Flatslabs, that was perfect...
That was quite possibly the worst marketing video I've ever forced myself to watch. Whatever these fools are smoking, I don't want anything to do with it... Yup, not even once...
But look guys!!! Holy shit! look at the option list!!!!
"Refinement Mods: Take off the top and attach to a Lower:"
"Delta Separator"
"Customization: Stainless 3-D Face and Colored Skin Mods Coming Soon"
HOLY SHIT!!! Colored skin mods!!!
I honestly can't believe this is being marketed as an actual extraction system. WTF...
However, I notice Mr. Xtractix douchenozzle supreme has 404'd his original bullshit fear-mongering website... How interesting. The level of utter senseless garbage would not be tolerated in most industries.
Can we do our part to make sure Connoisseur Concentrates and their Colored skin mods get laughed off of every web discussion? Pleeze?
Wow... Just wow... I was initially pissed at the thought of giving these fools free exposure. But now I'm just trying to figure out what I've just watched...
Ghay. So, this is whiterastas company? Thanx for the laugh a6. There other vids are just as queer
Oh man, ill tell you guys what....
These clowns will outsell EVERY CLS system COMBINED, just because of their marketing and the sheer ignorance of the soon to be consumer...
Sad, but true....
This is where steeze works? Talk about a major demotion..... These guys are worse than subzero.
this is something i imagine on trailer park boys... a fool proof plan for ricky.