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"Mr extractor" discussion

A6 Grower

hahahaha i knew that would get some laughs here. I was baffled when i saw that, i guess he likes his BHO in the 3k PPM range....

grow nerd

Active member
At $6xxx, all you gotta do is sell 200 units to profit a million.

[X] Not a terrible business
[X] Would invest

grow nerd

Active member
You guys can't see what's going on.

The ugly girl got the job only because this is her boyfriend's company.

When boyfriend had an idea to put up online videos using an attractive female, his ugly gf was like "yeah I can do it!!", and not wanting to hurt her feelings. ..

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
You guys can't see what's going on.

The ugly girl got the job only because this is her boyfriend's company.

When boyfriend had an idea to put up online videos using an attractive female, his ugly gf was like "yeah I can do it!!", and not wanting to hurt her feelings. ..

Somewhere along my evolutionary path from a young horn dog, to an elder noticing that women have other attributes like fine minds and charm, my idea of looks changed.

Some of the drop dead gorgeous women turned ugly, and some plain Jane's glowed with inner beauty. More a matter of ugly is as ugly does, added to the equation of physical visage.

Being rejected along the way by my share of both purdy and ugly women, also put in tongue in cheek perspective that looks and attraction are a two way street.

I noticed that it is easier for young women in blossom to look good, and women that continue to be weight proportional are usually religiously working to stay so. My hat is off to every one who is putting forth that effort and making the best out of what they got.

As long as we're guessing, my read is that neither women are professional models and both women work at the company, and were hired more for their fine minds and business talents, than their looks or acting skills, but were game for the gig and doing their best.

Two long haired svelt blonds in form fitting black velvet appears to me to be a marketing plaudit to appear more sophisticated.

You might also notice the addition of the Erlenmeyer flasks in the background as a prop, to make it appear more laboratory like, but falls short of the mark and looks contrived.

The core issue as I see it, is that they are trying to make up with marketing, what they lack in actual product. That suggest the leader has a marketing background, rather than a technical one.


That suggest the leader has a marketing background, rather than a technical one.

Yeah, and without remorse.

I think that's why they irritate me so much, everything they are putting out to public media are just shouts of tacky marketing ploys. Another get rich quick scheme trying to take advantage of the "cutting edge" industry.


New member
These idiots are part of the reason that the Attorney General of Colorado has "interpreted" that at home extractions are illegal based on the wording of our amendment.

People with little to no intelligence who act like this make every one of us legit extractors look real bad. For every Graywolf we've got a hundred of these jackasses itching to blow themselves up.


I thought it was the indoor guys using open end tubes.

Yes that is who is being charged currently, but the A.G. has said that extracting cannabis is considered manufacturing a controlled substance.
They don't care if its open blast or a closed system, because A.G. has declared the act of ''extracting'' to be illegal unless you are licensed MIP facility, good luck getting a license in CO$$$.

The people that are being charged with manufacturing and several other charges were caught because of a open blast explosion, so like back in the day with growing, spend the money to lower your risk of going to jail or prison, use a closed loop and use all the info online to educate yourself before you do a run.
No explosion/fire = No cops/first responders


Active member

Pretty clear that you're a snake oil salesman and a generally untrustworthy character. Thanks for confirming this for us firsthand. I'll make sure to do my best to spread the word so people avoid your product in the future. Best of luck, this isn't the cannabis community of 10 years ago and we don't take kindly to con artists trying to take advantage of people.


Active member
How about you start with these and go from there...

By the way, the burden of proof falls on the person making the extraordinary claim. You are that person.

Flatslabs, that was perfect...

That was quite possibly the worst marketing video I've ever forced myself to watch. Whatever these fools are smoking, I don't want anything to do with it... Yup, not even once...

But look guys!!! Holy shit! look at the option list!!!!

"Refinement Mods: Take off the top and attach to a Lower:"

"Delta Separator"

"Customization: Stainless 3-D Face and Colored Skin Mods Coming Soon"

HOLY SHIT!!! Colored skin mods!!!

I honestly can't believe this is being marketed as an actual extraction system. WTF...

However, I notice Mr. Xtractix douchenozzle supreme has 404'd his original bullshit fear-mongering website... How interesting. The level of utter senseless garbage would not be tolerated in most industries.

Can we do our part to make sure Connoisseur Concentrates and their Colored skin mods get laughed off of every web discussion? Pleeze?

Wow... Just wow... I was initially pissed at the thought of giving these fools free exposure. But now I'm just trying to figure out what I've just watched...

The hype is strong. I keep seeing it posted to FB and mentioned on IG. I can't believe that there is so many people willing to drop 6500 on this thing. I need to start making CLS's lol

Did anyone catch how they recommend to purge oxygen out of the system... This thing is literally a bomb. I don't understand why they wouldn't just add some vac ports.

Wait a minute Kendal, there are a few things that don't add up :laughing:


so if it doesnt require the user to own a vacuum pump, how do people plan to purge their oil after....

Its a "3 day cold purge, dont trip" says the comments, lol.


Ill start:

Is your machine safe to operate indoors like you demonstrate in the video?

Can you dab straight out of the machine like you demonstrate in the video?

What is a 3 day cold purge that you talk about in the video?
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Active member
These are all quotes. Ask a question and Ill answer it.

You're off to a real bad start, buddy. Here's my question: "Can you respond to the concerns in the quotes I posted on the page before this one?"

Clearly your marketing abilities are as sharp as your engineering skills. Any idiot knows that in 2015, grass roots social media (including forums like this one) marketing can make or break you, and if your responses in this thread so far are any indication, you are well on your way to digging your own grave.

Again, best of luck with taking advantage of people.