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Micro Adventures with Mr. Sparkle


Mr. Sparkle

Very nice show Mr. Sparkle! Like your style buddy! Keep rocking it!

Thanks Buddah

Edit: Might as well add it to this post

I pulled the trigger after a bit too much thinking and calculations, first i decided not to build a new box for quite a few reasons that i could get into if people were wondering, but i did decide to upgrade the LED's in Ashla wanted to go with 4 led's for better coverage, but for the hassle and already being outfitted for two i've decided to just do a straight upgrade, the only thing changing is the led's which is about $40, The color spectrum is going more blue as well "5000k" as i like it in bogan, plus it may help keep the plants a bit shorter, but i should be getting about 30% more light after the swap, gotta love tech advancement.

Also plucked some seeds off the other dark devil, looking at about 150 off of it so far, so we will have a good 300-400+ seeds when all is said and done, i'm gonna chop what left probably Sunday to mid week next week at the latest, and grab what seeds are still left.

I Still haven't decided on what gonna fill the spots in both boxes as the DP blueberry's in Ashla will be coming down shortly as well.
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Mr. Sparkle

Here's that trifoliate for anyone who is wondering, also you may notice the two seedling behind it, those happen to be some dark devil seedlings from this current batch of seeds, they were actually some green seeds i popped the shell of and threw in a wet paper towel, doing quite well surprisingly.


Mr. Sparkle

Thanks Panicmode

Weekly update:

Bogan is moving along, will be taking out the older dark devils in a week by the latest, have now collected around 420+ seeds off them, but mainly waiting for the one to finish probably a good 50+ more, as i did a second later pollination on it, so its those seeds that aren't quite done yet. The think differents are now into full flower mode so they will be bulking up, and the new seedlings are progressing, the trifoliate is most likely gonna have some purple hues as the under side of the leafs show some pigment. and the one green seed dark devil seedling might get plucked and ill just leave the one as its doing better.

But to take up the space ill be starting up the 6 seeds left of Nirvana-AK48 i've had them for awhile but haven't run them yet.


Ashla is fair, i need to do a general cleaning and scrub the tray as there are a lot of root remnants, also the last watering cycle it seems i possibly forgot to kill the reservoir aka "adding bleach" so i have i minor algae bloom for what's left in the reservoir, its almost empty so ill give a scrub down when i start switching over to the new COB's which arrived the other day, they would be in already but they are gonna take a bit to put in, as the old COB's are thermal epoxyed to the heatsinks, so i'm gonna have to chisel them off and sand the heat sink flush and drilling and tap some holes for the new COB's which will be screwed on for easier replacement in the future, that and the heatsinks are glued to the roof of the case, so i have a feeling im gonna probably break them free, so they will need to be reglued aswell, so its gonna take a bit of work and ill do it on a free day.

The blueberry's have maybe a week left, and the c99 clones are just at the almost done stretching starting flowering stage so they will fill out, the critical kush and purple kush are being ungainly monsters in the back corner, but they are starting to fill out 3-4weeks left for them maybe a bit more, we will see.



What model are your cobs and where did you source them?
What were your old cobs (sorry, if you had previously mentioned it)?

Mr. Sparkle

What model are your cobs and where did you source them?
What were your old cobs (sorry, if you had previously mentioned it)?

Digikey for the new ones Mouser for the old ones, the old ones were some Luminus CXM-18's in a 3000k spectrum i was over driving them at 1a initially a year ago but ran into a driver issue so scaled them back to 0.7a, the new ones are Bridgelux Vero 18's in a 5000k spectrum, the veros have their own holder vs the V series which is just the chip, but there isn't a whole lot of difference between the two other than the color spectrum and the bridgelux's put out more light at the same amperage, the swap wasn't needed but i wanted to.

Speaking of that got the new Leds in, messed up one of the holes i was drilling for the holder, but just shifted the COB and drilled a new one.

Here's a Pic of it now, not completely accurate but none of my photos are color wise anyways, but its very close.


Mr. Sparkle

Thanks guy i appreciate it.

I tweaked a couple things today and Bogan is starting to explode. I'm doing a test to see how long my reservoirs last, and also decreased the nutrient concentration in Bogan as it was a tad to high for how things were looking. I may post a pic in a day or two, as i wouldn't mind showing you how dark the one dark devil has gotten, even though normally you wouldn't run her that long.
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Mr. Sparkle

this is an amazing garden you have for such a small space.

Thanks Cheesebuds

Wanted to share a couples photos almost midweek, as these were taken yesterday.

First here's two shot of how the new mothers were and are doing with a before and after shot, i could of took a ton of clones if i wanted but they just needed to be trimmed back, i really only trim back this harshly if i know i don't need anything from for a while, but they will be exploding again in a week or two anyways, also trimmed off the crud on the revegged cherry bomb.



