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"Mr extractor" discussion


He keeps his tactics up still. Lets see if he'll do this reddit AMA (ask me anything) that people are asking him to do on facebook.


Guess who finally answered some questions.

Its late, so I will start with number one.

Tomorrow our unit goes to our engineer to be broken down in a way that it can be presented for submission for certification. We do not expect the glass column to meet specs. We have a stainless column that we expect to pass. The addition of a vac port to purge solvents will definitely help in the cert process.

Two: Yes, when we receive it.

Note: Having dealt with engineers they have repeatedly told me that while you may be able to certify your device, the moment you hook it up to a HVAC system it changes the scope of the item. Simply certifying your device without the pump means nothing. Also, certifying a device for pressure has no bearing on the contamination issue of the pumps you are using, whether the pump is safe for medical or food usage, or whether the combination of the pump you choose still maintains certification. ASME cert is a only part of the process, and does not address flammability with random pumps, contamination from gaskets, copper or metal particulates.

Three: We are meeting with a Portland lab tech tomorrow morning who claims to have tests proving the presence of plastics in BHO extractions.

Four: Glass is glass. It breaks. It is shock sensitive. Glass jars are used to carry ether and other liquid/gasses and highly flammable solvents. Process views and sightglasses are needed and commonly used in the extraction community. The factor relies on the pressure ratings of the glass. As a passive system our device rarely hits 60 psi, and operates around 20. We dont have the external pressures of pumps on our device to artificially increase pressures up to 550 PSI. Our material chamber has the same strengths and weaknesses of any glass part on any extraction machine, minus the fact that we dont have high pressures to deal with like HVAC pump users face. If your going to impart a glass item, it runs the risk of breaking. Either we all use them or we all dont.

PTFE leaches into butane. More to come on that.

Our insurance will be provided to purchasers of our device. They can have a copy if they wish

While pumps MAY be faster, you are sacrificing speed for health. We have proof. We will show you. It is not an acceptable tradeoff, especially one you should be making on someone elses behalf.

Most below that are comments toward active systems, to which I would be talking to myself. There are positives and negatives to both systems. We can discuss ours. So far, no one can discuss active system faults, as a user who will be honest as to their experiences. Our machine may not be perfect yet, but it is a step in the right direction. You will undoubtably find flaws in our system, but will will fix them. You repeatedly talk about not discussing the next model, but this unit was stripped down to the simplest elements to provide the easiest experience possible. If we took off one to many parts, we just put the damn thing back on and problem solved. Its not rocket science here. But once we fix ours, what will active users do? Thats my question.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Wait a minute Kendal, there are a few things that don't add up :laughing:


Obviously these suckers know that oil must be purged after extraction, whats funny is they keep mentioning no pumps needed but I clearly see their vacuum oven in this video that they will be using with a pump to purge their oil. I do kinda like this design a little but I see your just sorta replacing cost of butane with dry ice and alcohol. You may save in the long run but for the price I think I can just stick to the tubes and elbows!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I fully support small scale and Mom and Pop operations. It does not take much effort or cost to be NFPA compliant. There is no reason not to do it when you see how simple it really is. It is silly for people to paint NFPA as something that is not correct or that should be ignored. NFPA spends careers studying this stuff. The NFPA did not just make up these standards. They came from years of study. Every industry in the US and Canada is required to follow these standards and the extractors will have to as well.

Butane is classified as a Class 1 Division 1 danger. That is the highest rating there is for fire potential. Opening a closed loop system, esp one that was not vacuumed or purged, will create a flammable amounts of fumes. The issue is not will it explode, it may but unlikely. The issue is will it easily catch fire. A highly flammable situation is prime for a static start. Static is proven as a common and easy to create ignition source.

I am all for people blowing/burning themselves up if it does not endanger others or destroy property of others. I don't think we should get in the way of natural selection. Doing any butane extraction in an apartment is crazy and should be stopped. I would not feel comfortable with some 19 year old idiot using the safest cls in an apartment next to me. It does not matter if he is tons safer than open blasting, he is still taking real and serious risks with other people’s lives. The requirement is to not endanger others not to be safer than open blasting.

That's a real risk with this I agree, I would think they could probably attach a ESD wrist strap. That would help with this type of situation. I wouldn't even use a closed system personally in a living space. Always vented or outside no electrical in the vicinity. This system has potential but it has some flaws that need corrected and pricing needs a good evaluation and adjustment that is my opinion anyways.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Connoisseur Concentrates: We would love to answer questions. We went to IC MAG to have a discussion and had our posts deleted. How do you expect us to debate our device when this occurs?

Like · Reply · 6 hours ago

Joseph Hunter Your posts were deleted because you weren't answering any questions and just hyping your shitty extractor.

Like · 5 hours ago

Gray Wolf You withdrew from the field, using the plaudit that you were an important man with more important things to do, before they deleted your posts that not only avoided the questions, but were intended to spam. The thread is still open and you can still go back and answer the questions. You just can't get away with the same BS you are employing on Facebook.

Like · 1 · 26 minutes ago
Gray Wolf

Connoisseur Concentrates: Everyone can, or they could before a lot of our posts were deleted to show some in a good light. That was the point of our post.

Like · Reply · 7 hours ago

Stephen Hernandez Let EVERYONE read the discussion about you and your product, dont just show one of hundreds of posts...https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=298826


Active member
He's deleting the relevant questions on facebook while protesting being deleted on icmag. :whistling:

I wonder how many 6500 dollar units he has sold yet?

Still has 17 available on his site.
The one thing that is very disturbing about this site is that it is clearly censored. if gray wolfs posts had been deleted I think a much different conversation would be going on. this whole forum is a waste of time. While there are a few intelligent people on here with good points..... The majority of this thread is filled with bullshit. I know there are no claims made that this is a professional site because it's clearly not! One thing I have learned in life is to not listen to bullshit - only pay attention to facts. It's too bad everybody plays off each other and turns uninformed info into facts. I personally got tired of listening to all this bs and went to the source. I have had discussions with 3 companies that make machines and actually feel informed! It took me a total of 1 hour and all my questions have been answered with actual facts! I suggest people stop wasting there time on this thread and get the real info not just assume things. Have fun! Good luck!


The one thing that is very disturbing about this site is that it is clearly censored. if gray wolfs posts had been deleted I think a much different conversation would be going on. this whole forum is a waste of time. While there are a few intelligent people on here with good points..... The majority of this thread is filled with bullshit. I know there are no claims made that this is a professional site because it's clearly not! One thing I have learned in life is to not listen to bullshit - only pay attention to facts. It's too bad everybody plays off each other and turns uninformed info into facts. I personally got tired of listening to all this bs and went to the source. I have had discussions with 3 companies that make machines and actually feel informed! It took me a total of 1 hour and all my questions have been answered with actual facts! I suggest people stop wasting there time on this thread and get the real info not just assume things. Have fun! Good luck!

Tell your boy Drew we are still waiting on reddit. No censorship no sides taken. Just discussion.



I feel great! It's good to be right! The first thing that happened after I posted was a stupid accusation and others following! To funny!

What reply's are you referring to exactly. What accusations? How have you been proved right? You guys asked for a new equal forum to discuss the issues at hand, it was provided and in turn ignored by you and Drew.

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