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N e p a l Smoke Tour : Titoon in the land of hashish



hahaha titoon awesome hash pics!:canabis:

Hash 4 is really reminding of low quality morrocan polm,does they blend low quality resin too there?Nor does they adulterate it and charas?

I didn't have smoked a lot of charas,but i always found it to be of lower potency than dry sifted hash...but with a smoothier taste...i would be curious to see the difference between dry sift and charas coming from the same plant...

Thanks for sharing,titoon,and i do hope your stomach will get better!:ying:


Take A Deep Breath
Ah Titoon......to be in your (hiking?) boots.

Always dreamt of visiting Nepal/Bhutan/Tibet.

Great thread! Please keep the pics and stories coming!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hello all !

First thanks a lot for your comments and for the rep !

so ty TrichyTrichy , ranneG, Ticklemyballs, Corium, Ramius, wilde, High Lowlander, Blimey, Braindead#1

Quiet_Riot :

well ice is hard to come by here, well maybe not in ktm, but getting good herb in ktm will be quite hard i guess, or expensive. so i have my dry sieve screens :)

Dimajones, mate i'm waiting for you :) come by the middle of august, and we ll go hunting ! 600E return from london...

mriko, thanks for the tip on the temple ball. I have to see if i find some to see if i can notice a difference. but you know, dealers speak a lot to sell their product, and i bet if i ask temple ball they ll just get some black hash looking like a ball...
how does this affect the hash ? and i can do it easily on my own if i get unpressed charras ?
for the probiotics, actually i ve been digging into that since the beginning of the week, hard to come by here except in the lassi, traditionnal milk "curd", i like it with banana, and i ve eat once a day. especially i used local antibiotics so i have to get my good bacterias back :)

1000ARMSofKALI yes local food is soooo spicy, in france we don't use much chili pepper in the food, so i'm not used to that. guess my stomach can't handle more than two meals of it in a row.

i'll get some picts, but haven t been much in the mountains yet, i'm working from monday to friday...

samba thanks for the tip, actually i'm going there today... :)
but already have a fulload of pollen as you can see !

ptg actually HASH1 reminds me of that low quality moroccon polm, but HASH4 is very creamy, stick to your finger, and is pure i m pretty sure.

HASH1 could have been adulterated with some sandy soil (not really a health hazard), and i know that they sometimes use chemicals to adulterate black hash. so far i'm pretty sure the hash i bought was not adulterated.

Indeed dry sieve and charras are very different. I would say the smoothness really depend on how you smoke : the dry sieve pollen is really smooth pure in a pipe, in a joint black hash seems better.

charras has a very distinctive taste and smell i found (those i tried from amsterdam as well as here), probably because of the hand rubbing. i ve been told that some low grade black hash are made using machinery (and adultarated by oils involved in the process), but i m not sure how. maybe it is just when they pressed it.

well charras is certainly less pure than dry sieve. You are not gentle with the plant when you make charras ^^ but it probably bring something along with the taste...

Here it is not true, from what i ve seen so far, as there is probably very very few people knowing of the art of dry sifting, or having a financial interest in it. but it could change ! :laughing:
I have brought my screens 80 and 120 microns, and will have them with me when i ll go for ganja trekking !

i was told there is a guy from holland around ktm at the moment, buying kilos of black hash and also making his pollen from kilos of herb.... i ld love to give him a hand for free (or a little nepali polm goodness ).. LOL

ok now i have to go, gonna try to smoke some chillums with the babas at Durbar Square !

soon the recipe of the nepalese xxx... no it does not come from the street !

Keep the thread alive mates, i'll be around to try to answer any of your questions or to read your comments !...




Green Mujaheed
thanks for the tip on the temple ball. I have to see if i find some to see if i can notice a difference. but you know, dealers speak a lot to sell their product, and i bet if i ask temple ball they ll just get some black hash looking like a ball...
how does this affect the hash ? and i can do it easily on my own if i get unpressed charras ?

Actually shape would be rather cubic and not that of a ball, despite the name. I would say it could be compared, to some limits, with the gardah being turned into charas through pressing. I have pics of the whole process, I will post them here (if you don't mind, i don't want to hijack your thread). The resulting temple ball is very different from starting product.
Maybe you can give a try with the local sieved pollen, that would be interesting to see what kind of end product you obtain.

Here it is not true, from what i ve seen so far, as there is probably very very few people knowing of the art of dry sifting, or having a financial interest in it. but it could change !

I am tempted to think that it's rather a forgotten art. There have been some twisted nepalese gardah during the Golden Age, and one French guy I know who's been living in Kullu valley for more than 30 years told me that when he arrived there, dry sieving was practiced. It is still done, traditionally, in Kumaon which borders Western Nepal, and I wouldn't be suprised it can be found overthere as well.

Irie !
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Active member
When on Freak street, you have to go to snowman, i think it was called. Heavenly chocolate cake!
Shit, I miss Nepal, its just so lovely there, the people, the mountains, everything, I'm starting to cry here....


