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Mk IV A Phoenix Terpenator


She's a beaut! I'm set on giving nitrogen a try once my license is issued from OHA. Can't quite stomach the chiller expense yet.
May I ask where your sourcing you counter flow coils these days? I've been off the icmag map for some time.

I'm lucky enough to install and play with a huber cc-906w at our friends northern Cali facility...it's sitting and waiting for my return, needles to say Im very excited to play with it, but am in need of a nice counter flow. Thanks gw!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
She's a beaut! I'm set on giving nitrogen a try once my license is issued from OHA. Can't quite stomach the chiller expense yet.
May I ask where your sourcing you counter flow coils these days? I've been off the icmag map for some time.

I'm lucky enough to install and play with a huber cc-906w at our friends northern Cali facility...it's sitting and waiting for my return, needles to say Im very excited to play with it, but am in need of a nice counter flow. Thanks gw!

We have them made by Albina in Tualatin. https://www.albinaco.com/. Talk to Nathan.

If it isn't about half the price you were quoted for the one you donated to the cause last year, see me.


Any pictures from your latest Mk IV install? I think I read in another thread that HUGE was having one installed last week.

As a side question, do you have the PRV exhausts plumped to the recovery pump intake on the Mk IV? It looks that way in the pics but kinda hard to tell. I would imagine they can't be vented to atmosphere on a licensed setup.


GW I am a little confused about how the pictured vapor pressure assist works.

It looks like you need to valve off the pump exhaust and stop recovery while you're applying the pressure assist, is that correct?

Doesn't this present an issue with pressure buildup in the system while you're simultaneously flooding and not recovering?

I am currently running 4x24 columns and using separate 100# tanks for flood and recovery, switching them around when needed. The feed side tank is at room temp so my flood pressure is always good and the recovery is in wet ice. I warm up the recovery tank with water when I need to switch it to the feed side, which is every other column.

It's a little bit of added work, but not much. I'll usually run through six 4x24's per session, so two tank switches total. However, I'm getting a lot more material to process now and also building a system to make lots of crude with 6x36 columns so the tank switching has to go.

High pressure flood-1-1.jpg

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Any pictures from your latest Mk IV install? I think I read in another thread that HUGE was having one installed last week.

As a side question, do you have the PRV exhausts plumped to the recovery pump intake on the Mk IV? It looks that way in the pics but kinda hard to tell. I would imagine they can't be vented to atmosphere on a licensed setup.

Post 332 in this thread is HUGE's install, and it worked slick. After training, HUGE's team produced an Agent Orange extract that tested 89.6% THCa and 6% terpenes.

No, that hose is the vent between the two Haskel rod seals, so if it blows a seal, it vents through that tube to ventilation, instead of just into the room.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
GW I am a little confused about how the pictured vapor pressure assist works.

It looks like you need to valve off the pump exhaust and stop recovery while you're applying the pressure assist, is that correct?

Doesn't this present an issue with pressure buildup in the system while you're simultaneously flooding and not recovering?

I am currently running 4x24 columns and using separate 100# tanks for flood and recovery, switching them around when needed. The feed side tank is at room temp so my flood pressure is always good and the recovery is in wet ice. I warm up the recovery tank with water when I need to switch it to the feed side, which is every other column.

It's a little bit of added work, but not much. I'll usually run through six 4x24's per session, so two tank switches total. However, I'm getting a lot more material to process now and also building a system to make lots of crude with 6x36 columns so the tank switching has to go.

View attachment 366178

No, it slows down recovery, but all of the recovery pumps can put out more than 50 psi, what is about what the pressure assist is using n-Butane.


Active member
The machine is fantastic Thanks GW. We just packed and froze 2 columns of agent orange again and are doing another run shortly. I will try and get some good pics.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Terpp Extractors makes their version of the central unit, as does BVV. To my knowledge no one is assembling a WW equipped Terpenator, but easy enough to do yourself.

If you are installing a certified installation, there are a couple of things to consider. One is whether the unit is or can be certified.

The second is what process and training support is available with the different systems.

No one that I'm aware of at this point makes the same package as WW/PG did, but easy enough to assemble one yourself with the features that you covet, leaving out the ones you don't wish to invest in.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Solly no, this old man is determined stay retired this time and Pharmgold owns the WolfWurx IP and Trademark now anyway, with a non compete clause.

Feel free to ask questions!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I used Mark's Bothers for the pressure vessel and Albina Tubing for the custom heat exchangers. The rest is a mixture of parts from places like Albina Tank, and Swagelok, and ASME quality welding.

If you'll PM me here or contact me at [email protected] so I know who I'm talking to, I'll check to see who might be available and up to your design task.
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