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Michigan MMJ Law change could stop patients from growing their own meds



nothing ever came of this bs stunt in the judiciary committee. Perhaps the legislatures decided to finally smoke one.


Active member
ICMag Donor
We will not fucking tolerate this shit....you gotta remember, this is Michigan and we are some ruthless motherfuckers here. We spoke, we won, we will defend with our teeth and nails.

I love that, and you aint fucking kidding!!!


Active member
ICMag Donor
I feel like killing some one today, by over-stuffing their faces with doobies.
too many local governments see it as a potential economic boost to the nation's worst economy for this bill to be passed. remember the people voting on it in lansing are the elected representatives of a city or small town. Many of those are looking to gain residents and tax revenue by having a relaxed attitude towards medical marijuana businesses.

dude where are you from? I'm from the state that fucked up having a death grip on the auto industry this state loves to fuck up a wet dream. Look at Granholm i cant put anything past that idiot. i believe they would love to pull this from the common citizen and give it to big business if they could this state has never been small business friendly. i hope you are right through brother because I've NEVER grown before i was legal and now that i have many thousands of dollars in equipment if they think they are taking my right away i will be forced to go underground and grow just to recuperate my investment because their a bunch of indecisive bitches.


just don't molest my colas..
well nothing has come of this yet. it was just something brought up in the house. nothing is going to change. things are going our way. sucks that you didn't grow till you were legal. guess you're behind the curve. I'm not telling you where I'm from, but at least 3 municipalities around me are looking into rezoning warehouses for caregiver grows and retail sites for cannabusiness.
xceptional- damn the man, do your thing whether you're legal or not. they can't keep you from growing your medicine. i know dozens of people that aren't medical and have been growing for years. michigan isn't too concerned with busting grows.