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NC Outdoors


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Looking off to my right,, Folks this is Low Lands Swamp in a coastal area,, And I'm far from anyone, as It is REAL quite now, (Or the impression of being in the wilderness)....
Can't help but too think theres Wildlife here in these parts....

Further We go the Darker it gets.... Remember, it's around 10 in the Morning....

It lightens up some as the trail Ends.......

I come onto a little opening,,, a Little Spot on the creekbank almost a mile from where We first went off the dead end road.......
It's very, very quite here...
I break out my fishing pole, (about this time my camera decides too quit working because of the humidity).....
Start fishing, drink a COLD BEER, and roll up a fat one...... And catch 5 Bream, and 2 Catfish about a pound each.....
Right under this cool overhanging tree... Which hangs half way over the creek....

This Ole Knobby Ceder stump is a fine place too set for awhile.....

We look down the river....

Ok Ok ,, After a while We venture alittle ways, leaving the fishing pole and things behind......

We come too another Lil spot....... Hmmmm.....

Had too pull up 3 of'em, as they turned Hermi on me... Can't let this Ole girl get pollenated.....

I've been having a problem with "something" that "looked like" lil red grasshoppers.. They eat the "leaf" but leave a Skelton behind...
Semms I've picked up some Homie too take care of the problem,, A On~Site bug Guard! :dueling:

Looks Like It's been doing a great Job As I've not seen No more of those pest's... :muahaha:

Stooping Low,, Here's this Girls base.....


Lots and Lots of Pre Flowering goin on Here!


So as I leave ya'll this Morning with One Final Picture.......
A Carolina Blue Sky....

I hope everyone has enjoyed our Lil Walk this morning......
Think I need too smoke another....
And Kina Bushed after all that walking...

Ya'll take care now ya'll hear!



nice pics! thanks for the stroll through your little hide out. like being there :joint:

that plant is looking good too man! are you just tying down to twigs and trees around the plant? good idea


Active member
Yes It was getting "too" tall and tied down with on site stuff.. LOL.... 10 ft wide instead of 15 ft tall....

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