8 stuff that you've been getting is sold in non-recreational/medical states like FL and TX. I think the farm bill that 'legalized' delta-8 is up for reconsideration later this year so if they mess with the hemp designation again that might change.
Yeah, beer is definitely getting more expensive. Maybe time to look into home brewing? I bet u could make a kick ass IPA with 8% abv. A couple 20oz bottles of that will have u feeling good.
Gay flag football? Well, some of them might be lesbians as well so it wont all be twinks playing. That seems funny to me, like what if u were straight and wanted to play, wouldnt that be discrimination if they didnt let u?

I think Duolingo is the most popular language learning app today, you play it like a game, like Pops said, they give rewards and such if you do so many exercises in a day. Maybe Hawk should learn Japanese, then the way of the ninjutsu will be clear to him.

DB hasnt mentioned anything about the celtics winning the championship, maybe he doesnt like a sport played mostly by black people? Even though 2 of the best players are chubby white guys from Europe?

Training camps open in about a month from now, so not too much longer to wait. Pre season games happen during camp as well, you wont see starters play too much but it is real football, i guess...


In my empire of dirt
Hey pops there is lots of slurring of words when the Guinness kicks in 🤣 I don't speak the different dialects, as an example when my girls are back in the west (connemara) or down in Cork which is at the bottom of Ireland, they will over hear a conversation between the locals in Irish, a good portion of that conversation they will be able to pick up on and there will be parts of it that they won't (this is down to different dialects ) it depends what region you are in. I recall many years ago when my aunt was visiting and my girls exams were coming up in Irish, my aunt found it difficult and hard to understand there exams (even though she is fluent in irish) what your taught in school now adays would be slightly different to that of many years ago. I would love to be able to speak mandarin. At school level I was taught French and Irish,
Nowadays kids get a choice usually french/Spanish/German ( my French is awful and remember very little of it) Hey pops I will pick up on this conversation later as I have to go to work, have a good day everyone. 👍
right on man, and i dont really speak mandarin fluently
but like your girls i can understand what people are saying and can even stammer out a few childish phrases myself from time to time
you just get an ear for it, like listening to people speak spanish, i can tell pretty much what they are saying but i find it hard to come up with my own response
it would be cool to speak different languages because that way you can communicate with more people!

hope you have a great day at work my man!


In my empire of dirt

Another one bites the dust.

Where else can you see a flaming spear start a game, @pop_rocks . I guess that's why the water dump from the Lizard People.

It's a spring head that flows into a river. There are a number of large magnitude springs in the northern part of Florida.
That was a medium sized gator and it would more than likely have dived off of the log making a big splash and freaking Jessica out of her tube. The larger the gator the blacker his skin color. The biggest gator encounter was in Fort Myers. My wife and I took our 16' aluminum v-hull boat to the Caloosahatchee River for a cruise. We crossed the river to the north shoreline and we were puttering along the mangroves when we spooked a huge black lizard laying up on the mangrove roots. It splashed down and swam under the boat as we rocked in the waves it created. Easily over 12' long...we were all scared of each other.

Attacks on humans are uncommon, but dogs that wander close to the water's edge are frequent victims. My good friend lost his golden retriever to a gator like that.

No more Gator Chomps. It is hard on my guts like shroomies.

It was all in fun until you said, "i dont really watch college sports."

Go ndéana sé maith duit

Did you know I can speak any language but Greek?

say something in indonesian!
/my bil is fluent in indonesian, he is a hick from idaho
ok i will lay off the gator talk, that was a mighty fine heave there little buddy
ok i might have to post one more gator shot, i was going to crack into another jar here this week and wanted to lay it out on a sweet shirt my moms friend sent me

