The real seed company sells to the US though their co called Kwik seeds . As far as I know all the Himalayan strains are a bit late ,with the exception of BlueHemp Nepal ( baglung) .This one from what I can tell is just different, its supper early and from reports I’ve heard it might not have that high you are looking for. I’ve grown Kumaoni and Rasoli here at the jersey shore at 40 N they both hadn’t quite matured when chopped them in early November. As far as cold they can handel it ,I had my Rasoli pop back from a 27 degree freeze. It’s more that the sun just gets too low and they stop maturing than the temperatures .Even so they did produce some good smoke and awesome hash with that high you’re looking for. You should have it a little better than me especially with the sun as long as you are on the south side of the mountain down there in God’s country here is a few pics of the Kumaoni I grew harvested around November 1 it could have gone longer but it was really good and she was a giant . Nanda Devi sounds good to me,I’m gonna give it a goWow lots of replies, thanks all... I'm in the US. It'll all get rolled into cobs for chewing.
I've considered all of the above suggestions, especially the Nanda Devi, for here at 36N in Blue Ridge Mts - also the Nepal Mist, but don't know how it would feel w/ Kali Mist in it as I don't really care for Ace's Kali China (seems muddy, then makes me prone to anger and impatience the next day, go figure...).
Prefer to aquire within US. Heard a while back that TRSC were working on a distribution site in the states, but not heard anything since, so don't know about the Nanda Devi. Assume Derga Collective is outside the US too...
I found that the Kumaoni and Rasoli have about the same effect, It’s hard to say . I liked the Kumaoni‘s taste better in fact I have a bit of a craving for it. The Rasoli also can grow gigantic, there is a member here who grew some 15’ers up in Massachusetts .I just checked Kwic Seeds they have Nanda Devi in stock and on sale, they also have a number of other Himalayan strains in stock as well . I grew purple satellite last year amd it’s my favorite smoke I got right now and yes it does have a different element to it besides the Oaxacan that would be the baglung I believe,It can be a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde ride . I got me some Oaxcan gold seeds from V man to try this season ,we have had the same weather up here in the mid Atlantic as well It’s been greatOld Piney - between the Kumaoni and the Rasoli, which did you prefer (effect)?
Past few yrs here have seen sunny dry weather from late Aug well into Nov (except for a couple of irritating hurricanes).
I love the potential psychoactivity of the Mexicans, but I only chew cob in the evenings, and am looking for the Nepal element to calm the experience while retaining the Oaxacan transportative magic.
To me, the Purple Satellite worked (unexpectedly) pretty well for that. I still remember the Mexican we used to get for $20 oz in Sarasota Fl in the early 70s as having a steadying calmness about the high, while still getting wayyyy out there into colorful Strange Country. Some incredibly enjoyable qualities that I'll probably never see again, but maybe I can get close...
NO it's sold out. The only ones still available are the ones I indicated in my first post.I found that the Kumaoni and Rasoli have about the same effect, It’s hard to say . I liked the Kumaoni‘s taste better in fact I have a bit of a craving for it. The Rasoli also can grow gigantic, there is a member here who grew some 15’ers up in Massachusetts .I just checked Kwic Seeds they have Nanda Devi in stock and on sale, they also have a number of other Himalayan strains in stock as well . I grew purple satellite last year amd it’s my favorite smoke I got right now and yes it does have a different element to it besides the Oaxacan that would be the baglung I believe,It can be a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde ride . I got me some Oaxcan gold seeds from V man to try this season ,we have had the same weather up here in the mid Atlantic as well It’s been great
I’m sorry I stand corrected you are correct even Kumaoni is gone now . Wow and a lot of other stuff is sold out as well , looks like you gotta act fast . I’d go with any one of the others. The Nanda Devi 2 should be good as I liked the Kumaoni .NO it's sold out. The only ones still available are the ones I indicated in my first post.