Next we have some shots of what's left of the dark devils, the small one i chopped yesterday, and the other i'll wait till the end of the week as even though i already have 200+ seed from that one it still has a good 50+ more to give up if i just wait a bit.



Here are the Think Different's, gave them a light trim on their insides to open things up a little but the one of the right is kinda a half mutant, i like the one on the left better, structure and plant wise but they are what they are.

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Mr. Sparkle

Here's the trifoliate, and its sister plant which isn't the best but is moving along, notice the trifoliate and the sister plant has a bit of mutation, which would make sense for the original plant it came off of and my expert breeding skills at the time lol


Then finally two of the four Dutch Passion Blueberries over in the other box, which are just finishing up, there starting to be decently odorous but in a musky, skunk type way, so who knows how these compare to real Blueberries, so far i'm a bit skeptical, and Dutch passion hasn't quite impressed me with their genetics, as their Auto Mazars were absolute junk, or the ones i got at least, the orange bud was alright, but underwhelming, and the think differents aren't really mind blowing just a decent growing plants, that doesn't really have any exceptional qualities, at least to me.


Forgot to add also pulled off 50 seeds of a C99xDark Devil Cross, just to play around and knowing full well some will be autos and some will not be
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Mr. Sparkle

Decided to chop the Blueberries today, could of went a couple days longer but they were right at the end anyways, the second from the right is the one that appeals to me the most so i kept the lowest section and threw it in Bogan after a good flush and quick scrape of the old roots on the outside of the bag, it will stay around till we have some dried and cured bud to give a test of.


Mr. Sparkle

got me a triple brancher going too, my 3rd time coming across it, in different strain

Cool what's your take on it, all of the ones i've had typically are slower growers and don't yield near as much for whatever reason.

This one is trying to be as short and wide as possible at the moment, or so than i've seen with other plants, its kinda like its say screw trying to grow for the light i'm just gonna be ground cover and take up as much space as possible, lol but ill be flowering it shortly probably throwing it to the other box tomorrow or sunday.

Btw for everyone else here the Remnants of the Dark Devil that i've already deseeded, well most of it, but it will get a dry and then picked through for it last bit of seeds, then off to possibly make hash or something out of.

Definitely would not let it go this long normally at 11 weeks from seed when she seems to be a 8 to 8.5week strain, but because i was making seeds and didn't care about getting some bud in the end i just let her go, really dense and still smells good, went really dark as well in the last couple weeks.

As for seeds we have to be in the 500+ range, and we didn't even saturate the plants they came off of, so saying that and using pots a tad bigger than your typical can of soda/beer/whatever and only really pollinating 2ish plants i think we can say it was rather productive.

A weekly update will come shortly but here's a pic of that darkdevil


Mr. Sparkle

What is your average yield?

That dark devil is freakin beautiful!

Thank you, and honestly i don't know, as yield hasn't been a concern as these boxes keep me in a state of oversupply very easily for my consumption rates, and ive been hunting through genetics for quite awhile now, so plants come and go regularly.

Run down wise a typical plant in my 400ml pots can yield 3-10+g depending on the plant and how well or not it ran through its cycle, the average is around 5g and i can fit 17 in the one case and 14 in the other, so if going by the math i'd be hitting a bit over the gram per watt benchmark, as the boxes run around 67w or so a piece, but that's just the math not actual tracked results, i haven't ever done or tried a max yield run but i'd like too just to see what i could get, but i still have some more genetics to sift through first.

I guess i could keep track but doing the genetic hunting kinda skews the results, with not all plants making it to harvest, and being more concerned about phenotypic expression than yield, but tell you what i'll start weighing things from the last blueberries and that darkdevil.

Ill also add my weekly update to this post

So weekly update:

Everything is looking a bit barren and isn't running anywhere near full capacity but that fine as it allows me to kinda reboot and have a partial fresh start.

We have 3 mother plants soon to be bulking out, with a potential fourth if i like the dried product of the one blueberry from the last run, the Think Different's are getting bulky we have two to three weeks left on them, and a sole Dark Devil seedling from a green seed of this last batch of seeds, i plucked the other green seed one as it was having issues.

But that leaves a bit of space to fill so i'm planning to drop some regular ak48 seeds shortly, and will decide what else after that, i just need to plan it out.

Oh and looks like the soil sensor failed or was giving false readings, so i ripped it out and will be upgrading it to the current stainless steel version i have in the other box.


Quite barren as well, moves those two FJM's over today, and we have the 4 C99 clones i'm running some pruning tests on which are 4 weeks out and the purple and critical kush plants are about 3 weeks out.

Also added a bit more programming to the arduino code of this box, which was a bit more complex than i expected, but i decided to have the Reset button which was already wired out to act as a watering bypass button, it now allows me to water with a button press or easily empty the reservoir when i want too. I'll be adding the code to the other box once i know everything is running normally.


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