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my new 3 bag-seed plants stinks real real good.


Well-known member
update. Ok so I know they arn't the most healthy but I been trying to get that worked out. hopen for 4 100% females this time.




Well-known member
update I had a lack of nuts problem since the last update but getting them back on track now. ppl in the sick plant forums told me I wasnt feeding them often enought and I need to add some calmag. anyway on to the pix.

the one in the middle is fixen to be taken out because its not getting any better. so u know.... now I just have to hope the rest of them r female.

for you ppl that get to live in a med state I envy you because yall can buy clones. dank ones at that. I plan on moving to a med state in the future.


Stoked on the quality of the photos! Yeah a med state is nice, what state would you want to move to?

For the plant in the middle you don't think that it might be the strain resulting in the color?


Well-known member
update. so because I been feeding more often now they seem to be growing better. and I plan on starting the 12-12 flowering cycle 1 week after I get back from my ski trip. :D Ill probly keep feeding them for close to 2 weeks into 12-12 them slowly start the flowering nuts.




heady blunts

prescription blunts
I was having trouble with my seedlings too. turns out they like to be watered regularly lol.

I guess they feel similarly about eating :D

looking good in here #1cb!


Well-known member
new pix commin today. also lastnight was there first night of 12-12 cycle.
and they r nice n green and big also. now I just have to hope thet they r all end up female. Im gunna keep feeding them veg food for at least to weeks into the 12-12cycle. then once there flowers r growing good Ill start the bloom food. also there home stinks a bit.:D Ok so bring on the flowers. woo hoo.


Well-known member
Ok so now its pic time.:D they have grown a lot sence the 11th. thanks to there care giver I had while I was gone sking for 6 days. :D



Well-known member
OK so now they have been in 12-12 cycle for 5 days. they r getting huge now. and I cant wate to find out what ones r female. IM hoping all of them end up female. :D


Well-known member
Ok well I found out that there is for sure 1 female and 1 male. there r 2 more thet I think r males and that pisses me off but all I can do is start more seeds. there is still 3 other smaller ones that could end up female. I also took a clone off the 1 female one hope she roots.
Ill get new pic some time to day.


Well-known member
yah I just might need to do that. just need to find the easyest way to root 3-4 clones at a time. I wanna build a multie cloned box I can put in the garden till they root then I have made up for all these males Im getting. and what makes me mad is they were seeds from my best ladies and I was hoping to have all females this round cuz my 2011 summer stash is getting kind of low.
now I just gotta hope the rest of them r female. there is 4 other plants that still need sexing. but my bigest ones turnd out male.:(
then I gotta try n gettem to grow big flowers.
Ive seen other ppl on here do it in beer cups so it is doable.

ok rant over...


Well-known member
I am :mad: at the fact that my last 3 plants ended up hermmie.
but I did end up with at least 1 female. Im thinking ill get around half an oz if I can get her buds to grow nice in big. So I started some more seeds. hopefuly this time they dont go to hermmie.

hey come over n check out my OD garden. :D


Well-known member
UPdate time agen. So I had planted some new super dank bagseeds that i got from a friend that only smokes the top shelf buds. so Im hopen they turn out female cuz im ready to grow some more dank flowers like I was doing 3 years ago.

the lil one thats in there now flowering is still doing on but might have to come down in a 1 1/2-2 more weeks so i can move the new plants a lil closer to the light. and probly gunna do more seeds right after the this ladie is done.

anyway heres a few pix of the new babies.

