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Sleeping Lady near Anchorage

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This Mt. Susitna

or Sleeping Lady Mountain as it is commonly known, is located northwest of Anchorage, and is very visable over the Cook Inlet. This photo was taken in August at around 10:30pm. Even into the fall the extra daylight is prevelent. She is 4396 feet (1340 meters) high and shows the effects of glaciation in the fact that she is very "flat" on her top. Glaciers once covered all of this area and as they move they scrape away large parts of the land. Sleeping Lady would have been much taller before glaciers carved over her peak. All around her the elevation is very low, disappearing into the ocean.

The Sleeping Lady has a long oral ledgend of a young woman, Susitna, who fell asleep waiting for her husband to be, Nekatla, to return from a far. He was on a mission to convince invading Giants to live in peace, but he never returned. The villiagers couldn't bare to wake her and break her heart with the sad news so they sewed a blanket of flowers to cover her and she still sleeps there today, waiting for her love to return.

The Dena'ina natives call Mt. Susitna Dghelishla ("Little Mountain").

You can see the whole story at the website below.