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Minnesota Medical MJ: Another shot in the dark.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I got this email a couple of days ago, I'm not very optimistic as we still have Tim Pawlenty as a governor who's promised a rubber stamp veto of ANY medical mj bills crossing his desk (final step of becoming law) and we have him for two more years as the next MN gubernatorial election is in 2010.

Medical Marijuana Bill overwhelmingly passes
first Minnesota Senate Committee

Dear Dave:

Yesterday, the Minnesota Senate Health, Housing and Family Security Committee voted 8-3 in favor of S.F. 97, the bill to allow seriously ill patients to use medical marijuana without fear of arrest or jail.

This is only the first in a series of committee votes in both chambers of the legislature, so it's important that you contact your senators and representatives now and let them know that you support this legislation. MPP's online action system makes it easy.

Another way you can help is to send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, in response to news coverage of yesterday's committee vote. You can find some of the news coverage here. And we've provided talking points that you can use in your letter.

Thanks so much for your help in pushing Minnesota's medical marijuana bill forward. Together, we can make Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state.


Heather Azzi
Campaigns Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project
Minneapolis, Minn.


half cat half man half baked
Minnesota needs Jesse back!

I remember last year or so when this was on table and they ran out of time to vote on it.

8-3 is not bad at all. It should prove interesting what the newspapers will find for public opinion.

If a marijuana march is organized in Minneapolis to bring light to this... I'll be in for a road trip.


New member
I remember being in Minnesota last year when they had all the debates at the capitol and watching it all on public access it's a hotly contested issue within the state many of the elected officials in the state have very strong opinions about MMJ good and bad. Maybe not this year but possibly next year if our new president does a good job and more republicans lose their seats it could have a chance of passing.


New member
Jesse ventura while a good person was a horrible Horrible governor. Its not that he did any one thing wrong its that he didn't get anything done right... he was just kind of there. And as much as I understand the frustation from people on here about Gov. Pawlenty exercising his right to veto. He has been, current state deficit aside, a great Governor... and I know I will get attacked by many of the people on this site for that statement but I encourage you to look at his voting record and the things he's gotten done before any comments are made. He has done a great deal for the state and the environment in way of renewable energy, fuel efficiency mandates, and the light rail project!


Yeah I'd say MN has made some good progress based on it's laws compared to other states. The thing about MN is the fact that I know sooooooo many people who smoke there I'm not surprised there is such a strong libertarian base there. Only thing I worry is the Feds considering they enjoy screwing with Californians as much as they do but it would be nice if the Mayo clinic would send out a nice piss off response to the Feds.

Lucky 7

Active member
Ha! Yes that would be sweet. It's weird, I am forced to travel south often, it's a police state in Iowa & especially Nebraska. Nebraska should start their own country; they could call it
________________ insert name here.


New member
Actually, for any MN-IC Mag visitors, there is a debate taking place on the campus of the University of Minnesota between an editor from HT magazine and a DEA agent. This Wednesday, March 4th. Should be pretty heated.


New member
Actually, for any MN-IC Mag visitors, there is a debate taking place on the campus of the University of Minnesota between an editor from HT magazine and a DEA agent. This Wednesday, March 4th. Should be pretty heated.
Do you know where on campus?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
He has done a great deal for the state and the environment in way of renewable energy, fuel efficiency mandates, and the light rail project!
I'll agree as things generaly go he hasn't been bad for the state, but I hope you do realize that he fought the light rail system almost to the point of vetoing it himself, pressure from constituents swayed him, it is the public that's made it a success of course, whenever I'm downtown (6-7 times a yr maybe) I see that rail system well used and looking very clean and inviting, it runs often and efficiently too.......

back to the issues though:
I hate to ask people to change their votes or party affiliations,
but if you look up the elections results from '06 Pawlenty won
by just 21,000 votes, the independant party candidate (MN has
always been base for grassroots) got over 141,000 votes, now
I'm of the mindset that most independant party voters are just
disillusioned democrats tired of the 2 party system but it plain
old sucks for Mike Hatch to have lost the election like that.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
ROUND TWO.......

ROUND TWO.......

Another committee victory for Minnesota medical marijuana bill ~ Mar. 4, '09

Dear Dave:

Yesterday, the Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee voted 4-3 in favor of S.F. 97, which would protect seriously ill Minnesotans from the threat of arrest and jail for simply using their doctor-recommended medicine.

Please take five minutes right now to contact your state legislators today and convey your strong support for this crucial bill.

While this committee victory is yet another important milestone, we have to maintain our momentum moving forward. Legislators need to understand the importance of protecting the sick and dying from arrest in Minnesota. We expect to have another hearing within the week, so we need to keep the pressure on!

In just five minutes, you can contact your state legislators today. Cancer, HIV/ AIDS, and multiple sclerosis patients across the state are depending on you taking action immediately!

And, if you wish to help us finance this compassionate lobbying campaign, please visit http://www.mpp.org/donate to donate whatever you can now.

Thank you so much for your help in pushing Minnesota's medical marijuana bill forward. Together, we can make Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state.


Heather Azzi
Campaigns Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Round three.......

Round three.......

Two more committee victories for Minnesota medical marijuana bill

Dear Dave:

Victory! Yesterday, the Minnesota Senate Heath and Human Services Budget Division Committee voted 6-2 in favor of S.F. No. 97, which would protect seriously ill Minnesotans from the threat of arrest and jail for simply using their doctor-recommended medicine. And, on the heels of Tuesday's victory in the Senate, the House Civil Justice Committee voted in favor of the House version of MPP's medical marijuana bill today without a single dissenting vote.

