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MV...has a job offer.

master shake

Active member
HAHAHA $200 a week!! I love that! I hope he gets less, that fucker...

edit: ben, reading your babbles made me almost come down from my buzz because I kept thinking...I've seen odd vocabulary and strange passages such as your lyrical agendas somewhere in the realm of time...perhaps on a TV program targeted to insufflators of the green herb called Xavier Renagade Angel on adult swim...LOL you sound just like him! Now, get lost.


Rubbing my glands together
Holy shit ben, are you reading the incoherent babble you're putting out there? Time to take the meds, drink the warm milk, and go nighty night.
All nokuy did was put out some information and you've turned it into something, quite frankly, stupid.

ben ttech

Active member
your forgetting that WHOMS information he repeated...
is in FACT the substance of this debate...

pardon my lackings in english...

but the righteous OFFENSE at the status quo used against the commoner remains withstanding...

see ya later this week folks...
SOME of us have to work...


Rubbing my glands together
Is it really a debate when only one is claiming it is indeed a debate?
Quite frankly, I could care less if Vick gets a job in sports or any other profession or not. Every job interview is gonna be the same.....You that guy that had the dog fighting business right?? What a dumbass.


natural medicator
Definitely more of a publicity attempt for the Albany team than anything else IMHO.

Gotta be honest though, I'd rather he be working for 200/week than having the taxpayers pay 30-40k/yr to keep him incarcerated.

Still kinda fucked that someone who kills dogs for fun gets less time than someone who grows a plant or does a multitude of other things far less heinous.


Active member
Anyone else feel like punchin Ben in the face,kickin him in the cock,and beating him sensless with a fuckin dictionary.......or is that pleasurable fantasy just mine!!


18 and Doh!
Maybe the raiders will pick Vick up:yoinks:

They seem pretty committed to Russell and also they (Al) never do anything smart (Heyward Bay over Crabtree, u kiddin me?). And even if Jamarcus Russell busts Al will never admit he was wrong. I'd love to see Vick on the raiders tho, theyd actually go places.


Michael Vic was paid to play versus other teams of fed humans. Then Michael Vic begins to USE pitts to "fight" / "play" versus each other. get what I'm saying? It's one of those closed off circles / cycles.. were the abused becomes an abuser.. Am I saying Michael Vic was abused? Football does mean physical abuse


Poor NFL players being abused with all that money being thrown at them through contracts and endorsements.:violin::jerkit:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
I'm gonna chime in real quick

Sports players (professional and not) play sports from a young age. They practice, condition, and train. How are they being abused? Because they get hit? Because they run a lot? They get paid millions of dollars to do what they love/loved to do. In reality, its a game, nothing more. You can go watch a high school football game on a friday night, and then watch monday night football, and they are one in the same. The only difference is money...

In reguards to Vick... yes i hate the abuse of animals, yes i hate that he made money of the abuse/murder of animals...but let's be fair... he did his time, he lost his fortune/home/all that shit... Let him play again.

I'm sure some of those who are on probation/parole probably feel the same way every time they apply for a job and have to check that damned box... "I've done my time, why the hell does it still matter?"

Plus, Falcons did better without him lol

I dont know, just my two cents


which INK the fool issues they parade for dolts such as nuk to run with as WEAPONS of dialogue created for and propagated in dedication to the rape of the poor WHOM the sports future DEPENDs on occuring without halt.

what make you think im not out there engineering the just murder of celebrities with ever fiber of my being?!?!?!?
This is why you shouldn't smoke crack, kids. We should call you Willis, because nobody knows whatchoo talkin' 'bout.

Back to the topic. I think this is pure marketing for Firebirds. I doubt they're even too serious about the offer. It's just cheap advertising, and the press jumped on it.

One Love

sorry for getting off topic again, but wtf are they teaching people at T.Tech? I have read chapters of the bible that made more sense than this guy's babbling. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all more important in getting your point across than the use of "big boy" words. You are not smart and had you read any decent book, in english, you would know how to properly write a sentence that conveys a message to the reader. :asskick:

Moving over, I think Vick will eventually creep back into the NFL. I don't care to comment on his previous behaviors, because of all the pitfalls that come along with "knowing what someone else should do", but there will always be teams looking for experienced QB's. Seems like someday he will get another shot, but it may be a few more seasons before that happens.

sidenote: i love my dogs!