"PC's Vapir Cafe" for members only or the chosen few...courtesy of Joey bag of donuts...
^^^ all these for a circle(1 oz) of seedless, trimmed "White Domina"...Joey bags will have great time in little italy tonite. surly the best trade of all I've made, even better then the power tools...
untrimmed budz of "White Domina" ...it's totally the oppisit spectrum of "Black Domina" a very potent sativa high with high yeilds I'm trying to get a cutting back and if i don't it doesnt matter i gots seeds.....
vaping and listening to the sounds of my fountain on my deck is very relaxing and tranquil... gonna definitly have a few vaping parties this year with shrooms...
nice trade for sure,,, save me a cap or two lol,,,peace