Then cops should open fire on any suspected gang banger hanging on the street corner right? Many of these guys have guns, almost all are dangerous, and almost all are criminals, and almost all of them have committed crimes they haven't been tried for yet. So the pigs can just shoot them from a distance so long as the now dead suspect can be linked to any crime it's all good.
Sounds like a great country to live in.
Not even close. This isn't about whether he may or may not have committed a crime.
It's about him being an active danger to anyone that crossed his path.
He had already fired on officers once to evade capture.
So, your analogy would be "If a gang-banger had just killed someone in front of witnesses, opened fire on officers responding, and then hid inside an industrial park, and is located with weapon in hand, officers should die or risk his escape into the community instead of using deadly force."
He opened fire on police first. He chose how this was going to end. If he had changed his mind, he could have surrendered at any time without a weapon.
Had he been gunned down while attempting to surrender, then yeah, I'd be infuriated beyond reason.
Instead, this guy met every contact with anyone with deadly force. Complaining that his own rules were applied to him seems like hypocrisy by proxy.