"Attacks on humans are uncommon, but dogs that wander close to the water's edge are frequent victims. My good friend lost his golden retriever to a gator like that."
thats what my moms friends husband said, he is a park ranger and they live on edge of the okefenokee swamp where they just have gators sunning off the side of the road!
he said because they mostly hunt small animals they dont go after people like crocodile would
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In my empire of dirt
im not a fan of the new ncaa payment deal, but i guess its only what the sport wants
i dont like the idea that there will be a teir system in college sports where you will have the have and the have nots and you also summed up my other fear, of the carpetbaggers who are just hoping to get paid
the kids who start out at a lesser school and hope to jump to the next level
i know we already have that now, but i think adding money into the mix will only make it worse
but we will see
i think a lot more people are bitten by sharks than by alligators
but like i said, most of the time its nothing serious for the most part
/the eat coast has a lot of smaller sharks that swarm near the shoreline that can easily mistake a hand or foot for a small fish
here in california the most common shoreline sharks are the leopard shark and sand sharks
leopard sharks are bottom feeders and extremely mello, there is even a cove where they swarm in the summer to breed and you can go out and swim with them
sand sharks look scary a'f but ive never heard of anyone getting bitten here in california
/i hear in other places they might be dangerous
then we have the old grey man, the white shark
these things will ruin your day, but attacks are rare
still this is the shark that would make you nervous on those chilly morning dawn patrols

yeah hawk should learn a new language! i should too
that would be fun, i could learn greek


Well-known member
right on man, and i dont really speak mandarin fluently
but like your girls i can understand what people are saying and can even stammer out a few childish phrases myself from time to time
you just get an ear for it, like listening to people speak spanish, i can tell pretty much what they are saying but i find it hard to come up with my own response
it would be cool to speak different languages because that way you can communicate with more people!

hope you have a great day at work my man!
Hey pops that's rather interesting, when you were young and growing up would your mum be speaking Chinese (mandarin) to you, trying to teach you the language? Have you ever visited Asia or spent any time there... China I believe will eventually become the world's super power, they are the worlds 2nd largest economy, but still way off the USAs economy at present. I'm still trying to catch up with the American slang and humour (buzz will attest to this 🤣) just as much I'm sure as you guys are with me. We'll get there in the end buddy...


In my empire of dirt
Hey pops that's rather interesting, when you were young and growing up would your mum be speaking Chinese (mandarin) to you, trying to teach you the language? Have you ever visited Asia or spent any time there... China I believe will eventually become the world's super power, they are the worlds 2nd largest economy, but still way off the USAs economy at present. I'm still trying to catch up with the American slang and humour (buzz will attest to this 🤣) just as much I'm sure as you guys are with me. We'll get there in the end buddy...
yeah man! my mom is pure taiwanese
i lived there when i was a baby for a while and she would speak chinese to me and my sister
once we came back to the us, it was strictly english
i used to go and visit all the time, i have several cousins who are around my age so it was always fun to go and hang out for a month or two

so my mom is actually there right now! i stopped by her place this morning to check up on things and thought of hawk
she had these in the fridge
probiotic drink.jpg

these are the bottles you would shoot with that lighter gun
unfortunately i dident take them , but im thinking next time i go back im going to


Well-known member
Those drinks are exactly what my mom needs.she is supposed to drink special drinks for her kidneys but she doesnt.she says they give her diareah but she's just being picky again.

Yeah I don't know wtf I'm gonna do with that wood.guess I could try giving it away but I'm not gonna hold my breath.i can't burn all that shit here.im in the fucking city.fuck me

Yeah I know it's booming baba.ive got a vaporizer and gummies with that delta 8 and 9.it does get you high.to the point it gives me anxiety.weed isn't legal here but that stuff is.its everywhere.ive never seen so many bongs in my life.id buy one if I still collected them but I don't smoke anymore either

Yeah I doubt there are gonna be girls in that sissy league.gonna be dudes with their ass and package hanging out.nobody wants to see that shit.it wouldn't piss me off if they didn't try to shove their shit down our throats in every little facet of life. Most are unsufderable pricks who think they are better than everyone else.thats all I'm gonna say about it.

Fuck it's hot out


Well-known member
Just watching the European championships Scotland v Switzerland the Scots have just taking the lead so 1-0 to Scotland I'm hoping the Scots can get out of there group and go on to the next stage. They got hammered against the German's in there opening match 5-1 so this is a game they really need to win. Switzerland has some quality players so it won't be a easy game for the Scots. The tartan army (Scottish fans) are in joyful mood... reminds me a bit of the Irish, if they win, the fans will go out and get drunk and celebrate, if they lose they will still go out to celebrate and get drunk 🥴 brilliant...

Oh, Switzerland have just scored a great goal, was a great finish so it's 1-1 game on.
Would love to be in Germany to take in the atmosphere, will have to settle for lying on the couch.
Wonder if babba is watching any of the European championship games 🤔 or placed any bets on it. ☯️

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