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MV...has a job offer.



Vick will be back. Can you image all the side stories ESPN will have to cover? His "recovery" interviews, jail experience, reincarnation, I'm sure a little laughable "the white man did me in" innuendo, etc. This is a great marketing campaign/story for all those in the sports industry, which is one of the biggest industry in the West. They'd never fuck up an opportunity to exploit a horrible person for ratings.


Cannabrex Formulator
jones is a fax news operative...
YOUR simple an operative of the Xgrade of reasoning you failed to assimilate...

wake up child...

using an EVIL propositions fact....
as acceptance of professional sportings control of the public sector dollar for substaniance we see here...

is nothing but the promotion of a MORALLY COMPROMISED ARGUMENT...
in making a supposed moral point...

in simple terms...
you CANT care about dogs...
if you have to stand on a pile of murdered women and children...

to make you point...

And in other simple terms.....

You can't debate coherently when you sound like a lobotomized marmoset on PCP and scopolamine.

Learn to express yourself in language that actually makes sense, and mebbe you'll get your point across better.


The Hopeful Protagonist
The whole thing was just a publicity stunt gone wrong....the owner of the team made a statement today with some pretty harsh words.



Registered Med User
I just realized I hate Ben more than I hate yummybud....:chin:

Anyway about Vick, how the hell could anybody live off 200 a week? I dont get the point, you could make more workin fast food.... Maybe he'll get injured, probly make more on disability.


Active member
Don't even try to argue with Ben. He couldn't even figure out what Bill Hicks was talking about when he said...
"By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising...kill yourself. Thank you. Just planting seeds, planting seeds is all I'm doing. No joke here, really. Seriously, kill yourself, you have no rationalisation for what you do, you are Satan's little helpers. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show. Seriously, I know the marketing people: 'There's gonna be a joke comin' up.' There's no fuckin' joke. Suck a tail pipe, hang yourself...borrow a pistol from an NRA buddy, do something...rid the world of your evil fuckin' presence."

What is hard to comprehend about this? I think to take offense, or not get it, Ben must be in advertising! Maybe he should just take Bill's advice?
Damn I gave too much rep in the last 24 hours but I would have repped half of the posters in this thread cuz I'm crackin up here and I haven't even hit my Gonzo yet!

I would have to agree with the previous poster who thinks he deserves a second chance.... I think everyone deserves at least that (sheet we all make mistakes, hopefully we learn from them!).

ben ttech

Active member
a room half full of panty wastes...

and you fixed on my educational proficency take the cake... piling on my obvious poverty AS IF its evidence that my opinions are inadmissable??

talk about blatently RACIST POSTURING to free you from answering just contention...

you want it simple?!?!?


"you CONSUMERS OF SPORTS, agree to being morally degenerate WHEN you willingly watch most any professional sport... i mean precisely the degeneracy it take to NOT be offended by the outcome of the specatcles...

the objectification of women...
the ruthless exploitation of children...
the agreement that the REALITY VACANT headspace the media enviroment brings to the activities IS CORRECT and worthy of investment...

so given you have to HATE human life to follow this sport...
reasonable contimplation finds it LAUGHABLE that... GIVEN the your cozy relationship with the the degredation of fellow humans...

have the gaul... to think your CARE about DOGS... speaks WELL of you... and your moral disposition... when offered here"

that was all...

btw gen,
hows the business of enslavement of INSECT life treating you these days???


Registered Med User
....... But at least Ben aint a virgin. Where is Yummy anyway? Did he take Bills advice?

ben ttech

Active member
Don't even try to argue with Ben. He couldn't even figure out what Bill Hicks was talking about when he said...
"By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising...kill yourself. Thank you. Just planting seeds, planting seeds is all I'm doing. No joke here, really. Seriously, kill yourself, you have no rationalisation for what you do, you are Satan's little helpers. Kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself now. Now, back to the show. Seriously, I know the marketing people: 'There's gonna be a joke comin' up.' There's no fuckin' joke. Suck a tail pipe, hang yourself...borrow a pistol from an NRA buddy, do something...rid the world of your evil fuckin' presence."

What is hard to comprehend about this? I think to take offense, or not get it, Ben must be in advertising! Maybe he should just take Bill's advice?

so you have NO answer beyond what im told i must FEEL????
my feeling should be in such agreement that WORDS to describe the specifics are superflorious?!?!?!

do you realize... your taking what SHOULD be a slam dunk for anti capitalism... and RENDERING IT ENTIRELY unTEACHABLE in the classroom???

many folks and agendas DO realize that...
thus they repeat the BRAIN DEAD position your offering...
because its so valuable to the coral to wisdom and vantage hicks was offering to a FREE person in a free society who could RUN with the knowledge his funnies created...

you aint running with nothing but a bumpersticker you dont understand IF you cant speak to the question i asked...

so, not that your the BAD guy per se...
your just another one of the dumb fucks in his army is all...

tsk tsk

ben ttech

Active member
and for the READERS who didnt see my question sens refering to...

i simply asked " why did hicks HAVE this opinions of marketting????"


i think ive an answer...
its short and concise...

bit it waiting till for someone ACTUALLY taking the question to heart...
at it appears all identifying hicks fans here...
cant bring themselves to addressing...
"so given you have to HATE human life to follow this sport...

I hate human life and I LOVE football! I like hockey and basketball too, and I like smokin it up, so what? UFC, Rugby, Boxing..... I have an appreciation for many things! I enjoy watching people who train to do things most others cant with their bodies, no one is forcing them to do it, in fact many people find enjoyment in doing such things. Some people are better at physical activities and others are better with books. Some are eclectic and enjoy both as I do (ever hear of Teddy Roosevelt?). Calm down man, or better yet, let me know what strain you have going my friend!

BTW Baseball is boring :2cents:

One Love

Sports can inspire people to achieve in life (real shit). They are just games, but in turn, they teach the game of life. You learn how hard work, determination and peer support can change you for the better (a lot of us learned these things in youth sports). Its all about setting goals and achieving. Its not to say that there aren't other, more fruitful ways to learn these lessons, but people are going to do what they're best at (especially if you can receive a very high salary doing so). Now, the fact that sports have become franchises that make loads of money does not mean that they enslave and/or murder people into taking interest. When baseball went on strike, for a good while, the fans were pissed and no one wanted to watch, so they didn't. When people found out Vick was involved with the dog fighting mafioso thing they were outraged and did all they could to defame the guy. No one is forcing anyone to take interest in sports, they are here for our entertainment and to acknowledge and say to yourself "hey, good game". Thats it, its just a game.......

the reason this topic is brought up on these forums is because people love their dogs and it bothers some to think of their animals being harmed. the rest of the discussion that follows is entertaining because everyone knows of the story and has some kind of opinion on it. look at how many pages have followed the OP.

why do i waste time writing these long responses?? :wallbash:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
They should make M.V. be a cage fighter for a while berfore thay let him back into the nfl.


Lammen Gorthaur
He paid his debt to society. I hope he realizes what he was doing was wrong and that's all there is. He's filed for bankruptcy protection and I hope this is the end of it all for his sake and he can still salvage his life.