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My intro and bona fides...


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End of week 3

End of week 3

The Original Halo is budding up so maybe I can grow a plant of this in my limited head room. I don't think that it is going to stretch much more.

Original Halo

Another Original Halo


Active member
End of week 2

End of week 2

Here are the rest of what's filling up my flower room. I've only got 4x6' floor space with maybe 4' of ceiling space. I hoping they are almost done stretching. They are just starting to show bud formation.

Neon Purps

I found mites on her but now I can't find any.

Goblin Queen

Another Goblin Queen

Goblin Girl

Another Goblin Girl



Active member
End of week 5

End of week 5

I've been very busy this last week and haven't spent much time with the ladies. There in LITFA mode so that is okay. I've been giving them only water and finished the last Spinosad spraying. I haven't found a live spider mite since I saw the few the first time a couple of weeks back. I'm going to be inspecting them later today but it looks like I got the early and have eradicated them.


Trainwreck bud


Mildred bud

I'd say these ladies are starting to frost up nicely. This is when I really start enjoying their progress.


Active member
End of week 4

End of week 4

These 2 plants had me worried at first that they were going to stretch into my lights. I had even decided that I wasn't going to grow her again but I have changed my mind. I can control the height and neither are growing into the lights. Finishing week 4 is a moment I wait for because that is when you start seeing the buds frost up. I'm really anticipating finishing my Sanctuary Garden genetics and trying out the buds.

Original Halo

Another Original Halo

Having never grown this strain before I'm not sure what to expect. The buds are long and lanky right now but I'm thinking they are going to get fat and frosty.


Active member
End of week 3

End of week 3

I've got 5 ladies finishing up week 3. They won't be getting anymore NPA sprays because of the neem oil. The buds are forming up and I don't what them drenched with neem oil.

Goblin Queen

Another Goblin Queen

Goblin Girl

Ah, the variegated lady. I'm really liking this plant.

Another Goblin Girl

Neon Purps

This is the other lady I'm watching to see if I get the purple flowers. A few more weeks should tell me if I do.


Active member
So I've got my flower area bursting but it looks like it'll work out okay. I'm not sure if I will run this many plants again. I am seeing that the 5 gallon pots are doing just as well as the 10 gallon pots for my room size. So I think I'm going to downsize to 5 gallon pots. If I had more head room I would stay with the 10 gallon pots but it doesn't seem necessary.



Active member
I'm going to grow some plants outdoors this summer. I won't be putting them into the ground until the end of June. I've got the holes prepared and got some teenagers growing.

Outdoor line up

My current ladies are the best looking ladies I've ever grown. These teenagers are the best looking teenagers I've ever grown. They are looking better than the current ladies when they were teenagers. The big difference is these teenagers have been growing in my final soil mix. I think that I have mixing my soil down now. I'm sticking with this from here out.


Active member
End of week 6

End of week 6

It's been a busy week. I got a fence up around my wife's flower garden to keep the deer out. I've been working on a hoop house for my tomatoes. It was a busy day at work. Looking forward to the 3 day weekend to finish the hoop house.


Trainwreck bud


Mildred bud

These ladies are coming along nicely. Just a few more weeks to go.


Active member
End of week 5

End of week 5

Her are the Halo ladies.

Original Halo

Another Original Halo

These still have the snow white pistils. I'm thinking that I will get lots of fat buds from these ladies.


Active member
End of week 4

End of week 4

Here are the Goblin ladies. These are all Sanctuary Garden genetics.

Goblin Queen

Another Goblin Queen

Goblin Girl

Another Goblin Girl

For 4 weeks these buds are looking amazing.


Active member
End of week 7

End of week 7

The buds on these two plants are getting fatter and frostier.


Trainwreck bud


Mildred bud

Mildred is showing lots of trichomes on the tops and bottoms of the leaves. She is very frosty and that is one of the reasons I like her so much.

Maybe next week for these girls or the week after. I'm going to let them fatten up a little more.


Active member
End of week 6

End of week 6

This is my sativa dominant strain that I thought I was going to toss because it would get too tall. I think I have a handle on her so I'm keeping her around.

Original Halo

Original Halo bud

Another Original Halo

Another Original Halo bud

The buds are not as frosty as Mildred but they're also a week behind. The buds are stretch as you would expect.


Active member
End of week 5 - Goblin Queens

End of week 5 - Goblin Queens

I'm going to break this up on the Goblins this week because I want to show bud shots too.

Goblin Queen

Goblin Queen bud

Another Goblin Queen

Another Goblin Queen bud

These buds are more compact then Goblin Girl. Every time I touch the buds I get a distinctive grape smell. It will be nice to smoke some of this. They've got a few more weeks to go.


Active member
End of week 5 - Goblin Girls

End of week 5 - Goblin Girls

We'll start off with my prettiest lady, the variegated Goblin Girl

Goblin Girl

Goblin Girl bud

I thought I would get in a little closer and show off some red that is on one of the leaves. I'm thinking this plant must have been crossed with a coleus.

Goblin Girl showing red

Another Goblin Girl

The buds of GG are not nearly as compact as GQ. They are more like Original Halo in looks. They don't have a grape smell to them either.


Active member
End of week 5

End of week 5

Finally this is Neon Purps.

Neon Purps

Neon Purps bud

The main cola on her is not showing as much of the purple as the branches are.