Powerskunk! sounds well powerful..could only graze the new thread..but it's all looking good..more when I have more time..
I'm always glad you're on top of researching such things...you know I'm too lazy toHad a blast of indian summer here, and after a pretty bug free summer I now have spider mites Just saw a few of them last night. Checked under the leaves on a few plants, looked ok, so took out the no pest strip again as a temporary measure, can see I have to bring out the big guns. Will have to stop and pick up some pyrethrin bombs and treat the basement a couple times over 1-2 weeks to make sure no mite time-share condos have been built out
The pyrethrin bombs I feel pretty ok with leaving the plants in. Basically it's chrysanthemum extracts that will break down in a few days. I'm going to go overboard on this one just in case - would hate to lose a buncha these youngins.