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new "conspiracy" thread LOL!


The Tri Guy
I've been through Atlanta, spent a little time in L.A (Santa Monica), did the obligatory las Vegas trip. Thought about calling in on new York on the way back to civilisation, but thought better of it. 😁


Well-known member
New York (in spite of it's rep) is nowhere near "civilization" that i can see. been there twice, most buildings you can see from the interstate look as if they are in a war zone. no glass in windows etc. people drove like fucking lunatics...but honestly, that is true in EVERY big city. Atlanta, Nashville, Memphis, Dallas...fuck 'em.

Old Piney

Well-known member
they did install metal detectors at entrances to the floor where congressmen /ladies sit during sessions. several GOP members refused to walk through them. Boebert was one of the first. the GOP had them removed when they got their razor-thin hold on power, just over a year ago. "checkpoints" ? how much "prevention" should LEO anticipate needing to protect our legislators from our citizens while performing their legally required duties under the Constitution ? tanks ? Apache helicopters circling the building with mini-guns ready to go ? what ? tell us.
This is good please continue do your best to be somewhat civil with your response and reactions. All this about the metal detectors for the members of Congress is not the issue and not related .It's the security failure ,no protester should have ever been permitted to enter the capital, they certainly did not need Apache helicopters circling with mini-guns to accomplish this, it's not rocket science. Just a good barrier ( temporary chain link like at a concert ) and enough guards to deter anyone from breaching them. What they had was a gigantic area surrounded by 4 ‘ green plastic safety fence on rinkydink snow face post with cardboard signs. The bigger the circumference of the barricade the more guards required .like wise the easier the barricade is to breach the more guards required. I don't know how many guards they had but clearly not nearly enough. It's documented ,were warned by the FBI of bad actors and violence infiltrating the rally. I have no doubt that this security failure was intentional. I've seen better security at a Grateful Dead show

Old Piney

Well-known member
@armedoldhippy the question I have unanswered , I just can't picture the scenario
nobody would take a bet that did not take into account The Chump/GOPs attempt at insurrection, nobody. the entire thing is about winning an ELECTION, whether you interpret it that way or not. sorry...
That was the wager just saying. regardless I doubt that even you believe that an “insurrection” without guns stood any chance of an overthrow of the government, or somehow forcibly winning an election. So how would this play out with a mob with flag poles, sticks, a few cans of pepper spray and maybe a fire extinguisher or two? Evan if that had pitchforks and touches , or for that matter guns , how do you forcibly win an election? Hold Pence hostage with a can of pepper spray?


Well-known member
the folks at the Gratedful Dead show were not looking for trouble. did LEO underestimate how violent the MAGAmaniacs could become? pretty obvious. i agree, they should never been allowed anywhere near the building. YOU tell ME what you would have done differently without putting the focus on the overwhelmed LEO that were there. i, myself, would have had a couple dozen LEO with pump shotguns with buckshot, but then, i'm a real dick when someone ignores "STOP!" or "HALT!" there would have been a lot more than one " peaceful sight-seeing tourist" killed that day if i had been in charge. how would YOU have handled it, given the hindsight we have?


Well-known member
@armedoldhippy the question I have unanswered , I just can't picture the scenario

That was the wager just saying. regardless I doubt that even you believe that an “insurrection” without guns stood any chance of an overthrow of the government, or somehow forcibly winning an election. So how would this play out with a mob with flag poles, sticks, a few cans of pepper spray and maybe a fire extinguisher or two? Evan if that had pitchforks and touches , or for that matter guns , how do you forcibly win an election? Hold Pence hostage with a can of pepper spray?
from intelligence sources in re Proud Boys now available, there WERE weapons staged nearby, and they lost their nerve. thank God. will they chickenshit out NEXT time?


Well-known member
chain link fence, LOL! a crowd of pot-smoking hippies crushed those at Woodstock. any other inane ideas? crowd control rests solely on the crowd realizing that appropriate force CAN and WILL be used if they act up. anything less will be an abject failure. the capitol building was not designed nor built as a safe place from a violent assault. too many doors, too many windows...

Old Piney

Well-known member
the folks at the Gratedful Dead show were not looking for trouble. did LEO underestimate how violent the MAGAmaniacs could become? pretty obvious. i agree, they should never been allowed anywhere near the building. YOU tell ME what you would have done differently without putting the focus on the overwhelmed LEO that were there. i, myself, would have had a couple dozen LEO with pump shotguns with buckshot, but then, i'm a real dick when someone ignores "STOP!" or "HALT!" there would have been a lot more than one " peaceful sight-seeing tourist" killed that day if i had been in charge. how would YOU have handled it, given the hindsight we have?
Better fence and if needed what you said oo buckshot. Basically as strong showing of force as a deterrent would have done the trick , yes a line of cops with pump shotguns .again they were warned it was gonna be more than a Grateful Dead show but they had less fence WTF .it was intentional no law enforcement agency could screw up that bad

Old Piney

Well-known member
chain link fence, LOL! a crowd of pot-smoking hippies crushed those at Woodstock. any other inane ideas? crowd control rests solely on the crowd realizing that appropriate force CAN and WILL be used if they act up. anything less will be an abject failure. the capitol building was not designed nor built as a safe place from a violent assault. too many doors, too many windows...
Better than what they had .they have ways look what they did after the fact Fuck our corrupt intel, I'm not standing up for the proud boys but I don't believe any thing that say .Ray couldn't even answer before Congress whether the FBI had agents in the capitol dressed a Trumpers
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Well-known member
what does a "Trumper" dress like? i'm seeing MAGA hats for sale in antique stores around here. must have lost much of it's appeal...


The Tri Guy
When I said " return to civilisation" I was talking about returning home to England.
At least we remember that govt buildings are buildings of the people. We can wander into the houses of parliament, take tours of Buckingham palace, see the buildings we own. The thought of the public, wanting the public shot, for simply wanting to gather outside, or peacefully take a tour inside, is unthinkable. If you really want to know how to stop people entering a public building I'll tell you how we do it here in civilisation. Put up a sign saying welcome, and charge for entry. These buildings are boring as fuck, no one can be arsed paying to get in 😁.


The Tri Guy
Nah, in the matrix it's programs and people.

At Davos, Schwab said " how dare the people rebel against govt control"

We the people, demand service not control. We will die to defend this, not for ourselves, but for our children, so that they may live free.
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