I don't live in California, but it seems that there are a lot of folks that are of the idea they're going to move there grow weeed and get rich or at least support them selves. Aren't there already about a huge number of people already living there that are doing or going to do the same thing? Oregon is voting on a dispensary bill but the law as it is written says in order to open a dispensary of become a grower you have to be an Oregon res for 5 years, just to keep the out of state people, out of state. They don't want to flood the state with people coming just to grow MJ. Plus a grower lic is a $1000/year plus ten percent of your gross sales to the state.Same for a disp but the fee is 2K a year and 10% of your gross to the state. Don't hear much about it on the news nationally or otherwise.
There is a huge amount of people growing herb in cali, but a very small percentage growing dank.If you can grow fire there is always people that will pay even if the markets flooded.