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new "conspiracy" thread LOL!


Well-known member
"double cab, tiny bed" ? you must live close by! i'll wave out the window...:wave: and you see if you can spot me. this truck is the same length as my old jeep was, IF you cut the bed off of it. we do have a couple of boats, and are looking for a camper. my wifes idea of roughing it is being in a hotel where the ice machine is on a different floor than our room :rolleyes: whereas i went for over thirty years before i bought a tarp for rain protection, and don't mind waking up and picking ticks off and shaking scorpions out of my boots (i lied right there, i HATE ticks) i put over 300K miles on my old Nissan D-21 truck before it blew and i got the jeep, which ALSO reached 300K before a noble death. ah, i miss them...:cry:

Old Piney

Well-known member
"double cab, tiny bed" ? you must live close by! i'll wave out the window...:wave: and you see if you can spot me. this truck is the same length as my old jeep was, IF you cut the bed off of it. we do have a couple of boats, and are looking for a camper. my wifes idea of roughing it is being in a hotel where the ice machine is on a different floor than our room :rolleyes: whereas i went for over thirty years before i bought a tarp for rain protection, and don't mind waking up and picking ticks off and shaking scorpions out of my boots (i lied right there, i HATE ticks) i put over 300K miles on my old Nissan D-21 truck before it blew and i got the jeep, which ALSO reached 300K before a noble death. ah, i miss them...:cry:
Yes I think those trucks are good for boats and campers especially if you have a family I get it. If you are don't pay to much insurance I suggest getting a little beater as well. It'll keeps the milage off you expensive ass pickup .I got 2 big trucks and a pickup for work an a old rave 4 I love it. The pickup it a f150 with a single cab with a 8 ‘ bed remember those lol. Practically extinct
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Old Piney

Well-known member
You mean FBI ray? Who was the main instigator but was given probation whereas everyone else was given years?
So I think your a bit confused here , I think you are talking about Ray ebbs .Think of him as the gunnery Sgt Hartman of j 6th. He's a USMC vet and allegedly a former member of the oath-keepers ( who ever the hell they are ) . He's widely videoed at Jan 5 and 6 shouting at the crowd telling them to “go in to the capital”.He was called out on video as being “ FBI” for suggesting such a thing by Trumpers. Despite the blatant evidence from the start of him inciting violence ,he was not charged until September 2023 ( while the majority of the arrested J 6ers rot in jail with no trial )he just recently plead guilty and was sentenced to only one year of probation and fined $500 .so I don't know you tell me? @mean mean mustard @armedoldhippy
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Well-known member
from what i read, his lighter sentence resulted from testifying about others, and showing remorse for his actions. not uncommon if slightly distateful behavior to toss your "comrades in arms" under the bus to get a lighter sentence, but in no way makes him an FBI plant/instigator.


Well-known member
from what i read, his lighter sentence resulted from testifying about others, and showing remorse for his actions. not uncommon if slightly distateful behavior to toss your "comrades in arms" under the bus to get a lighter sentence, but in no way makes him an FBI plant/instigator.
Y'all love to cry about right wingers having a riot and hurting police, yet what about the left wingers who burned down a damn police station in Portland?


The Tri Guy
What in all that prevents him from being FBI?
They won't tell us how many FBI agents were under cover in the crowd. They won't deny there were any. Plausible deniability is always the goal, but they refuse in this case.


Well-known member
no actual agents reported. informers? they're not doing their jobs if they didn't have any. LOTS of accusations. always are. "it wasn't US! it was the FEDS! " LOL! at least some of the Proud Boys manned up and admitted their guilt. many still hope for a scapegoat to deflect blame. :confused:


Well-known member
Y'all love to cry about right wingers having a riot and hurting police, yet what about the left wingers who burned down a damn police station in Portland?
how many LEO were injured, how many people died, and...how many members of Congress were in there trying to perform the duties they were elected to do? it WAS bad, but it was a non-event in the bigger picture...terrible example of "whataboutism" you chose.


Well-known member
no actual agents reported. informers? they're not doing their jobs if they didn't have any. LOTS of accusations. always are. "it wasn't US! it was the FEDS! " LOL! at least some of the Proud Boys manned up and admitted their guilt. many still hope for a scapegoat to deflect blame. :confused:
Buried in this article is an important tidbit. See if you can find it!

Exclusive: Proud Boys leader was ‘prolific’ informer for law enforcement
By Aram Roston
January 27, 20211:45 PM EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding obtained by Reuters.

In the Miami hearing, a federal prosecutor, a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and Tarrio’s own lawyer described his undercover work and said he had helped authorities prosecute more than a dozen people in various cases involving drugs, gambling and human smuggling.

Tarrio, in an interview with Reuters Tuesday, denied working undercover or cooperating in cases against others. “I don’t know any of this,” he said, when asked about the transcript. “I don’t recall any of this.”

Law-enforcement officials and the court transcript contradict Tarrio’s denial. In a statement to Reuters, the former federal prosecutor in Tarrio’s case, Vanessa Singh Johannes, confirmed that “he cooperated with local and federal law enforcement, to aid in the prosecution of those running other, separate criminal enterprises, ranging from running marijuana grow houses in Miami to operating pharmaceutical fraud schemes.”

Tarrio, 36, is a high-profile figure who organizes and leads the right-wing Proud Boys in their confrontations with those they believe to be Antifa, short for “anti-fascism,” an amorphous and often violent leftist movement. The Proud Boys were involved in the deadly insurrection at the Capitol January 6.