Now, the bill moves on to probably the most difficult committee it will have to go through in the House. We urgently need all of our supporters to contact the Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee members now. You can find their contact information and some talking points here. It's imperative that the committee members understand the wide and deep support this compassionate measure enjoys before they vote. The bill is likely to receive a hearing in this committee sometime within the next few weeks.

If the Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee votes favorably on this legislation, the bill has an excellent chance of success in the House. Last session, medical marijuana legislation passed the full Senate but stalled on the House floor before receiving a vote. We need to generate and maintain momentum moving forward so that legislators understand the pressing need to protect the sick and dying from arrest in Minnesota.

Please contact the committee members today and convey your strong support for this crucial bill. Cancer, HIV/ AIDS, and multiple sclerosis patients across the state are depending on you taking action immediately!

Thanks so much for your help in pushing Minnesota's medical marijuana bill forward. Together, we can make Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state.


Heather Azzi
Campaigns Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Another committee victory for Minnesota's medical marijuana bill!

Another committee victory for Minnesota's medical marijuana bill!

Dear Dave (Smith):

Great news! Today, the Minnesota House Public Safety Policy and Oversight Committee voted 9-6 in favor of H.F. 292, MPP's medical marijuana bill. This was the toughest committee the bill had to face in the House, and we are now closer than ever to protecting seriously ill Minnesotans from arrest and prison for using their doctor-recommended medicine.

We can expect to see the bill on the Senate and House floor within weeks, so it is crucial that your state legislators know you strongly support this bill. Please take a moment to contact them now and convey the importance of protecting the sick and dying in Minnesota. You can find their contact information and some talking points here. You can make a difference in the lives of seriously ill Minnesotans by urging your representative and senator to support this compassionate and sensible legislation.

As far as we've come, we still have miles to go, and it's not cheap to effectively lobby a state legislature. It is imperative that we continue the momentum of this bill in order to secure its success this session. Would you please consider donating $10 or more to MPP's lobbying effort today? Cancer, HIV/ AIDS, and multiple sclerosis patients are depending on you to make this possible. Together, we can make Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state.

Thank you for your continued support. Please pass this alert on to everyone you know in Minnesota, and let's make 2009 the year Minnesota stops arresting medical marijuana patients!


Elizabeth Newman
Minnesota Organizer

P.S. If you are a patient, doctor, member of law enforcement, or would just like to get more involved with the medical marijuana lobbying effort, please contact me at [email protected]


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
WCCO News in Mnpls/St Paul did a telephone poll to
see how many residents would approve of medicinal
marijuana in the state, it was 96% FOR & 4% against.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Another committee victory for Minnesota's medical marijuana bill

Another committee victory for Minnesota's medical marijuana bill

Dear Dave (Smith):

Today, the Minnesota Senate Finance Committee voted 9-3 in favor of S.F. 97, which would allow seriously ill patients to use their doctor-recommended medicine without fear of arrest or jail.

This was the final committee stop in the Senate for MPP's medical marijuana bill. Soon, the full Senate will vote on whether to protect cancer, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/ AIDS patients from criminal penalties for using medical marijuana to ease their pain. This is a critical time for legislators to know their constituents support this bill. Please contact your senator now!

We are closer than ever to making Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state! You can do your part to ensure success by urging your legislators to support this bill. You can find their contact information and talking points here. Please take this moment to contact them and convey the importance of protecting the sick and dying in Minnesota.

Together, we can maintain the momentum of this bill and pass it this session; however, it's not easy. We need you to act now, and, if you can, please consider donating $10 or more to MPP's lobbying effort today.

Thank you for all you have done to help us get this far. Please pass this alert on to everyone you know in Minnesota, and let's make 2009 the year Minnesota stops arresting medical marijuana patients!


Elizabeth Newman
Minnesota Organizer

P.S. If you are a patient, doctor, member of law enforcement, or would just like to get more involved with the medical marijuana lobbying effort, please contact me at [email protected] .


Active member
Fingers crossed.
I've actually daydreamed about pawlenty getting hit by a car or something before he can veto it, lol.
Although I did read somewhere the other day he said he will "most likely" veto it, which is actually a ray of hope and slight departure from his "vow" to veto it before.
Gut feeling though, were going to get screwed, but I'm hoping not.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Minnesota medical marijuana bill passes key vote in Senate!

Minnesota medical marijuana bill passes key vote in Senate!

Got this in yesterdays emails.......

Minnesota medical marijuana bill passes key vote in Senate!

Dear Dave (Smith):

Exciting news! Today, S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, was debated on the floor of the Senate and passed 36-28! This is an enormous victory for some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and we could not have done it without your support. Hopefully, we are just a few short weeks away from ending the cruel practice of arresting the sick and the dying for simply trying to alleviate their pain.

Would you please donate at least $10 today, so we can continue our fight to push this compassionate legislation into law?

According to Minnesota legislative rules, the full Senate now must approve the bill again before it officially passes. This will likely happen tomorrow, in an up-or-down vote, without debate, and no amendments will be allowed. We fully expect the Senate will confirm its vote from today and officially pass the bill out of the chamber.

But you can never be too sure, so please take a moment to contact your state legislators today. It takes just a few minutes to send them an e-mail with our easy to use and convenient e-mail system.

Thank you for all you have done to push MPP's medical marijuana bill through the Senate. Victory is in sight!


Elizabeth Newman
Minnesota Organizer

P.S. If you are a patient, a doctor, a member of law enforcement, or would just like to get more involved with the medical marijuana lobbying effort, please contact me at [email protected].


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