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mixin's nycd grow - supercropped new york city diesel


finally got a chance to smoke a little bit of the bubble hash tonight. i didn't get much but what i do have is really good. nice and smooth. no rough pulls on bong at all. super smooth with a nice head high. i really like this weed


peacefulgrower - thanks for stopping by. i have to admit i was surprised with my results with my 250w definately. thanks for stopping by!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Excellent results. If I can grow nycd colas even close to the size of yours, I'll be a happy man...
repped you.


i only supercropped when i had to keep the plant from hitting the light. they shoot up quick after 12/12 and it took 2-3 supercrops (and some fishing line) to keep all the plants where they needed to be to maximize the light on the plants. i wish i didn't need to supercrop during flowering but it has worked out pretty good so far

judging by the pictures u posted, supercropped is basically pinching the main stem correct? when u say u have to supercrop 2-3 times do u keep pinching the same spot each time?


judging by the pictures u posted, supercropped is basically pinching the main stem correct? when u say u have to supercrop 2-3 times do u keep pinching the same spot each time?

yep i bent it once, it popped right back up and started reaching for the sky again so i had to bend it back towards itself (but so it still got light on both bend)


Active member
Hi Mixin
I had to show this Cheese grow inspired by you.
I've been supercropping. Just got a 250CMH too!
Look how bad I mangled the stalk, and she doesn't seem to care!
Best regards



Hi Mixin
I had to show this Cheese grow inspired by you.
I've been supercropping. Just got a 250CMH too!
Look how bad I mangled the stalk, and she doesn't seem to care!
Best regards


quanito - thats a very cool looking plant and sweet supercropping! do you have a grow journal by any chance?


Life is one big grow........
nice grow mate....looks like heavy Afghani Hawain Phenos....u will find a lot Phenos looking like that in somaSeeds
