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Movies to watch while stoned that aren't about drugs


Well-known member
I saw interesting movie recently, i did not read the description and it really cought me by surprise. Especially after mighty bong usage ;D Highly recommended. Dont look at the trailer, dont check description. Just watch it. Oldschool way.

"Hardcore Henry"

I'm not looking through 12 pages right now so I hope these haven't been mentioned yet...

Natural Born Killers
Jackie Brown
Pan's Labyrinth
Spirited Away (anime)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
"Field of Dreams"
Just watched this tonight for the very first time...

We didn't know anything about it except that a guy builds a baseball diamond in rural Iowa..
Smoked a couple jays with Mrs. Green first...

Umm, should we have each dropped a hit of acid first, or some schrooms, instead?!?
hey bud,,,,
i love this film,,,,,usually watch it at the xmas period,,,,,
never fails to bring a tear to my eye no matter how many times i watch it and Costner is superb but james earl jones and burt lancaster steal it and not forgetting a young ray liotta,,,,,
one of my fav films of all time and in my top five of american movies,,,,love it and for anyone who lost there father without saying stuff you really wanted to but couldnt !,,,
then please watch this movie,,,s2


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Do yourself a favor and set a new standard after which even average movies seem just fine. Watch Ulli Lommel's hidden secrets for movies, especially Curse of the Zodiac, and come back to thank me later.


Active member
War Dogs was good last night. It was a kind of Wolf of Wall St, except with arms dealers...great movie


Well-known member
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry. Road Warrior, original and the New one. The Replacement Killers. Pulp Fiction. Army of Darkness. Napoleon Dynamite. Sin City. V for Vendetta. Soldier. Space Cowboys. Tremors. Pathfinder. 10,000 B.C. Blade Runner. Pitch Black. Gladiator. Vanishing Point. The Warriors.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Also movies with a famous quote: Chinatown (1974, one of the greatest), Harvey (1950), The Third Man (1949).

No great quotes but great acting of the title character: Scarface (1932).


predator, the original with arnold. almost any 80s action movie come to think of it. true romance. almost any john carpenter movie (big trouble in little china, the thing, they live, etc). big lebowski or any other coen bros movie (no country for old men, blood simple...).

you could also go by actors. anything with philip seymour hoffman rip or daniel day lewis is almost guaranteed to be solid.

as far as recent movies that were good, i was surprised at how entertaining and badass john wick was. def was not expecting that. great recent action/revenge movie

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