Hey GW, did you change the valve setup for the dip tube line?
On the pics of your first MKIV phoenix you had a valve on top of the sight glass but on the latest setup you don't.
There is one at the top of the column, wouldn't you want one in both locations?
My god those both look incredible. Has the part which replaces the 2"-4" concentric reducer been specially machined? What is the connection/weld like below either sight glass?
Also, what do you mean by back flushed?
Thanks GW, keep up the top notch work.
HA HA! I found the end cap reducers on glacier, awesome. Did you send in plans for these along with those of the injection tee for the MKIII? I also notice some 6" caps with pre-drilled holes...this is great.
was it any easier getting it from China than glacier tanks?
Are you using 2 recovery pumps on the pot and 1 on the column?
did you change the down tube from 3/8 to 1/2"?
I saw on the SPR website that you're necking down the 1/2 FNPT to 3/8" to catch the down tube compression fitting with a bushing. The only problem I'm having is finding are finding the Tri Clamp to Pipe thread adapters. Specifically 2" TC -> 1/2 FNPT that goes on the top of the column and 1.5" TC -> 1/2 FNPT that is supposed to catch the sight glass on the vent tube. Maybe Glacier just doesn't have it on their site.
Big ups and thanks for taking the time to give direct support.
So here's another question.
The thermocouple that goes down through the sight glass on the vapor port, do you have the compression fitting on the sheath of the thermocouple?
Is this : http://www.omega.com/pptst/ICIN.html , a good one to get? Comes in a 1/4" diameter 304 SS Sheath so I figured that would go through the 1.5" / 1/4 NPT compression fitting that sits on top of the sight glass with the compression fitting clamped to it and the probe tip down in the butane pool? Figure I need 24" to get through the sight glass, recovery tree, past the 1.5x1 ferrule and down in to the oil pool
Then you wire the thermocouple out to a temperature display?
Is there a way to wire that thermocouple to a PID controller that operates a heat mat that will keep the oil pool evaporating?