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Well-known member
...you made a cross of Nevils haze x Tom Hill haze
"it all comes from those who try to cash on Nevils work. it is disgusting and sleazy"
I dont see ur name on that...odd?
is that rational? Grandstanding in here on 2 other guys work you just dusted together and you get rough riding stripes?


atomizing haze essence
...you made a cross of Nevils haze x Tom Hill haze
"it all comes from those who try to cash on Nevils work. it is disgusting and sleazy"
I dont see ur name on that...odd?
is that rational? Grandstanding in here on 2 other guys work you just dusted together and you get rough riding stripes?
I have never released it!!!! in that time I made it, I was not selling seeds at all.

and neville haze x toms haze is not Nevils work. only nevilles haze. I have never sold nevilles haze, super silver haze or any work from Nevil.

go to ojd forum you silly.follow your sleazy friend. you have nothing to contribute here, except of some nonsense...

why dont use your logic on Nevil. he used NL5 devoloped by Herb Nelson and haze from Skunkman, according to your logic, it is not his work. what a dumb motherfucker!
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Miros SS

I'm well up for entering the chat. Been reading stuff here from you guys for a few years now and posted hardly anything.....

Not wanting to risk rocking the boat or falling out with any members. But...

The haze politics is unfortunately extreme 😅🤣🤣

I started my journey in 1992.
Have grown sensi s nl5xhaze
Original haze x sk from sam seedsman
Neville's haze 2007 from mr nice
KasH from ace
Various landrace sativas from weed..Thai, Cambodia, Laos and african.
Also panmal and Ethiopian x Malawi from ace.

Now forget what I actually wanted to say....
Oh yeah I think I'll chime in now and then. Keep up the good work everyone.
Anything that helps one raise their awareness and game is great information.
Sometimes especially the squabbling 🤣🤣🤣.

Anyway yeah I remember. I wanted to introduce myself and say I crossed and popped loads of seeds and found some qualities I don't see discussed very often.
I had a haze that was like a smart drug. It made you the best possible version of yourself. If you were uncontrollably stoned from some indica l,eyes rollingi n thebackofyourhead., one spliff of this and you were ready for a run.

I always use soil with a few amendments.

A Super Sativa lover.


Well-known member
You don't need to run 100 to find a good one. You may have to run 100 to find a truly exceptional one. But that goes for any variety. And some you can run 1000s and never find anything magical.
That is one thing that is often misunderstood about the law of averages. In this case it applies to the entire progeny, not just the seeds you possess. So if millions of seeds were produced. In theory if you have 100 seeds, you could have 100 exceptional plants, 100 bunk plants, 100 good plants, or any combination. It seems most think it refers to the 100 seeds you have. It does not. It is the luck of the draw.

Donald Mallard

el duck
That is one thing that is often misunderstood about the law of averages. In this case it applies to the entire progeny, not just the seeds you possess. So if millions of seeds were produced. In theory if you have 100 seeds, you could have 100 exceptional plants, 100 bunk plants, 100 good plants, or any combination. It seems most think it refers to the 100 seeds you have. It does not. It is the luck of the draw.
exactly ,,
plus you could get lucky and find one of the lucky 5% in the first seed you pop ,
or the last , or any inbetween , or none because they are all in some other hundred someone else has because its not equally divided into lots of 100 with 5% beauties in every batch ...


atomizing haze essence
it is not accurate actually as positronics description says 5 - 10 %. so it can be 6% or 7% it depends on...

580809cfba37e64126f64153f1ae479988120b4e (2).jpeg

except of luck, you need positive energy to it. so I am sure these wannabees will not find it hahahaha they will end with Piff someone else will give them hahahaaha and there is always blue dream for them which is nice medicine.. that is cold true. bigherb will never smoke it at piffcon hahahaha.


atomizing haze essence
if somebody thinks, I would smoke 5% haze and go to this thread, you are mistaken... It would be scary even to read this bullshit thread full of wannabees who are going to grow 100 seeds but it will never happen LOL...

if some judge-smoker would smoke it at some stupid cup, he drops his pencil and heads to hide somewhere LOL ahaahahhaaha :ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
Reactions: ojd


atomizing haze essence
my 5%haze is 17 weeker. I cant see anybody to keep 17 weekers and pass it successfully around... and I don't see others to grow it. as really small % of growers has ability to grow it properly somehow.

First I would care about % of growers who are able to grow it more than care about % of keepers in 100 seeds LOL

one thing is to pop 100 seeds at once - easy. other thing is to keep every pheno, properly grow it - this can be problem indoors and at North, properly dry it and properly stored it - this can be problem in tropics, cure it for months and then smoke testing it for months in various situations. that is for real man with a lot of free time. not for wannabees living their "life" at computer trolling in every haze thread.

