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New to Hempy, and having troubles!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I think you're probably over watering/feeding. Give the medium a chance to dry out before you water/feed again.

I don't know about your nutrients. I only use GH (General Hydroponics) and follow the regiment on this thread-
==The Recipe==

That smell will go away when you get your roots right.

Did anybody check for good drainage? Once the vermiculite is wet; the excess should run straight out bottom holes.
Quick, Fast & In a Hurry :tiphat:
As other people said looks like overwatering/ over feeding. The talon leaves look like nitrogen toxicity to me. I like to alternate ph of feeding 5.6 and 5.9 so the different nutes can absorb. At least that's what I do to. Another problem I've run into is having too fine of vermiculite and too coarse perlite. All the verm washed down to the bottom and choked out the roots in the rez


Active member
The cause of your over watering is too much vermiculite.

Vermiculite holds water in the media like a sponge, while the perlite does the opposite of holding air space and giving drainage.

1 part verm to 2 parts of perlite is way too heavy on the verm. Its holding too much water and the plant is drowning.

even a 1 to 3 parts ratio is a little high on verm.

I used to do 75 % perlite to 25 % verm and this worked ok in smaller pots.

But when I moved up to bigger pots I started to use less verm then that.

Now I just use mostly perlite with maybe 10% of the total being verm.

Ive found that you dont need alot to hold in the water when you have larger pots.

100 % perlite ive done tests with and it drains too much, so the verm serves a very important purpose in the hempy to keep the moisture in the media, instead of draining to the bottom like what happens when you only use perlite.


Eh... I wouldn't say that's all entirely true. I've been growing with 100% perlite fo about 2 years now without issue. Even so amazing that I've also not bought any new elite in that time as its entirely reusable. I've tried the vermec and I agree that it was messy and made soup of my plants roots. Drop vermec all together and I'm still watering 2.5 gal pots every 3 during veg and heavy flower they get watered once every 2 days.
Slight modification to the hempy...this works!!! I have been growimg hydro for 35 years and ultimately use this simple set up....put the hole in the container at the bottom edge as with manthey premade sleeves....put 3-4 inches of rinsed lava rock in the bottom and fill to the top with 3:1 perlite:vermiculite.
The container will sit in a tray of 1" water/nute mix....when the tray is almost dry, add more water/nute mix...that simple!!!! The lava rock creates a wet/dry area for the roots and they love it...then they use the water/nute mix as THEY want it...u just put it there for them and they take what they need..no more, no less.....
Now to expand the system, use a larger res instead of a drip tray for multiple plants to sit in....you can cover the res with a foiled foam board and cut holes for each container to sit in...then u can even add a pump to mix and aggitate the water and u have the system I currently have...I.call it a shallow water culture (SWC)
But the single plant setup will get u some nice bud...have fun with it...peace out..YT