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
mriko, of course i'ld love to see your picts! any pict related to the subject, kathmandu and or hash, is welcome !!!!

my local pollen contains way too much impurities to be efficiently transformed into charras, i tried it, it gets darker but still does not melt. but with a little adding of oil, it does :)

for good dry sieve, of course i'll be looking all around to find the good one, and i hope to !

samba, i got your message too late, i m back from Freak street... next time then... didn t score that pollen from the store as i have already a big ammount to smoke, but he seems a cool guy. i ll probably get to him for cool chillums !


Green Mujaheed
mriko, of course i'ld love to see your picts! any pict related to the subject, kathmandu and or hash, is welcome !!!!

Here they are, but they're not mine, it's from Cherniak's "The Great Books of Hashish".

Irie !


Hi m8, great to see you are enjoying nepal, dont forget to source yourself some genes :) .
ALways great to read about your adventures into the different worlds of the herb. Look forward to burning one again in the future.
Much respect


ptg actually HASH1 reminds me of that low quality moroccon polm, but HASH4 is very creamy, stick to your finger, and is pure i m pretty sure.

HASH1 could have been adulterated with some sandy soil (not really a health hazard), and i know that they sometimes use chemicals to adulterate black hash. so far i'm pretty sure the hash i bought was not adulterated.

Indeed dry sieve and charras are very different. I would say the smoothness really depend on how you smoke : the dry sieve pollen is really smooth pure in a pipe, in a joint black hash seems better.
Looking at the color of the pics,hash 1 seems to be more mature resin(or there is a lot of sand in it:))while hash 4 seems to come from earlier harvested plant...more grey,less red than H1.
Seems people there are really harsh when doing dry sifts,both sample contain a lot of green material in it!...i do hope you'll find this european guy,maybe you'll be able to score some bubbling dry sift...or get away from it and smoke only charas!:joint:

That's funny man...i really thought the contrary...i find (morrocan) dry sift to be smoothier in a joint than in a pipe(or chicha/chillum/bong)...while the best way to smoke charas IMHO is with a chillum...because it's so smooth and oily it can burn easily in it and give is best(stronger) taste.
charras has a very distinctive taste and smell i found (those i tried from amsterdam as well as here), probably because of the hand rubbing. i ve been told that some low grade black hash are made using machinery (and adultarated by oils involved in the process), but i m not sure how. maybe it is just when they pressed it.
I believe low grade black hash are generally a blend of very low quality resin (or sometimes just dusted plant material) with oil,generally cannabis oil + other oils( like motors oil,fat,wax or parrafin...)...in some places you can found things that look like hash but wich are only suitable to write on wall,not smoke.
well charras is certainly less pure than dry sieve. You are not gentle with the plant when you make charras ^^ but it probably bring something along with the taste...
Sure it change the taste,but about purity it will really depend on who makes the ball...and so far i think the charas you had look purer than the polm...

Now,i'm sure you tried it...how is your Nepal XXX?Is your brain always connected with us?:)

Beautiful pics,even if city is not what we are looking for...get some pics of the land man,go trekk!:thank you:

Have a good time in Nepal bro!:tiphat:

@ Mriko:
Awesome pics,lucky you are to have this book,it's so much expensive!
I wish i could get my hand on some of the little balls in the last pic!:canabis:


Great report and pics titoon, thanks for bringing a little part of Kathmandu to me through the computer screen. :)


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
mriko, thanks for the great scans for the books, those are really nice pictures, and really made me want to go ganja trekking... fascinating, and what a quality.
also i'm pretty sure people doing that kind of quality nowadays is not easy to find.
prohibition seems to gather with less quality, that's sad.

ty mate!

moonunit i hope the next joint we ll burn together will be some of the finest imported hashs on the planet mate !! for you, and me :)
feel free to come for a week mate, i'ld love to show you around, and i'm pretty sure you'll get a fullload of hash in the head you won t miss it too much back home :)
after all now im only half the way i used to be... come onnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!


Looking at the color of the pics,hash 1 seems to be more mature resin(or there is a lot of sand in it)while hash 4 seems to come from earlier harvested plant...more grey,less red than H1.

actually hash1 and hash4 are very different, but not sure which one is more mature. hash4 is pure while hash1 probably contains a little sand.

hash4 has a quite strong bubblegum smell, really amazing, i noticed that sleeping closed to the 90g. it is a bit spicy too, and smells more sativa. very very good indeed, and surprising !

the more i smoke, the more i like it, it has a very deep uplifting high, i have to find a day to try to see if it has a ceiling.

about the joint and smoothness, i was talking hash1 pollen vs hash2. now i have smoked like 5 joints since i m there, i smoke only in pipe, with few tobacco for the wooden one, pure for bubbler and glass pipe. so i have to get a little deeper into the hash before making any conclusion.

