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my new 3 bag-seed plants stinks real real good.


Well-known member
gardening for the next 3-4 weeks is gunna be very hard on me because I pulled my arm out of socket in 3 places from crashing my bike. :cry::frown: it took 4 hours for the dr. to put it back into place. now its in a cast. Its gunna take 3-4 weeks to heal.

but I am gunna try to get through the pain. and try to harvest the sativa and move at least 1 of the other plants into the better bloom closet.

well hopefuly the plants don't go to shit because of me fucked up arm.

Ill do my best to keep this updated.


weed fiend
Hello. Sorry about the injury. I just hope you're well taken care of and also hope the plants take care of themselves for the most part. I've never dislocated anything other than my mind but this sounds very painful and I'll quit joking around. Best wishes for a swift recovery.

My flowers finally starting stinking and I immediately thought of this thread.:)


Well-known member
thanks fo stopen by buddy. I could use a good joke to keep my mind off the pain.

the injury should have been deadly cuz I slid off a 12 foot cliff. the dr. said I am lucky to be alive and not be paralyzed.

Ill make it through it snd be back on my feet soon enough. :smokeit:


Active member
omg, im sorry to hear bout your incident. glad you're ok. just goes to show how close we are to death at all times, even people on the internet you dont really know.


Well-known member
Ok so I worked through pain and took out the sativa and moved lil miss bush into the bigger better bloom area tonight. :)

so now the 2 clones have the space they needed to grow and flower good.

+ my mommy came over to help me out while I am healing.:comfort:
oooo man does coco kick ass as a growing medum. wee hoo.

now on with some pix. and tomorrow or sunday Ill raise that plant closer to the light. ran out of time to night.

clone 1.

clone 2.

the indica ladie. yummy yumm.

lastly is the sativa not harvest just yet. probly gunna harvest her on sunday. :)


Well-known member
ooooo weee I can't wate to try the sativa sfter some curing time.
the indica is smelling stronger everyday. danky stanky and hard as a rock. :)
and the new ladie is fitting in with the group really nicely.

so when harvesting my plants is it best to cut them at the base stem or at each bud?
I heard that cutting them at the base will let the buds slow dry thus the buds turning out better. but I don't know fo sho.

also it sucks to have to do every thing 1 handed.
so me mom brought over her spare tv so I have somthing to do while laying round the house.
and brought something over for us to :smokeit: to help with the pain.
yea mommy.

and my cool boss said to take it easy while my arm heals.
he gave me paid time off. and thats hella cool.


Grow like nobody is watching
You have a sweet mother! Mine threatened to call the police if she found me growing again when I was a kid, haha. Good to see everythings moving ahead!

Edit: Agreed, coco kicks butt :plant grow:


Well-known member
ow! 12 foot fall? that's bad, tell you the truth it sounds like you did ok considering the possibilities - cold comfort when you're hurting though
one hell of a sativa result here, the colors on that bud are just excellent


Well-known member
here r some new pix of the ladies.
1 sativa shot. I put it on a black hole and am still flushing her.
gunna harvest her by the 16th.

and the indica. she now is smelling like cat piss for real.

and the indi/sativa mix.

and 2 of the new girl and 2 of the other plants.
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BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Right on cheese!! those ladies are beautiful bro..when I was young I told my mom the seeds she was helping me grow were tomatoes..it took one of her friends who came for a visit to break the bad news to her!! that was the last time she EVER helped me with anything!!
hope you are feeling better cheese...
take care


Well-known member
thanks for stopin by bros. I am doing ok the arm is healing good for now.

for some reason the last 2 pix didn't show up.


Right on cheese!! those ladies are beautiful bro..when I was young I told my mom the seeds she was helping me grow were tomatoes..it took one of her friends who came for a visit to break the bad news to her!! that was the last time she EVER helped me with anything!!
hope you are feeling better cheese...
take care

lol thats awesome.

those plants all look dank as hell cheese


Well-known member
Ok so I harvested the sativa and hung her to dry.
and the indica will be harvested middle of next week.
also I was planing to reveg the indica so I can get clones and turn her into a bushyer mothrt plant.

and also the 2 clongs r flowering good for now so well just have to wate and see how they r later down the road. also that is just 1 of the clones. the otherone is on the other side.
and when the last 2 flowering plants r finished in a week or two Ill be moving them into the better bloom area.:)

and the lil bush that I had moved into the better bloom room is flowering good also.

and the fule smelling one also only has a week or two left then harvest time.:)

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