I made that job, I found it. I kept it and made great outcross with it. how many of those wannabees really did it? nobody. posi haze is out there from 90s.. who really did it in all those years, I saw many who planned it LOL. it is easier to grow NL5haze and act like it is very trippy at boards heheehe it is so much easier to knock off Nevils work, then to do your own work...

and then flowepowder comes with the funniest question ever. where are people with posi haze? LOL nowhere LOL WTF!?!?!?!? what a disrespect...

I stay with it here, with real posi haze work, I grow it from 2008... continually... here is MAHAKALA with it, I hold it high like flag. but flowerpower doesnt see me, intentionally? and asking where are people with posi haze, another disrespect to MAHAKALA from his side?

he is like those trolls who are provoking and asking, who really found it? like they try to say it is not existing. while they know very well I found it. suckers. ask once more.. who found it? just for trolling fun LOL - another method how to discredit MAHAKALA LOL

acid beauty grown at Hawaii by real man. only true die hard dedicated haze heads there. without internet bullshit and fake stories about genius Nevil or trippy piff LOL



atomizing haze essence
and yes crossing it with silver green vietnamese male, we achieved much better mathematical curve than 10% for finding a psychedelic keeper. that work is done. it is finished. it is tested in numerous environments, at different continents. just for guys like flower power and his friends it is invisible. they dont see it or dont want to see it.

where are people with posi haze? after that question I thought they want to make me invisible... of course it is their wet nazi dream. try to eliminate MAHAKALA, it doesn't go along with their sucker imagine of haze world LOL


atomizing haze essence
so you guys just cant accept I found 5% haze of posi, good laugh helps with relief, I am for it... hahahahhaha

I take it as disrespect though. count it with..

Skunkman was homeless, so he cant breed any way, they say. Tom Hill is alcoholics - so that means he cant breed it, he has problems with his own personality. and his gear is crap. MAHAKALA is hermaphrodite and didn't find 5% haze, and he is closet grower and all his pics from greenhouses for last 16 years are fake LOL. 5% doesn't exist anyway oh yes...

they are so clever, they know it all. now you can laugh. so of course as it is kind of joke, this bullshit.

then you see their indoor tortured hazes, and you try to figure out what they are talking about? LOL yellowy devastated plants suffering from some kind of deficiency...

instead of question of who will find it, I mean where are people with posi haze?(so passively aggressive question it is too funny), we can make list of guys who will not find it 100% and by the chance those are same guys who has no respect for real work and try to tear it down... its their hobby.

and this people are asking for respect, you cant have thicker skin really LOL

sucker that is suffering from hate to Tom Hill for like 14 years, I mean it is pathological, disrespects him where he can... is asking for respect for himself and his friends with zero work. incredible. you know guys I dont know Tom Hill personally, so I cant hate him or love him LOL I focus on work. work like deep chunk, pine tar kush, x18 or posi haze.. wow that is some work and no wannabee can disrespect such work. it is too big.

they tried to disrespect posi haze line from all sides. it is skunkhaze hahahaha. it is deep chunk cross. it is 5% thc variety.. and so on and so on. it is going for years. like 20 years or so of posi haze hate on internet.

why these suckers always focus on personality, instead of work? it is clear, their low intentions are visible from Moon.

I can laugh at what Nevil said at internet - but one can learn from his hybrids how to make or how not to make it respect for quality hybrids, not for today knock offs, I can laugh what Tom Hill said on internet here and there - but his works speaks for itself. I can laugh at how Skunkman changed his description of haze origin - but his preservation work, and hybrids like skunk#1 changed cannabis world. strong work. respect.

hey! but wannabees can disrespect anybody they want... any time. it is time for wannabees who toured Amsterdam once hahahahahha.

yeah where are people with posi haze? LOL I am asking, because these are real people.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Flower power is a friendly guy and his personality shines in the way he writes. Added to that he is a great grower. Both of which means a lot of people follow his threads. Why lose respect for someone just because of who follows? Makes no sense.

I like your plants and no bullshit, but you also can come across as a bit arrogant and nasty at times. It might be a cultural thing we aren't getting. It's an international site. Europeans communicate differently to folk from US, England or Oz. For example in my country some call each other "cunt" in the same way people use "bro". It comes across as very offensive on the page but is not meant that way at all. When you say "you don't know what you're talking about" it can seem arrogant, but can also be taken two ways. It can be good advice, or can be dick measuring.

I don't think all this is your fault. You are clearly baited at times (especially OJD) by other haze seed sellers in particular. It must be a tight market. I guess OJd is fighting for the same market.

Anyway my bet is fp won't post much on this thread anymore which is the biggest shame.

Does long term haze use turn people into arseholes? I've been wondering lately.
😆 🤣
I only post when the 🤡 maha either disses Nevil or his world famous Haze's. ( as they the most famous Haze's in the world ) so yeah it's not for Maha ( we can't all like the same) but majority of the word 98% know Haze and Nevil for his legendary Haze work.

And I posted as flower power was getting disrespected for no reason at all ( a nice member who post great pics etc) , when have you EVER SEEN a seed maker constantly diss a guy growing his strains when he putting on a good show ( when the grower just giving praise and a good show ) how mental are you , you trying to beat your idols Madness ?

Yeah I'm battling for sales with maha 😆 🤣 😂


atomizing haze essence
yeah it is the truth, to stay on topics, that nevilles haze took down tropical qualities of posi haze down in this cross. it is the fact. the truth. plain truth. and all other is marketing of discount seed seller.

I dont really see that nevilles haze would be somehow popular LOL it is not.minimum of growers is growing it. I see amnesia is much more popular for example. yet amnesia is not better than nevilles haze in psychoactivity. so some popularity is no measure. retarded.

Madonna is also world famous singer, but I know better singers... so who cares about fancy fame and hype. truth is in the plants.

of course... it is not good for marketing of those who sell knock offs, not real deal thing from Nevil. it is not real deal. it is knock off.. it is lie it is real deal. not authentic at all. just try to catch customers on Nevils name, while those knock offs are not even close to authentic gear from Nevil.

those who are not wannabies, please stay real and authentic. thank you.
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atomizing haze essence
what is between me and flowerpower is our thing. flowerpower is adult person, he can write posts lone, I saw it. he can defend himself if needed.

those who defend him here, are shameful hypocrites, they dont care about him, they just want to get opportunity to discredit MAHAKALA

I am free and independent, and If I think somebody talks bullshit, or doesn't know what he is talking about, I will say it, friend or enemy I don't care. I am free.


Well-known member
yeah when I was talking about idiots from mr. nice forums, I meant bigherb... that is sure... zero work with haze but long ass bullshit posts, so pathetic bullshit. crazy sucker without real life. another friend of flowerpower, really nice. real haze lovers laugh at his posts LOL childish.
You definitely get high on more than cannabis , the way you speak with a god like complex. For sure you anint from the city

Pathetic bullshit post Really ?

You CLOWN you blast FJ earlier about pms
YOU PMED me long ago with Respect then PMed me more recent asking for help with information

Looser and a liar

Not sure if by work you mean EXPERIENCE but My first experience with Haze plants outdoors in NYC was 2009

Show some Respect to the grower of Nevilles Haze in the Snow, ask Hempy

Old n more recent Haze grows BELOW . My passion for Haze is Deep I attempted several varites outdoors in NYC throughout the years.

09 was my first actual experience with a Haze variety and out the gate i attempted Nevilles Haze long before you POSTED a PICTURE

Group Garden pic
G13Hp/ TomHillHaze f2 via Hazylady/ COLOMBIAN GOLD Via keyplay.... you can see the lighter green THH Next to Darker Green CG

The CG actually pollinated THH but Lumbo is inferior in your eyes soo you wouldn't accept that. But I guess we can call that some work

25 seed were popped of MADMAC ORIGINAL HAZE REPRO last year

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Well-known member

and yes crossing it with silver green vietnamese male, we achieved much better mathematical curve than 10% for finding a psychedelic keeper. that work is done. it is finished. it is tested in numerous environments, at different continents. just for guys like flower power and his friends it is invisible. they dont see it or dont want to see it.

where are people with posi haze? after that question I thought they want to make me invisible... of course it is their wet nazi dream. try to eliminate MAHAKALA, it doesn't go along with their sucker imagine of haze world LOL
And you dare talk of positive energy to grow haze, you're one of the worst negative person on this forum Haze Nazi, you have no idea what positive energy is.
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Well-known member
Flower power is a friendly guy and his personality shines in the way he writes. Added to that he is a great grower. Both of which means a lot of people follow his threads. Why lose respect for someone just because of who follows? Makes no sense.

I like your plants and no bullshit, but you also can come across as a bit arrogant and nasty at times. It might be a cultural thing we aren't getting. It's an international site. Europeans communicate differently to folk from US, England or Oz. For example in my country some call each other "cunt" in the same way people use "bro". It comes across as very offensive on the page but is not meant that way at all. When you say "you don't know what you're talking about" it can seem arrogant, but can also be taken two ways. It can be good advice, or can be dick measuring.

I don't think all this is your fault. You are clearly baited at times (especially OJD) by other haze seed sellers in particular. It must be a tight market. I guess OJd is fighting for the same market.

Anyway my bet is fp won't post much on this thread anymore which is the biggest shame.

Does long term haze use turn people into arseholes? I've been wondering lately.
Maha is french like me and it's not a cultural thing believe me, he is awfully arrogant and act like a prick from my perspective as well; OJD is not better by the way he can also be very nasty and he is like maha pretty fast to insult anyone who don't revere him. Seeing how those 2 behave is not a good argument for daily haze use that's a fact.

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