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If you're in a country where you can buy DynaGro foods, I recommend them. Can't beat them for value, design, and a complete diet. My fave is Foliage-Pro. Makes a great foliar food too.
When a pro (not talking cannabis foods) who won't rip you off has done all the work for you, why mix your own? It's a lot more expensive for starts cause you are limited to buying in bulk for a very small amount of this and that. And then you have the issue of precipitation out of solution because the "oxide" you chose doesn't get along with the "sulfate", creates a bad kid and drops out.
If you're you're cutting out N during flowering then you're definately a noob who has fallen for the label thinking high P or K will produce more. It will not. It is a mineral, NOT a flowering stimulant.
Hormones control flowering responses, not some nerd holding a bottle of Acme Bloom Xplosion.
Influence of differing nitrate and nitrogen availability on flowering control in Arabidopsis
Highlight. Based on a literature review and experimental findings, a U-shaped flowering curve in response to differing nitrate/nitrogen availability is pro