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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


Mr. Sparkle

Weekly update:

Bogan: Water programming seems to be good, the AK48's need to be moved over and the Mothers Trimmed back in possibly a week, also took some new clones, im trying a few things just to see.


Ashla: Doing well, the Critical Kush still isn't done, also the C99's are close to being done but still a week or so, which brings up the issue with me possibly having to chop them mid week, or letting them go an extra week past Friday due to holidays. Also got rid of the one mutant as it lost my faith with how it was growing, also topped the Darkdevil just cause it stretched too much due to being crammed in there.


Also here is a pic of some Alcohol extract i did the other day, from mainly the deseeded darkdevil bud from this last seed run, first time making an extract in quite some time, just use to do ethanol extracts reincorporated into butter for cooking to remove bud flavor, so first time having stuff like this, might sample some mid week, cant right now due to work.


Mr. Sparkle

Chopped down the C99's and Critical Kush today, would of liked to have them go a bit longer, but i leaving for holidays, and the AK48's need to be moved over, i'm doing a quick dry with only the buds then jarring with some boveda's for when im away, that way the boveda's can suck up any excess moisture, which there will be some, and then slowly cure them once im back.

Female Seeds - C99's at almost 8 Weeks

Barney's Farm - Critical Kush at Almost 10 Weeks


Active member
the critical kush looks nice and chunky. i am stuck on what to run next. i have a pack of barney's ck, but also a pack of rainbow jones and a bunch of other random packs and freebies from the past.

leaning towards maybe running 2 rj and 2 ck, or all 4 rj. every time i see ck it makes me want to grow it. does it retain it's kushiness, or is it mostly lost from the critical?

Mr. Sparkle

I've got a Critical Kush getting started in veg right now. What kind of smells are you getting out of it at 10 weeks?

It gives off a Fruity mixed with Cheesy scent with a skunk undertone, not something i particularly like as it just seems weird to me, but that's fully my preference and some people may like it.

the critical kush looks nice and chunky. i am stuck on what to run next. i have a pack of barney's ck, but also a pack of rainbow jones and a bunch of other random packs and freebies from the past.

leaning towards maybe running 2 rj and 2 ck, or all 4 rj. every time i see ck it makes me want to grow it. does it retain it's kushiness, or is it mostly lost from the critical?

Haven't smoked it yet, but that plant had buds that were solid indica heavy nugs, the plant had some stretch to it, but part of that was due to an early topping and how quick i run seeds through my boxes, it definitely different than a straight kush, but you can easily see the linage and similarities.

Take the above as just my opinion and nothing much more than that though, as i tend to favor heavy leaning sativa hybrids, with fruity and floral scents, over heavy indica based kushes, i just run them as you never know what you might like, and i now can see plant structures and similar characteristics between the types.

As for what seeds to run, run a mix if you want diversity, or only do one strain if you're hunting for keepers, that way you can compare them against each other, and just reveg them till you have your winner and cull the others. Kinda what im doing with my last packs of seeds i have and the AK48's im running through now.

Mr. Sparkle

Weekly update:

Bogan is now pretty empty couple of clones that may or may not root, some mother plants and three Bahia Black Heads


Ashla is also pretty spartan, but relatively full, with the 6 AK48's and the one Dark Devil, there may be some inconsistent watering due to the pots being spread away from each other some what but we will see how they do in a week, the AK48's are definitely enjoying the extra space, some show some small signs of lockout from being in Bogan, which either had to do with to high of a nute level, or that there wasn't enough dolomite lime in the last back of mix as i didn't add any in as i figured it already had enough in already, but i may of been wrong.



Looking great as usual.
Those C99 look insane in that picture. Did they stink up your place during the trim?
How does that Dark Devil like 12 hours of light?

Merry Christmas!

Mr. Sparkle

Looking great as usual.
Those C99 look insane in that picture. Did they stink up your place during the trim?
How does that Dark Devil like 12 hours of light?

Merry Christmas!

A little on the C99's but the smell is fruity and very non weed like in comparison to a lot of strains, so it wasn't bad at all, Also the Dark Devil is moving along happily by the looks of it, and thats why its in that case, as i wanted to see what it does under 12/12.


yep this is how its done!

What Ph nute adjustments you use during flower? When do you defoliate?


