Please welcome the new moderators for the Hungarian forum, iwantmorebuds and WHIPEDMEAT.
Thank you two for volunteering to help out!
Since they are volunteers, please respect them as they are helping to keep this forum friendly and troll-free.
Use the "report post" function or PM either moderator if you see any posts that go against our forum guidelines.
The mods will be posting up more information in Hungarian to help you understand how IC Mag works.
We can also announce new Hungarian subforums are coming soon!
Hopefully someone will translate this. Thanks!
Thank you two for volunteering to help out!
Since they are volunteers, please respect them as they are helping to keep this forum friendly and troll-free.
Use the "report post" function or PM either moderator if you see any posts that go against our forum guidelines.
The mods will be posting up more information in Hungarian to help you understand how IC Mag works.
We can also announce new Hungarian subforums are coming soon!
Hopefully someone will translate this. Thanks!