The records uncovered by Reuters are startling because they show that a leader of a far-right group now under intense scrutiny by law enforcement was previously an active collaborator with criminal investigators.

Washington police arrested Tarrio in early January when he arrived in the city two days before the Capitol Hill riot. He was charged with possessing two high-capacity rifle magazines, and burning a Black Lives Matter banner during a December demonstration by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The D.C. Superior Court ordered him to leave the city pending a court date in June.

Though Tarrio did not take part in the Capitol insurrection, at least five Proud Boys members have been charged in the riot. The FBI previously said Tarrio’s earlier arrest was an effort to preempt the events of January 6.

The transcript from 2014 shines a new light on Tarrio’s past connections to law enforcement. During the hearing, the prosecutor and Tarrio’s defense attorney asked a judge to reduce the prison sentence of Tarrio and two co-defendants. They had pleaded guilty in a fraud case related to the relabeling and sale of stolen diabetes test kits.

The prosecutor said Tarrio’s information had led to the prosecution of 13 people on federal charges in two separate cases, and had helped local authorities investigate a gambling ring.

Tarrio’s then-lawyer Jeffrey Feiler said in court that his client had worked undercover in numerous investigations, one involving the sale of anabolic steroids, another regarding “wholesale prescription narcotics” and a third targeting human smuggling. He said Tarrio helped police uncover three marijuana grow houses, and was a “prolific” cooperator.

In the smuggling case, Tarrio, “at his own risk, in an undercover role met and negotiated to pay $11,000 to members of that ring to bring in fictitious family members of his from another country,” the lawyer said in court.

In an interview, Feiler said he did not recall details about the case but added, “The information I provided to the court was based on information provided to me by law enforcement and the prosecutor.”

An FBI agent at the hearing called Tarrio a “key component” in local police investigations involving marijuana, cocaine and MDMA, or ecstasy. The Miami FBI office declined comment.

There is no evidence Tarrio has cooperated with authorities since then. In interviews with Reuters, however, he said that before rallies in various cities, he would let police departments know of the Proud Boys’ plans. It is unclear if this was actually the case. He said he stopped this coordination after December 12 because the D.C. police had cracked down on the group.

Tarrio on Tuesday acknowledged that his fraud sentence was reduced, from 30 months to 16 months, but insisted that leniency was provided only because he and his co-defendants helped investigators “clear up” questions about his own case. He said he never helped investigate others.

That comment contrasts with statements made in court by the prosecutor, his lawyer and the FBI. The judge in the case, Joan A. Lenard, said Tarrio “provided substantial assistance in the investigation and prosecution of other persons involved in criminal conduct.”

As Trump supporters challenged the Republican’s election loss in often violent demonstrations, Tarrio stood out for his swagger as he led crowds of mostly white Proud Boys in a series of confrontations and street brawls in Washington, D.C., Portland, Oregon, and elsewhere.

The Proud Boys, founded in 2016, began as a group protesting political correctness and perceived constraints on masculinity. It grew into a group with distinctive colors of yellow and black that embraced street fighting. In September their profile soared when Trump called on them to “Stand back and stand by.”
Tarrio, based in Miami, became the national chairman of the group in 2018.
In November and December, Tarrio led the Proud Boys through the streets of D.C. after Trump’s loss. Video shows him on December 11 with a bullhorn in front of a large crowd. “To the parasites both in Congress, and in that stolen White House,” he said. “You want a war, you got one!” The crowd roared. The next day Tarrio burned the BLM banner.

Former prosecutor Johannes said she was surprised that the defendant she prosecuted for fraud is now a key player in the violent movement that sought to halt the certification of President Joe Biden.

“I knew that he was a fraudster – but had no reason to know that he was also a domestic terrorist,” she said.

Reporting by Aram Roston in Washington. Editing by Ronnie Greene



Well-known member
As said before it was a little riot, probably less than a thousand people that actually entered the building,

If less than a thousand entered the building why have over 1100 been charged so far? You should broaden your source for information, it looks like you’re stuck in a FOX news / Newsmax information loop.

Because you “say so” doesn’t make it fact. From what I’ve seen so far from your posts, you say a lot of things that aren’t factual, so what you say means nothing to me.


Well-known member
If less than a thousand entered the building why have over 1100 been charged so far? You should broaden your source for information, it looks like you’re stuck in a FOX news / Newsmax information loop.

Because you “say so” doesn’t make it fact. From what I’ve seen so far from your posts, you say a lot of things that aren’t factual, so what you say means nothing to me.
So 100 rioters outside the building. Lol, I didn't have a source it was just a really close guess, if we were playing the price is right I probably would have won. Lol


Well-known member
So 100 rioters outside the building. Lol, I didn't have a source it was just a really close guess, if we were playing the price is right I probably would have won. Lol


Well-known member
what about the left winger who burned down a damn police station set fire to a trash bin adjacent to a vacant police building in Portland?

fixed that for you. also, the girl who lit that trashcan on fire was indicted by a federal grand jury, and also faces state felony charges.


Old Piney

Well-known member
If less than a thousand entered the building why have over 1100 been charged so far? You should broaden your source for information, it looks like you’re stuck in a FOX news / Newsmax information loop.

Because you “say so” doesn’t make it fact. From what I’ve seen so far from your posts, you say a lot of things that aren’t factual, so what you say means nothing to me.
Not arguing ?