I'm sure it does work, and it's relatively inexpensive for the amount of plants you can use it on.
Previously we used 'plant magic granules' which when trialled noticeably improved health and rootmass, but it's unavailable here so the black pearl seemed like the next best choice.
As you read above our recipe is very simple but it seems to be effective. And we will continue with it inside and out.
I guess the only other secret is that we've had fantastic weather so far, and the drip systems have really helped us manage more plants more effectively.
I'm sure also if we priced all the components up in comparison to liquid nutrients we will have made a mega saving.
Previously we used 'plant magic granules' which when trialled noticeably improved health and rootmass, but it's unavailable here so the black pearl seemed like the next best choice.
As you read above our recipe is very simple but it seems to be effective. And we will continue with it inside and out.
I guess the only other secret is that we've had fantastic weather so far, and the drip systems have really helped us manage more plants more effectively.
I'm sure also if we priced all the components up in comparison to liquid nutrients we will have made a mega saving.