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Need help diagnosing leaves...(pics)

Your ph is too high. Lower it to 5.8-6.0 drip clean and root excelerator will help with the cal mag problem, from salt buildup and lockout. That has been the experience in my garden.

joe fresh

Active member
im not in hydro, im in soil.

and i was watering at 6.3 ph, but decided to raise it to 6.5 to allow the plants to uptake wider variety nutes


Out of the slime, finally.
I notice that the affected leaves are mainly fan leaves. I don't see any leaf tip burn. If ph is good and you have a good amount of calmag being supplemented then I am going to say they look hungry. The fan leaves look like they are stripped of nitrogen and are dying back as they are being cannibalized for nutrients.

joe fresh

Active member
i just find it so weird that this can happen in a week or twos time, going from nice and green to this?

thanks rick for helping me out, if you were anywhere near me id hook ya up come harvest time;)


Active member
They are supposed to yellow as you get farther into flower.
Buds look good, and other leaves look good, so I would not worry about a bit of yellowing in some of the fans. Could be a bit of a lock out. You might try flushing to get rid of salt build up. They don't look bad, though.

joe fresh

Active member
sorry but i know what "normal" yellowing looks like, and it doesnt look like this, ive had this strain finnish almost pure green, i know this has nothing to do with normal yellowing.

but today i plan to fert, i will move up to 2.5 ec and see what happens

joe fresh

Active member
the only bugs i got are thrips, but its not spreading to bad and theres only 3 weeks left on this strain, so when the rooms clear i will bomb the room and spray and disinfect the entire place


Active member
Check your roots for root aphids. Not easy to see. Need a magnifier. There's an epidemic of these currently, and normal insecticides won't kill them. I just went through this whole "yellowing" thing, and it was root aphids. Not saying that's what you have, but best to check.
With only 3 weeks left, I would expect some yellowing, but you know your strain.
Looks like N def in the later pictures, some people don't like yellowing in flower so hard to say that they are 'supposed' to yellow. The last picture of your first four, looks like over watering. Then in the middle of the first page, it does look like a cal/mag def. To much water will dilute nutrients, it's possible the plants would prefer feedings every watering. Plants absorb nutrients at a constant rate with water, so giving them a roller coaster feed schedule might not be the best. That first picture, the fourth in your first post. That one looks familiar, I'd say over watering but then again since I've added 3ml of dissolved lime into my feeding I haven't seen it.


Active member
some people don't like yellowing in flower so hard to say that they are 'supposed' to yellow

I would argue that, if properly flushed, plants are supposed to yellow late in flower, as the plant uses up the last nutrients in the leaves.
If they are still all green at harvest, there is too much nitrogen present, which diminishes smoke quality. At least in coco or hydro. Perhaps organic growers have green till the end.

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