but sorry man from a strictly legal standpoint i dont think there is anything you can do.
the whole point people are required to have insurance is for situations like this
even though you got his information, all he has to do is deny the accident, say the car was stolen, whatever.
then its gonna be Versus battle in court, a he said vs she said type of deal.
Luckily the balance is sort of in your favor, however if he lawyers up correctly and denies everything, he might be able to get off sqeaky clean.
but either way i think you are screwed.
back in the day i HAD insurance and i still lost my car. i drove my $2000 bucket accord into the back of a mercedes. my insurance only covered the mercedes, so i was left without a car and out 2000 dollars.
the only way to recoup the money from your truck is to take the other guy to court.
the whole point people are required to have insurance is for situations like this
even though you got his information, all he has to do is deny the accident, say the car was stolen, whatever.
then its gonna be Versus battle in court, a he said vs she said type of deal.
Luckily the balance is sort of in your favor, however if he lawyers up correctly and denies everything, he might be able to get off sqeaky clean.
but either way i think you are screwed.
back in the day i HAD insurance and i still lost my car. i drove my $2000 bucket accord into the back of a mercedes. my insurance only covered the mercedes, so i was left without a car and out 2000 dollars.
the only way to recoup the money from your truck is to take the other guy to court.