I'll never understand a dislike of coir. Peat, I can understand, but the use of coir has been a huge boon to the growing community in general, and me specifically.
I have used this mix with great success:
IMO this is the best mix for cannabis, that is, when apply organic ferts at watering (ex. hydrolyzed fish, humic and fulvic acids, kelp extracts, etc). I have yet to send the soilless media for bio-assay, but from my research and expereince the mix I propose is a fine environ for soil food web organisms and nutrient cycling.
(Screened from 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch)
- 50-60% Aged pine bark fines
- 25-35% Axis regular (pre-rinsed)
- 2-4% Straw based compost (fungal and bacterial) [not screened]
- 2-4% Vermicast [not screened]
- Zeolite powder (for CEC)
- Azomite (volcanic rock powder for microbes and eventually the plant)
- Calcitic lime (micronized for pH and Ca)
- Dolomitic lime (micronized for pH and Mg)
- Tween 80 as surfactant when initial moistening media.