Mr. Sparkle

yep this is how its done!

What Ph nute adjustments you use during flower? When do you defoliate?


pH wise nothing apart from what the dolomite lime does by itself in my mix which is at a concentration of 1-2tbsp a gallon of mix, haven't looked at pH in quite awhile, is it ideal no probably not, but keeps it simple, the plants happy and i haven't had any issues apart from when i didnt re mix in anymore DL and re ran the mix with high nutrient concentrations.

As for defoliation, ideally never, but typically when things get too crowded and the plants start stretching too much (week 2-3), or after they have already started putting out good bud sets (week 4 ish) i strip off most of the main fan leafs which allows the lowers to get better light, But again if i don't have to then i don't, but me and you don't usually have that option with our grow spaces.


What kind/ size are those pots? Also what size are both of cases? Also what type of carbon setup are you using?

Thank you !


Active member
What kind/ size are those pots? Also what size are both of cases? Also what type of carbon setup are you using?

Thank you !

you can find the answer to every one of those questions earlier in the thread. the pots are diy (i believe he shows how he makes them somewhere in this thread), and there are two pc cases :)

Mr. Sparkle

Goats is correct, but go back to post #64 and #76 for the carbon filter and pots, and i give the sqft of both boxes in the first post of this thread #1 which is 0.85sqft for Bogan and right around 1sqft For Ashla, but the cases are as follows which you can look up on google, Bogan is a Corsair 330r, and Ashla is a bit larger Antec p280

Thanks for stopping by though.

Mr. Sparkle

Update: Shit happens

Things did Not go well for Bogan when i was away, somehow the Arduino that controls this box had the programming lock solid with it reading 10:46am and not being able to take soil readings, and it looks like it would of happened not long after i left, i have a guess at what happened but wont know till it happens again. So i came home too a crispy mess of the mothers and some struggling clones and Bahia Blackhead seedlings. The mothers are a loss, but ill have a clone of the Lemon Kush and two of the Cherry Bomb which isn't bad, even though the C99 was the one i liked most, so we will have to try out some of those C99 x Dark Devil Crosses as im out of straight C99 seeds

So Shit happens, but time to move on, here's a pic of the cleaned up box, the one Bahia Blackhead is struggling more than the others but i expect it to recover, Also all the Bahia Blackheads i for some reason labeled as ak48's which they aren't, so they got corrected.


As for Ashla she did well, a couple of the plants were a bit too dry compared to the others but i expected that to possibly happen, The Dark Devil is filling out Nicely under the 12/12 we will have to wait and see the end results though, as for the AK48's they scavenged a bit of their bottom leaves which isn't an issue with a dense canopy also looks like they would like a touch more nitrogen, but i'm gonna run as is for awhile, as i know they wont need as much after stretch, Also of the 6 seedlings all turned out to be female, was hoping for a couple males so i could free up space for the Bahia Blackheads, but i'm not complaining ;)



have you considered a heartbeat on a output going to a reset ?
i saw one on hack a day tinker email for Arduino just the other day....
I'll see if i can find it :)


I forgot to say sorry to hear about the loss too :(
i think Ashla will makeup for it :)
now the Arduino, its called a watchdog not a heartbeat, and i cant find the one i read about, but im sure you'll be able to find something on google about it.

keep those updates coming :)

Mr. Sparkle

thanks for the idea ice-cream, haven't searched it yet, but i can imagine the coding structure somewhat, with control loops defaulting to trip the reset, i'll definitely take a look into it.

As for Ashla making up for it, i'm sure she will :), but i'm not worried as i'm in a situation of quite a bit of oversupply for my consumption rate which is very light, i could easily go to next year and some, before i would consider growing some more. But i wouldn't be consuming the choice stuff by that point.

Update: For the thread

The one Bahia Blackhead will not be making it, checked this morning and it's pretty much done, i'm thinking i might toss the smaller cherry bomb as well, and then run the 4 left through Ashla when i have some space, and reveg the plants that i want to keep. Which leaves an empty Bogan, haven't decided what i'm gonna do yet, but i'll think on it some more.


I hate the return from a long trip. I had a buddy of mine water things for me while I was on a family vacation a couple years back and I came home to a bone dry cloner...

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