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New study about polyploid


New member
I started this from seed from my collection of seeds and it has been a freak plant ever since. I believe the plant to possibly be a tetraploid. She really has crazy mutated leafs (the main leaf is super narrow an along, while the surrounding leafs are short and fold under the main leaf) and the stems are really big with red coloration to them. I have noticed that the first time I flowered her she really needed water and nutrients almost daily, she just loved it. I was smoking the main cola nug and I found two HUGE seeds in the middle of the nug. I found that really interesting! She is getting tested at the lab right now, hopefully it will pull a higher THC number

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33611477@N06/18170979608" title="Pnwpie by seattlegti, on Flickr"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7731/18170979608_6215985133_z.jpg" width="640" height="640" alt="Pnwpie"></a>

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33611477@N06/18192893449" title="Untitled by seattlegti, on Flickr"><img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8879/18192893449_e0408ce9f0_c.jpg" width="600" height="800" alt="Untitled"></a>

<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33611477@N06/18358799955" title="Pnwpie by seattlegti, on Flickr"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7763/18358799955_532f92e94a_z.jpg" width="640" height="640" alt="Pnwpie"></a>

Week 6
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/33611477@N06/18170971048" title="Pnwpie by seattlegti, on Flickr"><img src="https://c4.staticflickr.com/8/7792/18170971048_8c833b1a35_z.jpg" width="640" height="640" alt="Pnwpie"></a>


Well, i have some updates, we have continued making fertility tests in with the triploid and tetraploid plants.

we used 2n males to impollinate 3n and 4n females.

fertility is very reduced in the 3n and reduced in the 4n

have a look to this picture.


This is the seed production of two heavily impollenated autoflowering northern lights.

3n made almost no seeds, 4n made much more, i am sorry i dont have a 2n control, but difference is quite clear.


Well-known member
Super interesting, thanks for posting in ..

Quite a difference to say the least !



New member
That is very interesting! Did any of the seeds have the watermelon lines on them? Did you notice the seeds were much bigger? I was told by people that mine was a tetraploid and especially since the bottom split into four. Is that not a train of a tetraploid?


New member
Seems 4n seeds are bigger than 2n, but we havent confirmed yet this.

I have read in many old lab reports that bigger seeds are reported in the 4n, pretty interesting. Did your polyploids start as one or did it take it a whole growth cycle for the poly characteristic to come out?


I found much the same.
I found a few tri's of many that only yielded 5% of normal seed set. But also with a bunch of white seed nubs, unfinished seeds, that are worse then seeds to try and remove, I never found a tri that was 100% seedless when pollinated, that was my goal. I gave up after a few years on the quest, maybe a clone can be found that is this way. I only screened less then 100 of different tri's, they were all 5-95% normal seed set. I wanted 100% seed and nub free, I never made or found one.


Well, i have some updates, we have continued making fertility tests in with the triploid and tetraploid plants.

we used 2n males to impollinate 3n and 4n females.

fertility is very reduced in the 3n and reduced in the 4n

have a look to this picture.

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This is the seed production of two heavily impollenated autoflowering northern lights.

3n made almost no seeds, 4n made much more, i am sorry i dont have a 2n control, but difference is quite clear.


I have done that for dry sift. I wanted a clone that made no seeds or white nubs, so it could be used for mass sinsemilla production without sexing and killing the males, or for sins hash production, the farmers choice. And any farmer could do it anywhere, even in Morocco surrounded by farmers with males. I never achieved that. The white nubs ruin the herb for smoking, they are much harder to remove then a few mature seeds in a bud. The herb is fine for dry sift, a higher yield of resin.

Unless you use those plants for making hashish or extractions.
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I found much the same.
I found a few tri's of many that only yielded 5% of normal seed set. But also with a bunch of white seed nubs, unfinished seeds, that are worse then seeds to try and remove, I never found a tri that was 100% seedless when pollinated, that was my goal. I gave up after a few years on the quest, maybe a clone can be found that is this way. I only screened less then 100 of different tri's, they were all 5-95% normal seed set. I wanted 100% seed and nub free, I never made or found one.


In you opinion, do you think that some one, some where will some day find and save a tri that won't produce seeds?


Yes it can be found. But maybe a zillion have to be made and screened for this, to find one.
The real problem for herb to smoke is not that it makes just a few seeds rather then no seed, but the nub white seeds that are made ruin the herb for smoking, unless you just want the resin, that is fine for water hash or dry sift, I am not sure if you use herb with a few seeds or a bunch of small white nubs is good for solvent extractions? Maybe the oils from the seeds/nubs are also extracted with the Cannabinoids/terpenes? I do not know.

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