I believe low grade black hash are generally a blend of very low quality resin (or sometimes just dusted plant material) with oil,generally cannabis oil + other oils( like motors oil,fat,wax or parrafin...)...in some places you can found things that look like hash but wich are only suitable to write on wall,not smoke.

well it could be, this afghani gummy stuff i ve seen in the dam. also in nepal low quality hash smelling strange, but i said no the the stuff... i don t ever bother to look what s in it. shame it is.

well charras is certainly less pure than dry sieve. You are not gentle with the plant when you make charras ^^ but it probably bring something along with the taste...
Sure it change the taste,but about purity it will really depend on who makes the ball...and so far i think the charas you had look purer than the polm...

agree on that, but as long as we re talking about the best : best dry sieve will be like that 99;999999 sift, while best charras will contains a lot of resin stems, and few green material.

indeed my dry sieve is probably purer, but i m more fond of that sativa body high from the pollen, than the more stoney black hash, which is probably from poorly selected genes.

Now,i'm sure you tried it...how is your Nepal XXX?Is your brain always connected with us?

glad you ask mate. this nepal xxx is approximatly 4/5 times more stronger than the original hash is used to make it. around 1/4 is oil (from hash 50g->5g), rest is black hash.

This is one of the strongest stuff i ve come around, ever, even stronger than the original xxx stuff (guess i ve been generous on the oil quantity too). one pipe put me on a little cloud for 3 hours, while i could smoke a 1.5g joint of black hash without being like that.

but cool thing, it has a very enhancing high, very upifting and cerebral, so does not kill you instantanly. at least me.

i have now no doubt nepalese xxx is "laced" with cannabis oil, which makes it a lot more expensive to make, but really fucking strong, and have that kind of smoothness black hash does not have but oil does.

my xxx will put any heavy smoker very high in no time, enjoying the pure sativa high from nepalese goodness, while not needing to smoke tenth of grams to get a fully spiritual experience ! no joke :) come visit me !!!!!

i'm working, so not much trekking yet, but i m learning nepalese and get use to the culture so i fit in for my august ganja trek !
and my work will probably get me to some growing places too...

got to go to eat sth... see ya, enjoy :)



Excellent report! Thank you for sharing! Don't forget to get some landrace genes while you are there! Keep us posted! Keep it danK! :wave:


Go deeper bro,go deeper into the hash!:)

Lovely wooden pipe,lookin way better than those glass phallus :D

indeed my dry sieve is probably purer, but i m more fond of that sativa body high from the pollen, than the more stoney black hash, which is probably from poorly selected genes.
Aaaaah,man,too bad i can't try those hash...so i could really speak...:canabis:
glad you ask mate. this nepal xxx is approximatly 4/5 times more stronger than the original hash is used to make it. around 1/4 is oil (from hash 50g->5g), rest is black hash.

This is one of the strongest stuff i ve come around, ever, even stronger than the original xxx stuff (guess i ve been generous on the oil quantity too). one pipe put me on a little cloud for 3 hours, while i could smoke a 1.5g joint of black hash without being like that.

but cool thing, it has a very enhancing high, very upifting and cerebral, so does not kill you instantanly. at least me.

i have now no doubt nepalese xxx is "laced" with cannabis oil, which makes it a lot more expensive to make, but really fucking strong, and have that kind of smoothness black hash does not have but oil does.

my xxx will put any heavy smoker very high in no time, enjoying the pure sativa high from nepalese goodness, while not needing to smoke tenth of grams to get a fully spiritual experience ! no joke come visit me !!!!!

I'll come,i'll come...keep me some XXX...no,wait a minute...actually i can't move from there,Oh my bad! :cry:

Don't work too much mate,it's bad for the health!

Have a good time!
titoon what are there seasons like I am assuming that winter is nov-feb . looking at traveling to either Nepal or Morocco this fall.


Active member
so i fit in for my august ganja trek !

August is full monsoon time in Nepal. Rain all day, absolutely no vision of the mighty mountains all around and... if you haven't heard about them yet :) ... voracious leeches all over the place, dropping from trees, where they are waiting for warm blooded creatures to walk underneath.

Another important point, the ganja isn't ready at all in August, let alone hash.

Not that it is my business, but you'd be much better off around september/october.

This said, you're really lucky to be in Nepal for a few months, as it's a fantastic country, with great people (and fantastic hash, but that we already know)

h :ying:


Green Mujaheed
August is full monsoon time in Nepal.

Definitely not the best time indeed for trekking, unless you go up North beyond the watershed, like Mustang or Dolpo. And beside the leeches, mountains also can fall on you, as lots of landslides happens.
It's still possible to do trekking, but it's far less enjoyable. If you can, choose from mid september. The air will be clean and the vegetation explosive, plus you'll enjoy mature ganja plants indeed, take pics of the harvest, and even rub yourself some charas !

looking at traveling to either Nepal or Morocco this fall.

If you want to see live plants, then maybe better choose Nepal as in Morocco harvest is usually done in August. Well, lots of damn foreign genetics have been imported, which finish later, so there might be still some fields going on by the fall. just my two cents...

Irie !


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I do not like traveling, but your journey does make me a bit envious. Thanks for sharing.