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my new 3 bag-seed plants stinks real real good.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey cheese!!those were what I meant cheese..I have a habit of not giving out enough info..
They look great!!
Mine seems like its going to be awhile yet...
take care


Well-known member
Ok so here is the smoke report for the sativa.:)
she had been curing for about 7 days. IM gunna cure her for a total of 2 1/2-3 weeks. maybe more if it looks like it needs it.

so when u fire up a bowl and rip it.:jump::blowbubbles: :peacock: :greenstars::kos:

this turned out to be that u gotta try this shit kind of bud.:):smoke out:then we could watch me plants >:plant grow:
and ur like :jump::party::biglaugh: :biglaugh: :skiiing::skiiing::sumo:


Well-known member
heres a few more. and now off :needcoffee::sumo:


  • my plant 2009 036.jpg
    my plant 2009 036.jpg
    66.3 KB · Views: 31
  • my plant 2009 04332321.jpg
    my plant 2009 04332321.jpg
    68.9 KB · Views: 31
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Well-known member
thanks for stoping by guys. alwase glad to have yall around.

I just hope the buds can grow nice and dense/big. now Im not saying I have to have huge buds but if I could atleast get buds that r a good size and dense wit more bud than leafs. Id be a happy capmer.:)

also I have harvested the indica and sativa/indi mix. and now both r now being reveged.
the indica is being reveged indoors and the other one is being reveged outdoors.
its spring time in my hood so I figered try to reveg outdoors.:)

so if the outdoor one revegs nice then Ill have a much better plant to work with for a summer grow.

but I do have 4-7 lil baby plants outdoors they r doing ok for now.
also Ill be supercroping all of them.



Cheese, I'm always glad to see how busy you stay with the garden. You're a bud machine. Lookin good, that mix looks so tasty.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
basspirate is right cheese, you are a bud making machine!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep doing what you are doing cause you are doing it well..
take care


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
when are we gonna get smoke report from all these different bag seed sativas your running?

ill be waiting on the new pics :)


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
Ok so here is the smoke report for the sativa.:)
she had been curing for about 7 days. IM gunna cure her for a total of 2 1/2-3 weeks. maybe more if it looks like it needs it.

so when u fire up a bowl and rip it.:jump::blowbubbles: :peacock: :greenstars::kos:

this turned out to be that u gotta try this shit kind of bud.:):smoke out:then we could watch me plants >:plant grow:
and ur like :jump::party::biglaugh: :biglaugh: :skiiing::skiiing::sumo:

^^^^ yeah one like this


Well-known member
Ok well for the smoke report. the sativa is great but i wish it was more race high insted of relaxed high. and on a scale from 1-10. Ill give her an 8.:smoky::kos:

the full indica's buzz will veg u out hardcore. Ill give this one a big 10.:greenstars::smoke out::abduct:

and last is the indi/sativa mix. the buz from her is also a great one. has kind of a candyish tast and this one maked me laugh at every thing.:biglaugh::biglaugh: :wtf:
also I probly should have let this one flower another week or 2.

I'll get up some pix in just a bit.

my fans I :thank you:.

also Im having an outdoor grow agen. probly gunna be smaller then last time but maybe more plants.:jump:
2 of the plants I have now r the indica and the indi/sativa plant and hopefuly gunna reveg good.
and the 1 in soil is gunna go into the ground after she starts growing agen.:)

ok thats it for the smoke report for now. off to get some pix of every thing.:jump: