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MM X 78Thia was never released by Nevil

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
its possible they have the same dad, but not known. IIRC from what I read, Nev got 3 "haze" seeds to pop, that were worth anything at least.... 1 female and 2 males. the males were A and C. apparently B wasnt that impressive

but its possibly seeds from an open pollination, or from different moms, or who knows

as for A as a father, not much. Theres a few A5 offerings out there, I think Ace and Karma maybe? Again, IIRC, nevil didnt make enough seeds from A to do anything commercial / offer seeds of any crosses, before he lost the cut.

eta : there is always Nevilles Haze, using A5 as a mother. But depending on who you ask, the HzA is lost in the wash with HzC, since only C will be represented downstream

There is an A5, AG13 and a HPHz A all have the Haze A father allegedly ...
My buddy in the Netherlands got hold of Haze A/C pollen from Shantibaba and put that to the HPHz A .

The offspring were impressive .


Active member
There is an A5, AG13 and a HPHz A all have the Haze A father allegedly ...
My buddy in the Netherlands got hold of Haze A/C pollen from Shantibaba and put that to the HPHz A .

The offspring were impressive .
yeah there are a few offspring of A, but i guess I could have been more clear. Nevil didnt offer many, as he claimed to have lost the cut before commercial quantities of any hzA crosses were made. Shanti has implied there is also Skunk x HzA seed in his possession, though Im not sure if its been worked into anything. I think it was tried for the AC line, but didnt pan out

So one has to have a bit of faith on some of these surviving cuts. I tend to believe its likely that some are still out there though


Active member
Kinda makes you wonder why Skunk x HzA is only used in mango haze? All of his other males are used in multiple offerings.... hzC fathers nevilles, early skunk haze, skunk haze, Afghan haze, holy grail.... AH male fathers master kaze, angel breath, ash, early Haze, critical haze.... Widow male has la Nina, Shark, rhino/MM.... AC has the rock and roll series + grail lines work.... nordle has NHS, angel heart, devil, nevilles skunk

Unless I'm mistaken, SkA is only used that one time. Odd that


Active member
For what it's worth, I'm currently vegging Mango Haze (had poor germ, seeds been in my storage for a long time) and an off-menu offering of (skunk hzC) x (Afghan hzC). Going to initiate germ on some Nevilles Haze tonight..... all of them directly from Shanti.

It'll be interesting to see what I find in all those beans


The Haze Whisperer
Kinda makes you wonder why Skunk x HzA is only used in mango haze? All of his other males are used in multiple offerings.... hzC fathers nevilles, early skunk haze, skunk haze, Afghan haze, holy grail.... AH male fathers master kaze, angel breath, ash, early Haze, critical haze.... Widow male has la Nina, Shark, rhino/MM.... AC has the rock and roll series + grail lines work.... nordle has NHS, angel heart, devil, nevilles skunk

Unless I'm mistaken, SkA is only used that one time. Odd that

You have HzA in Nevil's Haze.


Active member

At about the 10 minute mark, Shanti starts talking about males..... specifically, the 6 males he and nevil built the catalog from. Video recorded 2021ish, so a decade after the HazeAC debut

What do you think the 6 are? Id wager

1. HazeC
2. Afghan HazeC
3. Afghan Skunk
4. Widow
5. HazeAC
6. Skunk HazeC

7? Skunk HazeA?

You'll notice, the 1-6 males are all used in multiple offerings from MNS, as a direct parent.


The Haze Whisperer
You said and I quote
Kinda makes you wonder why Skunk x HzA is only used in mango haze? All of his other males are used in multiple offerings.... hzC fathers nevilles, early skunk haze, skunk haze, Afghan haze, holy grail.... AH male fathers master kaze, angel breath, ash, early Haze, critical haze.... Widow male has la Nina, Shark, rhino/MM.... AC has the rock and roll series + grail lines work.... nordle has NHS, angel heart, devil, nevilles skunk

Unless I'm mistaken, SkA is only used that one time. Odd that
As I said, Both HzA and HzC are used in Nevil's Haze.

Shanti didn't make SKHzA Nevil did, and he also made other HzA hybrids that he gave to Shanti along with his plant library.

Mango Haze has both Haze A and C and to be honest ether Haze or both Haze work and work well great plants are found ether way.


Active member
Heres a few screenshots of a long post at MNS showing an evolution of shanti's answer the the lineage of SSH and MH.

SSH has always been claimed to be C5 x Skunk HazeC

Mango was originally the same father, to a mother from the same seedlot as SSH just a different selecting (5c122). I'd wager this was the early tester version, that was later reworked to make it more appealing. Isn't your version of Mango haze the tester version? Hmmm

Anyhow, over time, the lineage shifted to include skunk hazeA as the father. We can assume this is the reworked version, since this is the lineage he continues to state.
Screenshot_20250323_012706_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20250323_012731_Chrome.jpg


Active member
Worth noting Hempy, that my conclusion is the same one that JeSSe made years ago. Early Mango haze is hazeC only.

So, again, for the people in the back, isn't it interesting that the only time the Skunk HazeA male is used is the later releases of Mango haze (specifically NOT the tester version of it, conclusively)


The Haze Whisperer
Amoril the person that first told me Mango Haze used SkHzA was Nevil, I then went and did a little research and found this post by Shanti I didn't care then or do I care now to be honest all I care about is how they grow and what ends up in my cone and joint.

The only two people to complete the Mango Haze test seed grow back at Cannabis World were me and Jesse. The other 8 testers culled them and called them impractical it was some years after that before Shanti release it and those plants were a lot tamer. The Mango Haze F1 test seed grew and acted like Nevils Haze, and they still do.

I don't remember Jesse referring to MH as having only HzC and when we grew them out, all we knew was it was a 50% Haze.
